One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 168: Festival

Sasuke had no choice but to use his strength and his body shape. With his skillfulness, he got to the side and said, "Aunt, you listen to me."

"Don't listen!" Where the hand has managed so much, the only way to help the idiots, catch up with Sasuke, and make a punch.

The boxing style, Sasuke has to temporarily avoid the edge, only the road hand is just a moment, but did not fight back, just relying on the flexibility of the body to dodge.

Within the office, the hands and Sasuke are chasing one, and the tables and chairs around them are so bad. With the destruction of the cockroaches, they are ruined under the hands of the hands.

Outside the office, a group of people heard the movements inside the office, thinking that something happened, they had to go in and check it out, but they were all silenced and said that there was no order, no one could enter.

The crowds were getting more and more crowded, and they quickly filled the passages. They talked about the scenes inside the house. Oh, it was very noisy. Mute looked at the more and more wood leaf ninja, the heart secretly bitter, only hope that the hands and Sasuke quickly stopped.

Finally, after a muffled sound, the house did not move, it looked very awkward.

"Little devil, let me go."

I saw that the hand was held by Sasuke Sasuke, and both of them fell to the ground. The assistant's foot was like a rope, and the body of the hand was restrained. In a short time, the hand did not break free.

She was hugged by Sasuke, and her hand was ruddy. She could feel that Sasuke’s hands and feet were placed in some sensitive places. The pressure and touch that came from her made her very angry.

Sasuke knew that he had caught the place where he should not be caught. The soft touch that came from his hand made him feel scared. The seven points were amazed, the three-pointed excitement, and the intertwined contradiction really made him nervous.

Feeling that the assistant in the assistant was over-excited, the director said with shame: "Little devil, you really don't let it go! Be careful that the old lady killed you!"

Facing the intimidation of the master, Sasuke did not care about it. The play said: "I don't let go, if I let it go, it will be a dead end."

Seeing Sasuke, the hands of the hands of the hands, the moment, the strange force broke out from the body, and gradually broke away from the help of Sasuke.

Sasuke's secret passage is not good, but the huge force is really irresistible. The hand is loose, the hand is to reverse the situation, and the eyes will be out of his control.

No longer hesitating, Sasuke immediately started again, ready to control the hands.

At this point, the hands of the hand have prepared, Sasuke's action is very difficult, abrupt, Sasuke's body shape turned, with the skill to reinforce the hand.

In fact, Sasuke is so easy to master the master, but also because the director did not use real power for him, or else even if he is three, he can not beat the master in strength.

Sustained by Sasuke, there is an impulse in the heart of the hand, I really want to let this game go on, I really want to experience this fresh stimulation.

However, the posture at this time is really embarrassing, I saw the two bodies are opposite, the hands are entangled, Sasuke's head just happens to face the outline of the hand. The hands of the hand, some of the rapid breathing, spewed on the Sasuke, with a touch of rose flowers, it is very intoxicating.

The hand was blushing on the cheeks because of the shackles of the action, and looked at Sasuke in front of him, and the red cloud was even better. Speaking of it, she was so close to Sasuke for the first time. Sasuke’s handsome appearance made the outline of the hand feel strange. I don’t know why, she wanted to bite Sasuke, right, yes, it’s biting. .

Because I like it and want to bite, this quirk is really pretty.

The awkward atmosphere rose between the two, and Sasuke could clearly hear the more rapid heartbeat of the hands, and it was like a deer.

Speaking of it, Sasuke's innermost heart has a bit of inconsistency on the outline. Some of the Oedipus plots, when he sees the outline, give birth to an evil emotion, and he wants to happen with the master. However, Sasuke is not a scum, but he can still control himself. When this emotion rises, he is crushed and hidden in the deepest part of his heart, trying to seal it forever.

However, at this time, so faced with the outline, the emotion in Sasuke’s heart began to burst out, revealing a hint of inconsistency.

The soft elasticity of the chest, the jade in front of the face, the fragrant air in the nose, will be surrounded by Sasuke.

really beatiful……

Sasuke only felt that his mouth was dry, and his heart suddenly gave birth to an impulse. In the horror of the outline, the kiss was in the hands of the fragrant lips.

The eyes of the hand are very big, and the beauty of the eyes is open, and how can it be like this? !

He actually kissed me!

At this point, the eyes of the hand are closed, the heart is screaming, finished, my first kiss, no more...

Being helped by Sasuke, the heart of the hand is entangled, how can he do this? Although I like it very much, it is unforgivable to do this without my consent!

At the moment, I struggled to escape the **** of Sasuke. However, it is so easy, and the constant twisting makes the contact between the two people closer. Sasuke can clearly feel the fullness and roundness of the chest of the hand.

This little devil! And Sasuke thoroughly close to the body, the outline of the hand flew up the red Xia, such as the face of jade more charming.

Looking at the expression of the struggling figure, Sasuke’s heart suddenly stunned and kissed her, so that the ghost kissed her. !

Since the encounter with the master, the heart of the Oedipus plot, Sasuke has produced a bit of inconsistency on the hands, he wants to happen with the hands. However, the support of the sincerity is still there. If you can't see one, you will love one. Such a person is really confusing, and the heart should be restrained. Otherwise, it will be adult scum.

However, at this moment, the fragrance of the mouth and nose, the soft and moist lips, even let this impulse break out, forming a strong emotional impact.

Under the impulse, Sasuke is not satisfied with the status quo, but is actually sticking out his tongue, preparing to open the teeth of the hand, and doing more in-depth communication with her.

How can this be? !

The hand was shy and violent, and closed the teeth to stop Sasuke's movements. She noticed that Sasuke's tongue was more and more sputum, and she was hooked in her inner cavity. The itching discomfort made her very ashamed.

Be sure to stop him!

The palm of the hand 狠 A bit of a bite, she only felt that something was bitten, and the sweet liquid flowed into her mouth, intertwined in the kiss of the two.

I was bitten by the master, Sasuke helped the pain, and woke up from the lost shackles, and looked at the underside of the hand on the face full of apologies and no choices.

"Sorry, this is just an accident."

accident? !

Oh, it’s a lame excuse, has already done this, or is it an accident?

At this time, Sasuke's mouth was bitten by a hand, and the deep tooth print was very obvious. The bright red blood flowed out from there, staining Sasuke's lips.

Seeing the color of blood red, the face of the hand is slightly white, she has not recovered from the blood sugar, turned her head and avoided the help of Sasuke.

Sasuke’s invasion made the classmates very angry. This feeling was the first time she realized that she was embarrassed, ashamed, uneasy, and in short, very uncomfortable. She immediately said: “Little devil! Let me go!”

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