One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 155: Festival

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After that, Sasuke made a very disappointing expression, and seemed to be really dissatisfied with the performance of the pocket.

Seeing the performance of Sasuke, I couldn’t help but wonder why Sasuke repeatedly ridiculed him and beat him to let him fight with him constantly.

Is there any conspiracy? Sasuke's weird performance really made him suspicious. Speaking of it, the IQ of the pocket is far superior to that of ordinary people. This is also an important reason why the pocket has been undercover for more than ten years and has not been discovered.

Indeed, as I thought about it, Sasuke wanted to arouse his fighting spirit and let him break out his potential and let him really grow up.

Pocket only guessed the surface, deeper, Sasuke felt that the current ninja is still too calm, you must add a catalyst to make it more exciting, whether it is development or Ninjutsu strength, Sasuke wants to improve It is best to become irreversible, and all the gods will show up together, and they will be raging! In this way, the revival of Uchiha is more certain.

However, at this time, Sasuke did not give time to think about it, and his body momentum rose sharply, step by step toward the pocket, and the invisible Chakra gas field made him breathless.

I really don't know why Sasuke is doing this. Simply, I don't think about it anymore. The most important thing now is how to get back in front of Sasuke.

Seeing that Sasuke was not far from him, there was a flash of light in his eyes, and he could only use that trick!

Under the hand, the strong spirit of the dead spirit erupted from the circumference of the pocket, the blue light surging, the ground dirt not far away rolled, and the arm continued to extend from the ground, the next moment, a dead body with decay from the ground Climb out, the scene is awkward!

this is!

Sasuke was surprised to see the technique of the pocket. Isn't this the undead technique he saw in his online novels? I still have this in my pocket. It’s too much.

Finally, I finished the print, but it was all the chakras that consumed my body.

The body of the pocket fell to the ground, and the corpse was controlled by the gods. In an instant, all the bodies were like alive, the limbs swayed, and even a sharp scream, like a group of corpses.

"Sasuke, although not yet complete, but what about you in the face of such a move?" The glasses flashed white, revealing a strange smile, "Go, my army of dead spirits!"

In an instant, the group of corpses exploded, and all the bodies screamed, and they danced like claws, and they rushed to Sasuke like a flood.

The decaying corpse smells the air, a few people want to nausea, facing the rotting corpse, Sasuke covers his nose, his eyes are slightly condensed, so he can't attack close.

All the corpses quickly reached the front of Sasuke, and the black and yellow liquid was dripping on the rotting, and the corpse was covered with the whole body and squirming. Some of the bodies are incomplete, broken arms and legs, and the abdomen breaks through the big holes, revealing the rotten internal organs, and the body smells smoky.

In order not to be tainted by the body, Sasuke has a thunder, and a thin lightning gauze is formed to protect himself. His body flashes and escapes from the corpse army.

Seeing this one of his own actions, the flash of surprise in the eyes, the current army of the body to carry out a more aggressive offensive against Sasuke.

Avoiding a corpse, Sasuke immediately stayed away from the corpse, but all the bodies were like floods, constantly rushing to Sasuke, how can they get rid of them.

"It's really annoying!"

Sasuke's gaze reveals a cool color, and his body is thunderous and violent. The huge thunder light is excited from Sasuke. Just like the thunder and lightning, for a moment, all the thunder and light roared and spread around, and the thunder of lightning shines all within a radius of 100 meters.

"Three thousand thunder dances!"

Along with the low sputum of Sasuke, the earth cracked, and the huge corpse quickly turned into smoke under the thunder, and the smell of the stench was cleaned up, and the thunder of the burst would destroy everything around.

When the light was scattered, the gray-black ash-like material was left on the unrecognizable land, but it was the ashes left by the corpse that had just been destroyed by the thunder.

After performing three thousand thunder dances, Sasuke’s face is somewhat whitish. Three thousand thunder flashes are the most powerful move of Sasuke. It is a horrible consumption of Chakra. Counting the few thunders that have just been released, now, Saskatchewan’s Chakra is only half the size left.

It’s really a trick, and Sasuke’s heart is dark.

Immediately, Sasuke helps the body to run the demon pot, and the warm energy of the road is stimulated from the heart, supplementing the chakra that he lost in his body.

In the distance, I’ve been watching Sasuke’s situation. When Sasuke used the powerful “Three Thunder Thunder”, his heart suddenly burst into endless fear. He clearly felt the horror of the thunder, the power Almost no human beings.

"It's terrible. Is he Raytheon? How can there be such a strong thunderbolt!!"

The sweat of the big ball dripped from the front of the pocket, pale, and the body was soft, too strong, so terrible, really terrible, timid and fear has never been so strong.

"No, I have to leave here, or I will die!"

He whispered and whispered, and immediately turned around, and luck Chakra hurriedly fled.

Taking a breath, Sasuke wrote the wheel eye to lock the pocket that was about to escape, and his body shape flashed, and immediately used high-speed body surgery to turn into a shadow.

The escaping escaping saw the powerful momentum behind him, and the movements at his feet were a little faster. He had only one thought in his heart, and he could not let Sasuke catch it.

Even though the effort was hard, the distance between Sasuke and him was drastically weakened. In less than a minute, Sasuke caught up with him.

Suddenly, the black shadow in front of the pocket flashed, it was Sasuke.

"Where are you going to escape?"


Sweat in the rain, hurriedly flee to the other side.

Sasuke sneered, a fist shadow broke through the heavy air, whistling and zooming in front of the pocket.

Hey! The huge force made the pockets roll and fall to the ground.

"Are you still running?"

Sasuke walked slowly to the front of the pocket, and looked down at the pocket that was pouring out on the ground.

Write a round blush, the face is full of calm and calm.

"Sasuke let me go, I don't want to die..."

In the face of Sasuke, I knew that I couldn’t escape. At this time, I actually picked up my body and asked for help from Sasuke.

"Sasuke, let me go, spare me..."

Seeing the performance of the pocket, Sasuke suddenly threw up the endless disgust in his heart, and put his body to the side. His tone was full of sarcasm. "I really want to beg, oh, I thought you would die and die. I didn’t expect it to be so easy." Give up, hey, it’s like a dog at home!"

The sarcasm in Sasuke's tone made him resentful, but the fear and inferiority in his heart were even worse. The entangled psychology made him choose to yield.

Sasuke was condescending, and finally took a deep look at his eyes, his eyes with a meaningful look.

In the surprised eyes, Sasuke turned and left, and the scornful words still echoed in his ears.

"Now you are not worthy of me, you are a dog of a family, or just keep your life. If you want to beat me, wait until you have enough strength to come to me."

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