One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 209: Festival

Naruto waved his hand and motioned it to calm down. "Nine-tailed brother, in fact, I want to ask you something, can you take advantage of your strength?"

"Hey! It's a human being who is coveting the strength of this grandfather, don't borrow!" Nine-tailed high-headed head, overlooking Naruto, looks full of pride.

"Big brother, you have so much power, just use one point."

"Oh, don't borrow, don't even think about it!"

It’s a fox!

Naruto knows that this can't convince the nine tails, and immediately convert the strategy. "Big brother, you must have seen it. This time the opponent is very powerful. I played against him and almost lost the power. In case I was killed, Big Brother, you will not be spared..."

Naruto's words are somewhat forced, like saying that we are all grasshoppers on a rope, and if you die, you will die!

This little devil!

Nine-tailed nature knows this truth and is sealed in Naruto. Some of the soul power has been merged with Naruto's spirit. If Naruto is dead, its part of the soul will disappear, and when it is implicated, it will be destroyed. .

The nine-tailed look flickered, and the fox's face showed a humanized thought.

Seeing that Jiuwei has been shaken, Naruto is hot and iron, and once again said: "Big Brother, how powerful is your power, I just use one point, you will not lose anything, I am one with you, my strength is strong, Life will not be threatened. For you, this will be the best thing. I am alive and you can live."

What a nasty kid! Nine-nose nostrils came out with a sigh of relief, and finally compromised. "Well, the little devil, dare to threaten the uncle, but what you said is also reasonable. Hey, you are so weak, this uncle will give you more strength." ”

"Thank you for the big brother of Jiuwei." Seeing the nine-tail compromise, Naruto's heart was so excited that he even eagerly spoke a few points.

I saw the nine open mouths, the next moment, the endless red air flow from the thin out, the red air tumbling and hovering, the Naruto's body is firmly entangled, the huge nine-tailed force constantly pouring in, Naruto only feels himself The body is refreshing.

This power! In Naruto’s eyes, a flash of light flashed. He never felt such a rich Chakra. At this moment, Naruto felt that he was so powerful!

On the altar, Sasuke and Kakashi confronted each other with angry waves. No one took the lead and the atmosphere was a bit dignified.

Sasuke gave a hint of heart and explored the movement of Naruto on the side. Suddenly, Sasuke’s mouth twitched a curve and finally started? Nine tails...

Naruto, looking at everything that happened in front of her, she only felt that Naruto's body was getting hotter and hotter, almost like boiling water.

what happened? !

Fenghua had to let go of the Naruto in his arms, but he saw the endless red airflow in the body of the Naruto. The metal taiji that had imprisoned his body instantly burst, turning into a powder, powerful, evil, and strange Chakra breath. Wind and heart.

Naruto’s situation is getting more and more different, and there is a trace of unbelievable in the eyes of the wind. Is this still Naruto?

"That kid, what the **** is going on!"

Nu Tao saw the change of Naruto, and his look was horrified. The red Chakra would make him feel a threat.

"This is! Nine-tailed!" Kakashi noticed the strange Chakra, turned around, but saw that Naruto's body floated out of thin air, and the red airflow was continuously sprayed around the body, and the airflow circling and turning. Strong power covers this world.

Visible to the naked eye, the originally depressed chest cavity quickly recovered, after the three interest, you can not see any abnormalities.

The crew hiding in the distance carefully recorded the strange moments with the camera. They were the first time they saw such a scene. The power and evil of this power clearly felt that their minds were affected. The fluctuations.

"Naruto, don't have anything..." Fenghua sat on the grass, hands clasped, and the team Naruto prayed and prayed that God could bless the people he likes.

The red air flow continued to flow, and the Naruto's body recovered quickly. Suddenly, Naruto opened his eyes, but it was a red pair of eyes. The pupils were wild-like, and the six beards on the cheeks became more wild.

The air flow swelled, and the red chakra gradually condensed. It turned out to be a red gauze covering the Naruto body, the first two ears, the most bizarre is a red long tail behind him.

It turned out to be a tail! Sasuke has a slight jaw, is it just here that it has reached this point? Hey, Naruto, you really didn't let me down!

Floating in the air, Naruto's mind is gradually awake, the first thing I see is the wind and the wind, the eyes are full of worried faces, Naruto is a little surprised, is she worried about me?

Seeing some strange Naruto wake up, hesitated, and finally went to the Naruto, looking up and flying in the air, he said: " You are fine... ”

The sound is small, not as cold as before, feeling the worries and gentleness. Naruto only feels a tremor in his heart, lifts his hands wrapped in red gauze, looks at his body and says: "Well. Nothing, I have never been so comfortable."

The long red tail behind the body swayed, suddenly, the red air flow stopped the spray, the red gauze solidified a few points, the body shape slowly landed, Naruto looked at the wind in front of him, the look was gentle, "Sister, I pick up You are here, this time, I will protect you, no one can take you away from me!"


The wind whistled, and the ice of the seal of the mind appeared to be a crack. After a few attempts to disintegrate, he nodded and responded to Naruto: "I have been waiting for you..."

A slight smile on the wind, Naruto went to Sasuke on their side, looking at the close friends around, Naruto eyes flashed a strong war, this time, I will never lose to you!

Feel the powerful warfare of Naruto, Sasuke's mouth twitches a little arc, but this can't help it?

Naruto, you are too naive!

Feeling the power of Naruto's nine-tailed Chakra, Kakashi was shocked and looked at the two apprentices around him. He couldn't help but smile. His master is getting worse and worse. I am afraid that he is far from their opponents. Ok...

The look of the angry waves changed. When I saw such a Naruto, my mind suddenly gave birth to a retreat. The Naruto in front of me was really surprised. If Kakashi and the kid who couldn’t understand the details, this battle was really unsure.

Even so, the mood of the anger quickly settled down. After all, he possessed that thing, the treasure he got in the treasure cave, with that, he confidently faced everyone.

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