One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 210: Festival

"How? Naruto, are you sure to deal with him?"

Sasuke said that Chakra, the gas gathering in the sea, gradually improved.

"This time, no problem, Sasuke, I really want to fight side by side with you. I have been waiting for a long time."

Naruto pressed the heart of the war for Sasuke, and put all his thoughts on the anger, and with Sasuke, he continued to improve his momentum.

"This is the best, Naruto, be careful, wait until the guy has a very strong card that doesn't show up, don't leave his way!"

Have a card? !

Kakashi and Naruto, what card?

"Sasuke, what power does the guy still show?" Kakashi looked at the opposite face with a faint anger, some unbelievable, he was so strong, if there was a card...

Sasuke nodded. "Yes, I feel it. The power in his body is very powerful!"

Even Sasuke said that it is strong? !

Kakashi and Naruto look awkward, it seems that this is really a hard battle.

Over there, the angry anger is calm, and I look at a few people who are making preventive postures. The look calmly said: "Do you really think this is my strength? Too naive, my strength! Extraordinary power!"

Suddenly, the white light of the angry waves, the endless ice property Chakra rushed out, the next moment, within a hundred miles of freezing, the original melting ice and ice once again condensed thick ice. The temperature plummeted as if the air was one of them.

That is!

In the eyes of Kakashi and Naruto, the body of the anger is changing rapidly. The long black hair turns into a crystal white like snow. The eyebrows are white. The most bizarre is the eyes. The black and white pupils disappear instantly. It becomes a snow flake-like petal hexagon, crystal clear and translucent like a crystal, shocking the mind!

Then, a hexagonal snowflake gradually appeared from behind the anger, and it condensed into a huge ice wheel floating behind the anger. The chakra was also changed at the same time. The original metal color turned into a white crystal, the circle of the chest. The shape of the energy core has also been replaced by hexagonal snowflakes. Now, the anger is really like a crystal man!

"This change!"

Kakashi's heart trembled, and Naruto's change has already surprised him. Now, when he sees such a raging wave, he is not calm.

Looking at the opposite three people, like watching the dead, the sound of the angry waves is very long, as if coming from the sky, "This is my strength, with the heart of ice crystals, in the face of such me, what will you do?! ”

"Even if you are a god! I will kill you!"

Naruto snorted and was dissatisfied with the arrogance and arrogance of the anger.

"Haha, is that really the case? Where did your confidence come from? For me, you are really weak, I have the power of God, what can you do?"

Really think that this is God? Sasuke flashed a ridiculous light, the heart of ice crystals, huh, huh, this power, you will not use it...

This kind of power, you really don’t use it...

Sasuke reveals a ridiculous look and looks at the alienated anger. This power, the power of the artifact, do you really understand it? Now, you are afraid of being a slave to the artifact.

Above the altar, several people confront each other. The wind flowers and the crew in the distance are not consciously tightening their hands and cannot be defeated! Be sure to beat him!

At this time, Sasuke and Naruto's momentum has climbed to the extreme. The next moment, they moved, and their bodies turned into blue and red streams, and they rushed to the raging waves. Kakashi followed, writing the round eyes and revealing The action of the angry waves.

Really not self-reliant!

The raging sound of the raging water, a white air flow on the body, instantly, the surrounding space is frozen, a huge icicle rises from the ground, like a mushroom after the rain has formed a huge spike, it will be rushed to Sasuke and Naruto pierced.

"Naruto is careful!"

Sasuke snorted, writing the eye of the wheel to open, his body flashing, dexterously avoiding the sudden appearance of the icicles, the body is smart, and constantly approaching the anger.

Compared with Sasuke, Naruto’s method is much simpler. When the icicle appears in front of him, it is a punch. The fist that wraps the powerful nine-tailed Chakra is like a broken bamboo. The sound of ice cracks keeps ringing, and the ice is easy. The column is chopped.


Seeing that I am going to the front of the raging waves, I saw a smirk in the anger, and the seal in my hand, in an instant, the white brilliance, the endless frozen atmosphere burst out, and the whole world was rolled up to three people.


Sasuke did not dare to resist the power of the secret, and his body leaped high, trying to avoid the freezing power of the swallow.

On the ground, Naruto and Kakashi do not dazzle, suddenly, they are covered with frost, the body is frozen, just a second, the frost covering the whole body immediately turned into a hard thousand thousands of ice.

The power of ice is still spreading In a flash, the rest of the crowd can't dodge, and they have become ice sculptures one by one.

In the air, Sasuke has a lot of thunder, and with the power of lightning and the frozen atmosphere, the white and blue halos shine from time to time on Sasuke, and the thunder and lightning roar, finally resisting the cold air.

"It's a stubborn little devil."

The angry sneer snorted and took back the force of the ice. Immediately, Sasuke felt the pressure on the whole body greatly reduced, his figure fell to the ground, and his look dignified and looked at the raging waves.

At this time, the frozen Naruto's body continued to vacate the red air. Under the extreme high temperature, it turned out to melt the mysterious ice, and slammed, and the frozen ice of the Naruto was broken.

Another one, Nu Tao looked at Naruto with great interest. "Oh, it is really beyond my expectation. Naruto kid, it is very bad. I am interested in the power in your body."

Seeing that Kakashi and Fenghua were completely frozen, Naruto said loudly: "You will let them go, or I will kill you!"

"Kill me? Haha..." Nu Tao seems to have heard something interesting. "You can try it!"

Suddenly, the hands of the angry waves are printed, and the black dragon blizzard!

In the face of the angry Tao, the black Chakra was soaked up. In an instant, the force of the huge storm spurred out, forming a black dragon with claws and claws. The storm slammed, rolling up the ice on the ground, and rolling it to engulf Sasuke and Naruto.

In the violent wind, Sasuke used high-speed body surgery, chakra operation, body shape flashing, and finally escaped the huge black storm. Naruto, like a fox, turned into a red streamer, and the black storm simply couldn’t capture Naruto’s figure.

"It's really quick, but if so?"

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