One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 211: Festival

In an instant, dozens of storms condensed from the raging turmoil, screaming, and turned into a sly black dragon chasing Naruto and Sasuke.

The black dragon roared, constantly hitting Sasuke and Naruto. Under the black storm chasing, the two continued to dodge and escaped the attack with high speed.

The dense black storm raged in the audience, and the scope expanded to the entire altar in an instant. The frozen people were implicated and they were caught in the storm vortex.

Damn it!

Sasuke assisted the dark, and Kakashi, who was about to freeze into an ice sculpture, took out the center of the storm, while Naruto also picked up the frozen wind. The long tail dragged the snowmobile of the crew and turned into a red streamer.

The storm expands and forms a huge vortex with a diameter of 100 meters. The black storm penetrates the heavens and the earth, and the dark clouds are densely covered. The center of the vortex forms a powerful gravitational field, and all the objects on the ground are swallowed up.

Finally, the storm stopped, but saw a hundred meters around the altar, the ground ice layer was opened, and the vast altar building has disappeared.

After hiding in a big stone, Naruto placed the wind flower and the crew of the crew together, looking at the angry waves, looking at the dignified, knowing that if they were not close, they would not be able to defeat the anger.

On the other side, see Sasuke also put Kakashi in the hidden place, and immediately rushed to the angry waves.

As if and Sasuke have a heart, at the moment when Sasuke rushed to the raging wave, Naruto also rushed out. The red and blue colors were lightning fast, and the next moment appeared near the raging waves.

Suddenly, the red lightning flashed in the assistant, and the power of the huge lightning covered the wrath of the wrath, and it was about to hit the anger.

The speed is too fast, and the anger is not responding at all. I only feel that the red light flashes in front of me, and the harsh thunder is already close.

At the same time, Naruto's hands also condensed blue spiral pills, the spiral instantly expanded six times, a strong storm raging, and the red anger thunder hit the back of the anger.

Naruto and Sasuke cooperated for the first time. The power of the two broke out. The thunder and lightning were fierce, and the wind and the wind danced. The red and blue chakras formed a huge shock. For a moment, the guardian enchantment of the anger was broken.


The strong white light flashed, and the red and blue colors rushed into the white streamer barrier.


The white streamer stagnate the pace of the two as the Scorpio, but it is only one step, but it can never be touched. The Lecce and the spiral pill collide with the white barrier, and a huge shock wave erupts. Under the shock, Naruto and Sasuke are in shape. Forced to retreat.

Sasuke is able to stabilize his body shape in the impact airflow. When he looks at it, he sees that the anger is standing there without any injury. The white brilliance flows, and the whole body is immersed in a white halo, which is even more sacred.

There is still such power! Really worthy of artifact!

Naruto looked at the angry waves a little, and said unconsciously: "Sasuke, what happened to that guy? There is such a strange power."

Looking at the anger, Sasuke said with a voice: "If I guess it is wrong, the ice crystal heart he got is an artifact, and the white brilliance is nothing but the guardian power of the artifact."

"Artifact?! Is it really so powerful?" Naruto slightly stunned, something like artifacts he only heard in mythology, if it is really like Sasuke said that the heart of ice crystal is an artifact, then the anger is really bad. .

Sasuke sighed a little and said: "It is difficult to deal with it. It is simply impossible to break through. The usual power can't break through the blessing of the artifact. Unless there is another artifact, it can be defeated by the power of the artifact."

Another artifact? ! Something in mythology, just seeing one is already a miracle, where is the other one?

At this time, the madness on the surface of the anger is even worse. Using the heart of the ice crystal to block the joint efforts of Naruto and Sasuke, his self-confidence has reached its peak. With this, what can block him and look at it with contempt Naruto and Sasuke, ridiculed, said: "What's wrong, didn't you just kill me? Just come, I don't do it, wait for you to kill! Haha..."

"Is there really no way?" Naruto looked at the angry and angry laughter in the distance. "Don't you watch him do something wrong? Kakashi teacher, Fenghua, and director uncle, they are waiting." If we don’t kill the anger, they can’t recover at all. Sasuke, I know you have a way, right?”

Seeing that Naruto is full of expectations, Sasuke nodded. "I do have a way, but I don't have much confidence..."

Sasuke does have a way. The refining pot is one of the top artifacts. For other low-level artifacts, there is a level of suppression, perhaps with the refining pot to suppress the heart of the ice crystal.

"Really?!" Hearing Sasuke said that Naruto's face was ecstatic, and the two long-eared foxes on the red gauze trembled, showing the excitement of the owner's mood.

"Yeah, I will try it. But, Naruto, then no matter what happens, don't Also, everything you see in front of you can't talk to others!"

Sasuke's tone is very solemn. The refining pot is one of the biggest secrets in his body. If someone who knows what is wrong, he can't live a normal life, and he has to worry about others' jealousy all the time.

Seeing Sasuke’s serious expression, Naruto’s heart trembled. Since he and Sasuke’s understanding, he has not seen such a serious performance of Sasuke. Is there any secret that cannot be said?

It is imperative to defeat the angry Tao. Naruto immediately swears: "Okay, Sasuke, what happened next, I will never mention it to anyone, this is an agreement between men!"

Naruto said so, Sasuke let go of his heart. He believed in Naruto’s credit. At the very least, Naruto in the original book was very confident.

Immediately, Sasuke runs the body of the refining pot, and the invisible ripples are constantly spreading out. The inexplicable force envelopes this piece of heaven and earth.

In Naruto's astonished eyes, I saw Sasuke's whole body with black brilliance. The unknown power erupted like a flood of beasts. The black brilliance flowed and shone, and a black jade small pot flew out from the Sasuke chest. In an instant, Naruto felt the endless pressure to attack him.

Suddenly, Naruto only felt a pain in his lower abdomen. The next moment, the body was soft, and the red gauze covering the whole body suddenly disappeared. What happened?

This power? ! Nine tails!

Naruto is very shocked. He clearly feels that the nine-tailed Chakra in his body has disappeared instantly. The original nine-tailed force is dying, and the nine-tailed imitation in the body does not exist.

"This kind of thing... impossible..."

Naruto looked at the black light of the refining pot, and this thing actually suppressed the atmosphere of the nine tails!

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