One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 156: Festival

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However, he said that the big snake pill escaped, fully urging the body to check the carat, galloping all the way in the land, facing the joint hand and the self-combined offensive, he had to temporarily avoid the edge.

Being forced to this point, the big snake pill hated thousands of hearts, and even if he did not fight, he fled, so it was a humiliation for the big snake pill. But this can only be the case. The self and the hand are not vegetarian. His hands are abolished, and he can't bear any ninjutsu at all.

Moreover, he has always wanted to kill the big snake pill. His life has been greatly threatened. Under the strong survival, he can only be so exhausted.

What I can do now is to get to that place as soon as possible, and join hands with that person, maybe there is a chance to win.

Both the self and the hand are flying straight to catch up, but still behind the big snake pill, the desire to survive, the potential of people is always infinite, and often can explode more powerful than usual.

Under the exhaustion, the big snake pill finally rushed to a low-lying place where there was an ambush that he had already arranged. When coming out of Yin Ren Village, Da Shemao had already made arrangements for retreating. He ordered Jun Ma Lu to respond here, just to avoid unexpected incidents. Now it is really useful to arrange the pieces.

Speaking of it, Jun Ma Lu was seriously injured in the action of killing the wind and shadow with the big snake pill, and the body was seriously damaged in many places. However, it survived, even the big snake pill has the physical quality of Jun Ma Lu. Surprised, this power does not seem to be human.

Jun Ma Lu heard that the big snake pill was looking for a hand, worried about his safety, and regardless of his physical condition. Immediately behind the big snake, he responded to him.

In a secret area of ​​the depression, there is a tent out of the air, which is very abrupt. This is where Jun Ma Lu is.

In the tent, the white-haired man with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes, and the corner of his mouth slid a slight curve. Has it finally come? Big snake pill adult.

The body shape quickly sneaked in the ground, feeling the breath of Jun Ma Lu, the big snake pill heart loose, finally arrived?

Unblocking the sneak, the body is exposed to the ground, feeling the fresh air on the ground, and screaming: "Jun Ma Lu!"

The next moment, the white-haired man in white clothes appeared in front of the big snake pill, pale face, two red prints in front of the forehead, the expressionless face, as if it was ice-hardened, the temperament and Sasuke are somewhat similar.

"The big snake pill adult, I am waiting for you for a long time." Jun Ma Lu slightly subtle, the tone is dull, it seems that it should be like that.

Seeing Jun Ma Lu, the big snake pill face is hard to show a friendly color, some excited said: "Jun Ma Lu, you are here, or you really don't know how to be good."

Knowing that the big snake pill has encountered trouble, Jun Ma Lu said: "It is my responsibility to share the big snake pill."

At this time, there was a sudden burst of sound in the distance. In the next second, a man and a woman appeared in the vicinity of Dashe Pill and Jun Ma Lu. It was also the self and the hand.

When I saw Jun Ma Lu next to the big snake pill, I frowned and frowned. How come out again! And it seems that the strength is not weak.

"Haha, the master, the self, too, you really can catch up here, I will not escape the next battle!"

Dashen Pill is confident that with the help of Jun Ma Lu, he can retreat under the attack of two shadow-level powerhouses, and he can easily relax when he speaks.

The hand tightened his fist and said: "Da snake pill, don't be proud, do you think you can escape? What can you do with your hands?"

"Haha, outline hand, you are really a little me, then I will let you know my true strength!"

The big snake pill has a strange look on the surface. Later, the monarchs around him moved, and the body was purple Chakra. The endless black mantra spread from his chest. In an instant, his momentum increased several times.

This is not over yet, the black mantra quickly illusion, the purple light flashed, Jun Ma Lu skin suddenly turned gray-brown, long hair, forming a large piece of gray, the most bizarre is the long tail behind, like a dragon.

"this is!"

Seeing the change of Jun Ma Lu, the pupils have also shrunk. From Jun Ma Lu, he clearly felt the Chakra power of natural attributes, similar to his immortalization.

However, the natural attribute of Jun Ma Lu, Chakra is negative, full of dark and dark atmosphere.

The eyes are also dignified, and some low said: "The big snake pill, have you completed the study of the surgery?"

"Oh, as you can see, I have finished it. I have done it. Although it is very hard, I have finally completed the creative ninja in the world of tolerance."

The big snake pill licked his tongue and looked at Jun Ma Lu as if he was watching a very fine piece of art.

The hand of the side heard the dialogue between the two people. What kind of ninjutsu research is in the fog?

"The immortalization, the research of the big snake pill is the ninjutsu that allows the average person to easily carry out the immortalization. What you see now is a unique immortalization, or a curse." The self is also dignified. Say the word to the hand.


The heart of the hand is shocked, it turns out to be a fairy, and has the big snake pill really done that step?

"Oh, although it is not the same as the orthodox immortalization, but it has a rough prototype. Do you know? When I completed this research, I really felt that I was so great, as if I had mastered the world. All the truths are like God. Do you know that feeling is really the happiest being in the world."

In the end, the big snake pill couldn't help but provoke I was very excited and seemed to be telling a very proud thing.

The hand frowned and said: "The big snake pill, do you really take yourself as a god? Do you have such a horrible thing, do you commit less evil?"

“What about violating people and what? For all the truths of the world, what can be counted for success?!”

Everyone knows the nature of the big snake pill. He was a madman since he was a child. For the so-called truth in his heart, he can do it even if he sells his relatives and friends.

I don't want to be insane with the self, and the big snake pill immediately ordered Jun Ma Lu to come to the side, whispering a few words, Jun Ma Lu nodded, and made a posture for the self and the hand.

The big snake pill snorted, without warning, and turned into a snake, and attacked the opposite side of the self.

It is also unambiguous in the face of the attack. In the face of the attack of the big snake pill, it is more than enough. Although the shape of the big snake pill is flexible and changeable, it still grabs his weakness from time to time, and comes from time to time.

Jun Ma Lu is on the top of the hand, the body condenses the bone sword everywhere, the body shape rotates, like a blade storm.

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