One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 179: Festival


The righteousness was red, and Sasuke did not happen when he did anything. When she was careful, she began to explore herself.

The happened just now, the red face is a bit embarrassing, although Sasuke is just a little devil for her, but the impact still makes her feel unnatural.

After all, the red is an adult, and the uncomfortableness in his heart is quickly suppressed. He said to Sasuke, who is busy there: "Sasuke, what happened? Why suddenly stopped."

As if it was a trace of clues, Sasuke’s mouth was hooked up and he turned around and said to him: “Nothing, just in the middle of her little trick. Don’t you think that the space we are in is not right?”

According to Sasuke, Red only noticed the strangeness of things, and now it gathers spiritual strength and senses the surrounding environment.


Through perception, Red saw that the place where they are now was shrouded in a huge blue light curtain, forming a revolving structure that spread straight into the distance.

Sasuke said slowly: "Since we stepped into this mountain village, we have made a plan for Yakumo. She has already set a trap for us. Now we are in a place where we are only a fantasy."


The red heart is condensed, when did the illusion of the Eight Clouds? ! Is her ability so powerful?

Seeing the red surprised expression, Sasuke said with a sigh: "Probably, she is calculating us, or when she is in the Huo Ying office, she already knows the fact that we are coming to her."

"Well, teacher, the thing now is to quickly escape from here, it is not wise to be trapped here."

"It's true, Sasuke, give it to me."

At the moment, the red uses the magic method, the hands are printed, open!

Unexpected mirrors and waters disappeared at the end of the month, and the surrounding situation is still the same, they are still in the illusion.

"What happened! Even the print of the magic has no effect!"

"Sure enough, it is not easy." Sasuke works to write the round eyes, strong mental strength to condense the left eye, double hook jade rotation, open!

The mental power is released, and the blue light curtain is impacted. The faint ripples spread like light on the light curtain. However, the blue light curtain still has no signs of shattering.

"Sasuke, even you have no way?"

Sasuke’s face was a bit heavy, and he replied to the red: “This illusion is very strange, not unusual, for the time being, there is no way...”

Listening to Sasuke said that the red moment was discouraged. Is it so straightforward here?

Suddenly, Sasuke’s refining pot at the heart trembled, and he immediately gathered his heart, only to find that he was uncontrollable.

The inexplicable force of the stock condenses the left eye. Sasuke only feels the sting of the eye, and the invisible ripples are excited from the left eye.

The ripples hit the light curtain, only the cracking sound of the snoring, and all the blue light curtains gradually collapsed!

Sasuke is slightly stunned, will the refining pot come out to help me?

Compared with Sasuke, the expression of red is much more exciting. It is both surprising and incomprehensible. She clearly saw that Sasuke wrote a round of black light, and the original blood red became crystal-like, engraved. I saw the scene of the illusion of space fragmentation.

"Sasuke, you..." Red wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Sasuke.

"Teacher, the illusion has broken, and now go out quickly." Sasuke turned around, in the fragmentation of the blue light curtain, the scene before the beginning began to change.

As dreams are like, all the scenes fall apart, and under the engraving, Sasuke and Red find themselves in the studio. In front of them are the eight clouds still painting.

When Sasuke and Red appeared, Ba Yun stopped the brush in his hand and turned around. He suddenly sneered. "I didn't expect you to escape. I was surprised."

Sasuke’s cold snoring, regardless of the red block, went to the opposite side of Yakumo and said: “Eight clouds, I really underestimated your strength, use the screen to display illusion?”

Sasuke clearly saw the scene on the canvas, the large living room, the three people facing each other, the scene of the strong kiss, the blue light curtain stretched, and two people were deeply involved, and the face was full of fear. It is him and red!

Red also saw the scene on the canvas, and it was cut in my heart. It was already arranged as early as they just stepped into the studio...

At that time, they looked at the paintings of Yayun. According to common sense, Yakumo should stop and say hello. However, Yakumo did not stop, but he was still busy with his hands. Since then, they have already got the illusion of Eight Clouds!

Eight clouds put down the brush in his hand, and the corner of his mouth suddenly appeared smirk. "Do you think that this is out of my illusion? It's too naive!"

Seeing the sneer of Yayun, Sasuke’s heart was condensed, and immediately used the technique of exploration, but the sight in front of him surprised him!

This kind of thing!

Sasuke saw that it was a huge light curtain. However, the light curtain at this time was overwhelming and surrounded the entire village of Muye.

"I actually did this step! It’s a terrible ability, I really can’t leave you alone!”

Eight clouds sneered and said: "You can try it, in the illusion, what can you do with me?!"

Sasuke sneer, just such ability...

Immediately, the manipulation of the refining pot, the strength of the stock from the refining pots, the bursts of heat condensed to write the round eyes, open!

Once again, the blue light curtain cracked, the scene in front of the moment changed, the sun sprinkled, the breeze smashed, and the grassy space of the grass, the three people stood in the hilly area.

Eight Clouds stopped the brush in his hand, and the scene on the drawing board was the scene of Muye Village!

Sasuke looked at the clouds, and under the sun, her pale complexion seemed a bit weird. The white has been out of the normal category, and there is a pathological white that resembles pigment.

"I finally caught you!" Sasuke sneer will catch the eight clouds.

Without any accidents, the eight-cloud, which was weak and weak, was captured by Sasuke. The brush in his hand fell to the ground, and the splashed paint turned the grass into an ink color.

"Let me go, you bastard! Teacher, save me!"

Yayun struggled in the assistant, like a rabbit, but he could not break free anyway.

"At this time, still want to ask for help?" Sasuke said, looking at the red side of the question, seems to say, are you sure to save her?

Seeing the weak eight clouds, Sasuke grabbed his hands and pressed them to the ground. The red heart trembled. After all, he was his dearest apprentice. Red didn't want to see her suffering, and immediately prayed: "Sasuke You hurt the cloud, let go of her?"

When I heard the red, Yayun immediately struggled, and because of the pain in the body, he made a cry, "Hey, let me go, you bastard!". () "One Piece's Bounty System" only represents the author's views of the three countries Han Shao, if it finds that its content is inconsistent with the national laws, please delete the treatment, the position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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