One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 180: Festival


Sasuke does not want to let go of Yakumo. In his opinion, the girl in front of him is really dangerous. If it is not the help of the refining pot, he and the red may be in the illusion. Deliberately punishing Yayun, Sasuke tightened his hand and said in a cold voice: "Hey, aren't you very good? Come, let's try another illusion!"

Sasuke’s sound is fierce, and it seems that he is really angry. Red is the first time to see Sasuke’s performance.

Sasuke was angered and screamed, and suddenly, the heart of the cloud gave birth to timidity. Under fear, he actually cried.

"Hey, you bastard, bully me.....teacher, come and save me, I hurt.....hey..."

The voice is sorrowful. It’s really a broken heart. Sasuke’s face is depressed. The little girl’s skin will really be loaded. I will not know how much under my hand.

"Sasuke, let go of her!"

After all, I still couldn't stop the cry of the clouds, and the red came over immediately. When I grabbed Sasuke's clothes, I would take Sasuke away from Yahoo.

"Well, I let go of her." Sasuke didn't want to argue with the red, and got up and let go of the eight clouds in his hands.

Out of the **** of Sasuke, Yayun immediately fell into the red arms, and he burst into tears, his body trembled, his face turned blue, his look was miserable, and he was really dead.

"Teacher, the bad guy bullied me, hey, I hurt, teacher, can't let him go..."

Looking at the performance of Yayun, Red is very helpless, patted her back, like a comforting child said: "Okay, okay, hey, don't be afraid, there is me here, he dare not bully you. ”

"Well, teacher, Yakumo is not afraid, there is a teacher to protect me..."

Eight clouds gently turned their heads and looked at the sideless Sasuke, and the corner of his mouth suddenly appeared.

趁 Sasuke and Red did not pay attention, Yayun quietly took out Zhang Sansin size paper from his arms, and he painted a devil head image on his face, his face was fangs, his head was a single-horned horn, and the evil eyes shone with a fascinating light.

You are all going to die!

On the surface of the eight clouds, there is a cold and strange look, and the devil's eyes are opposite to each other in the painting. In an instant, the pupil of the Eight Clouds changes, the blue halo flows, and a powerful evil spirit erupts! The change of Yakumo is very abrupt, and it makes Susuke and Red react less than a sudden, suddenly! The powerful impinging airflow rushed out of the tens of meters from the unsuspecting duo.


The blue energy storm descends from the sky, covering the eight clouds, evil, violent, sad, dead, all kinds of negative breaths come in like a sacred top, gathering in the body of Yayun.

In the raging wind, the two can stand firm and look over there, but see the blue storm raging, the surrounding plants quickly dry up and annihilate under this storm, this power actually contains a strong corrosive atmosphere!

Finally, the storm stopped, revealing the body of Yakumo. At this moment, her image has changed dramatically. The blue curse is all over the body, her face is paler, and her eyes are shining with blue brilliance.

Suddenly, from the point of view of the Eight Clouds, the powerful spiritual power of the stock is like a sharp blade to the two. Under this force, the red stuns and the body crashes to the ground.

Damn it! Sasuke immediately turned on mental resistance, only to feel that the chilly air of the stock constantly destroyed his spiritual defense, and like a sledgehammer, his spiritual world was shaken.

After squatting down, Sasuke finally blocked this mental shock.

It was blocked!

Eight clouds stunned, and immediately the face showed a smile, "Hey, that's it, it's fun!"

With a sigh of relief, Sasuke's heart is slightly condensed, feeling the more sinful evil spirits, and the refining pots in the heart constantly undulate, seemingly eager for this evil spirit.

Can't you even hold it? Sasuke's mouth angles the silk.

Just look at you!

In the hands of the eight clouds, the change of the Indian style, the next moment, the surrounding space changes immediately, like in hell, the grass under the foot becomes an endless surging magma, the fire tongue spits, it is actually to completely devour Sasuke!

Obviously it is a illusion, but still feel the power of the flame, Sasuke does not dare to neglect, he knows the ability of the Eight Clouds, let the illusion into a true metamorphosis ability, as long as it is caught by the flame, then his will also burn or even burn.

Depending on the flexible body, jumping between the exposed rocks, there is an endless magma river underneath, the tumbling bubbles sizzle, and the released gas emits an unpleasant smell.

Surrounded by gas, Sasuke has a sense of stun, this gas is toxic! The gas emitted when the magma bursts is much larger than the mixture of sulfide and carbide, which is mixed with toxic gases such as sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon oxide. They are very harmful to the human body, and excessive inhalation can cause death!

At the moment, Sasuke holds his breath and relies on the oxygen contained in Chakra to maintain his body's needs.

The longer you stay in this place, the more dangerous it is. You must find the Eight Clouds on your own!

Running Chakra, Sasuke's body shape flashed, jumped out of the magma river, and went to the side of the cliff, temporarily avoiding the threat of magma, and now using the exploration technique to find the trace of the Eight Clouds.

"Found it! See how you can escape!"

Sasuke's body turned into a string of arrows in the road, straight to the cliffs in the distance, breaking through the white gas formed by the layers of air, finally saw the figure of the Eight Clouds.

At this moment, she was standing on a high rock, looking at the magma river below, and laughing wildly: "Hey, Uchiha Sasuke, this is your place of burial!"

"Is that right?"

Sasuke’s voice screamed behind the clouds, and immediately, the voice of the road broke into the body of Yayun.


Eight clouds turned around and were too late to be astonished. They were kicked by Sasuke and they fell into the torrent of magma.

At this time, the surrounding environment changed again. The original magma torrent became a sea of ​​flowers, and the body of Yakumo floated in the sea of ​​flowers, without any harm.

I patted the wrinkled Eight clouds looked up at Sasuke on the cliff, and looked strange and abrupt. The cliff became a huge human figure, and the body was a stone monster. It was a stone monster!

The stone monster screamed, and the huge palms were taken to Sasuke. It seemed that he would be thoroughly beaten into meat!

Damn it! Sasuke looks cold, uses high-speed body skills, easily escapes the stone monster's blow, the body shape flashes, appears in the head of the stone monster, the red lightning flashes in his hand!

Let's die!

Red lightning hit the head of the stone monster, hehe! The huge roar shook the world, bang! The huge head of the stone monster was cut down by the scorpion, rolled over from the cliff, squatting on the sea of ​​flowers, stirring up the shock wave.

Solve the stone monster, Sasuke immediately rushed to the eight clouds in the sea of ​​flowers, like lightning, the body brought out the afterimage, the naked eye can not catch!

Suddenly, Sasuke appeared in the sea of ​​flowers, and the lightning in his hand lit up, ready to make a spurt. . () "One Piece's Bounty System" only represents the author's views of the three countries Han Shao, if it finds that its content is inconsistent with the national laws, please delete the treatment, the position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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