One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 167: Festival

The master of the five generations, Muye Village is celebrating, although most people in the village do not understand who the hand is, but have never seen her, but they know the first generation, know that the master is the granddaughter of the first generation, this One point is enough.

The so-called human name, the shadow of the tree, due to the relationship of the first generation, the hand quickly won most of the people's hearts, and the people of Muye are very supportive and trustful to the master.

I don’t know when, the story of the master hand is circulating in the street, saying that she was the savior sent by the first generation to save the wood leaves. What is more, said that the hand is the **** of medicine and came to save the people of the wood leaf in the fire .

However, these rumors are naturally not in the ears of the master, at this time, she is busy preparing for the many issues of the fire.

The ceremony was a very complicated process. It was no less than any grand ceremony. The leaves began to move from top to bottom. It took eight days from the start of preparation, but it only completed most of it. There are still many issues. Waiting for perfection.

The largest office in the Huo Ying Building is the place where Huo Ying specializes in business.

Looking at the thick instruments in his hand, the eyebrows of the hands were crumpled, his face was full of irritability, and he closed the papers and kept them on the table. He muttered: "How can it be so troublesome, it is really annoying!"

At this time, the office door creaked, and the outline of the hand was finished. The previous irritability disappeared without a trace, and it was replaced with the color of peace.

"Come in."

The office door opened, but it was silent to hold the dolphin.

I saw the mute and respectfully said: "The master of the hand, Sasuke is coming."

Knowing that Sasuke is the scorpion of the master, mute here is not to lose the etiquette used "Sato help the young master."

Sasuke is coming? There was a glimmer of joy in the heart of the hand, saying: "Let him come in."

These days, the master has been busy with preparations. Since that night, she has never seen Sasuke again. She said that she really missed this nephew.

After a while, the mute came with Sasuke, and the hand let the mute leave, fight for space, and prepare to speak with Sasuke.

When I was quiet, I heard the outline complained: "How many days have elapsed, don't look at my aunt and forget my aunt?"

Sasuke said, "Forgot? How?"

"Why don't you come to see me there?" The master hand came over and screwed up Sasuke, and he was angry.

Sasuke escaped the poisonous hand of the hand and argued: "I saw my aunt busy these two days, so I didn't bother to interrupt. I am sorry."

In fact, Sasuke is also trying to avoid suspicion. The master is going to be a fire shadow. He is in a sensitive period. If he ventures to find a master at this time, he will be entangled with her. When he is seen by outsiders, he will definitely make irresponsible remarks. Flying up will have a great impact on the reputation of the master.

Indeed, the relationship between Sasuke and Tsuna is really doubtful. It is impossible for ordinary aunts to reach their level. Sometimes, in the eyes of outsiders, the actions they see are really embarrassing, but they are a bit like men and women. relationship.

The master also knows the concern of Sasuke. Isn’t she so? Just because of the psychological psychology of women, I will complain, and the right to vent their complaints.

Entertaining Sasuke to sit down, the master sitting on the main character of the fire, watching his own voice, the eyes flashed a playful look, said: "Sasuke, how do you think of coming to your aunt today? Isn't it always been avoided?"

Sasuke sneered and said: "That, I am looking for you today. Actually, it is actually a bit of a thing..."

The director saw Sasuke talking and vomiting. He knew that he had something to ask himself. He immediately said, "What's wrong, the little devil, is it troublesome? Would you like me to help you with cooking? Don't worry, my aunt is Huo Ying, these things are still not there. Under the words."

Sasuke looked at the outline hand with a depressed face. He really thought of him as coming and going to the back door to find her. He said, "Well, I want to ask my aunt today."

"what's up?"

Sasuke knows the temper of the master, she has never liked to turn around, and said directly: "Amount, can aunts accept Sakura as a disciple?"

"Sakura?" The eyebrows of the hand frowned, a beautiful girl with long pink hair appeared in her mind. As a fire shadow, we must understand the basic information of all the wood leaf ninja. When watching the wood leaf ninja flower roster, the master hand I remembered Sakura.

I know that Sakura is the girlfriend of Sasuke. I don’t know why, the director will actually eat Sakura’s vinegar. Some tastes say: “You are here for her, is it so good for her?”

Sasuke smirked and replied: "Aunt doesn't think too much. After all, it is a girl I like, so I want to help her. If my aunt can accept her as an apprentice, I will be very grateful."

When I heard Sasuke say "like", the heart of the hand was sour and sour, as if the thing that was originally his own was taken away, he said coldly: "You really care about her, since you want As a disciple, let her come in person. Do you still understand the truth of respecting the teacher?"

Sasuke knows that there is complaint in the heart of the hand, and then he said: "I will let her come, I believe that my aunt will be very satisfied with her."

The hand coldly screamed, and the words turned and said: "The little devil, listen to others, your private life is quite chaotic, there are actually three girlfriends, and a fiancee, hey, it is really not simple!"

In the end, it turned out that there was a bit of reprimand, and it was obvious that the master was angry.

I remembered Sasuke's confession, and I was so unaware of the anger, and there were so many girls, it was really a scum! In this The most annoying thing for the masters is those who have the heart, who have provoked one after another, and really took themselves as a stallion.

Humph! Never spare him!

The hand got up and walked to the front of Sasuke. He hated the teeth and the teeth, and the fists in his hands made the teeth rubbing. The Sasuke, who was sitting down and looking down, angered and said: "Let's say, kid, how do you want to die?"

Seeing the performance of the master, Sasuke’s heart was born with a sense of timidity. I don’t know if it’s because of the aunt’s aunt, or because the heart is really embarrassed, and I’m really overwhelmed.

The outline of the hand, Liu Mei fell down, grabbed Sasuke's collar, and shouted: "Little devil, I thought you were quite good. I didn't expect you to be such a person. It really disappoints me!"

Because of the strength, Sasuke was actually raised by the hard-working, but it was like Sasuke being captured by the master.

Seeing that the hand is really angry, Sasuke is not good, and does not resist. He said in a strong voice: "Aunt, let me go first. Let's sit down and say."

"Do not let!" The master is very reluctant, do not teach Sasuke, she will not let go.

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