One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 213: Festival

Sasuke and Kakashi followed the crew back first, leaving Naruto and the wind here, they did not bother the good things between Naruto and Fenghua.

The pace is very casual, but it is a bit of a relaxed feeling, Fenghua looked at the Naruto around, the voice is soft, and the slightest silence is not seen.

"Naruto, I am really lucky to meet you."

Naruto stopped the pace and turned to stare at the wind. His eyes were filled with three-pointed gentleness, and the four points were cherished. The remaining three points were love.

"Sister, me too." Naruto smiled softly and said softly: "Sister, do you know? Since I saw the movie you starred in the theater for the first time, I have a hunch that my sister will meet me. Now, I have experienced so many things with my sister and I have come into contact with my sister’s heart. This change is really beyond my expectations."

is it?

Fenghua gently grasped the jaw and looked at Naruto. "When I met you, I thought you were a bad guy who had tried for me. I was followed by you. I was really scared, but after all these changes. Your image has changed in my heart."

"What image? How does your sister see me?" Naruto has some eagerness and looks full of expectations.

"Well..." Fenghua deliberately indulged, showing a disappointing look on his face.

Seeing the performance of Fenghua, Naruto is uneasy. He really thought that Fenghua still hated himself at the moment, and immediately said, "How? My sister, I am still a bad person. I must change it later. I should not follow you in the first place. That..."

Suddenly, the wind and flowers smiled, like a face change, the original disappointment and disgusting disappeared, knocked on Naruto’s head, and the play said: “Hey, you are still serious, I lied to you, don’t forget, I But an actor."

"I was really scared to death." Naruto patted the chest, and his heartbeat expressed his nervousness. Then Naruto asked again: "Sister, what is my image in your heart?"

Looking at Naruto, the face of the wind shows a gentle color. "You are a good person, Naruto, with you, always give me a peace of mind, very comfortable, I will not lose hope when you are around. ""

“Really?” Hearing the evaluation of Fenghua, Naruto is not happy. He really feels that he has all the good things in the world. He is very satisfied and very pleased.

Seeing the general smile of Naruto's child, there is a sense of happiness in the heart of the wind. This is him. Although sometimes it is stupid, it always makes people have a happy and safe.

With a slight smile, Fenghua said slowly: "Naruto, when my father was alive, I had a problem with me. I have never understood it. Now that everything is over, I have experienced my father’s pains."

Naruto did not disturb the self-report of Fenghua, listened carefully to what she said, and saw a smile on the face of the wind, very gentle, like the spring sun.

"I understand, hope is in my heart, I hope, I have a dream, I must not give up, then I will definitely see the future..."

Seeing the smile on the face, Naruto feels that he also feels the peace and happiness in the heart of the wind. Naruto clearly knows that the wind has changed and is no longer the weak woman who only knows how to escape. Now she is the courageous and fearless princess, the princess who loves him in his heart!

The breeze came, the wind and the grass were low, and Naruto once again said the words that had been accumulated for a long time in the heart.

"Sister, I like you."

This time, Fenghua did not hesitate, smiled a little, clicked on Naruto’s forehead, and whispered, “I am also, Naruto, I will always be by your side, I love you...”

The country of snow, the country that has frozen for a hundred years, melts in the snow, and the spring breeze of the hustle and bustle is light, everything happens, and it is flourishing, everything is so beautiful.

Nu Tao died, the power fell, the wind and flowers restore the status of the Princess of the country, with the support of a group of old ministers, Fenghua officially took the position of the king of the country.

It seems that everything is over, and Fenghua returns to his hometown. As a princess and a national lord of the country, his status is noble and unusual. The rest of the countries have sent messengers to congratulate him on his throne. For a time, the snow country in the spring is very lively.

Ending the horrific rule of Nu Tao, Fenghua implements the policy of Huairou, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the life is stable. All praise is that Fenghua is a wise king.

Speaking of it, the people's expectations for life are very simple, and the peaceful life is their greatest expectation. Unlike the Emperor's House or the House of Nobles, the life of civilians is always simple and easy to satisfy. No matter at any moment, living and working is the greatest desire in their hearts.

As a boyfriend of Fenghua, Naruto’s treatment in the country of snow is naturally very high. Among the ministers, they are also very respectful to the little boyfriend of their master. Moreover, Naruto rescued the country of snow from the hands of the anger. As a gratitude it is reasonable to regard Naruto as a guest.

Similarly, Kakashi, who saved the country of snow, will naturally not be treated badly. A pavilion specializing in VIP reception, Kakashi and Sasuke are placed here because it is a handsome boyfriend, Naruto. Nature is not here, but lives with the wind and flowers in the palace.

The spring breeze is warm, and the Yaner who has not seen for many years has finally returned, peaceful and quiet...

In front of the bright floor-to-ceiling windows, Sasuke overlooks the street. People come and go, and the snow country that has just emerged from the war is gradually recovering. The originally dead commercial street is finally bustling again. The newly opened facade is dressed up to celebrate the country. The banner posted on the top is still there, the waiter is squatting, smiles and smiles, welcomes every customer's patronage, here, their life has just begun, the future is still growing...

Suddenly, a bang of knocking on the door will help Sasuke wake up from his meditation. When he looks back, he is dressed in white with cool casual clothes. The tight clothes outline the bumps. The black hair is long and is bundled into a loose shape. The hair falls behind him, and the exquisite face implied the unique beauty of the girl. A little vermilion embellished the front, the eyebrows were picturesque, and the lips were like a jade.

"Sasuke, what do you call me to do?"

The footsteps are light, and the white models are in front of Sasuke.

Looking at the white, Sasuke flashed a stunning color in his eyes, nodded and said: "Well, I want to give you something."

Later, Sasuke took out a sandalwood box from the desk. The box seemed to be a new work, and it smelled very rich sandalwood.

"I gave it to you."

Sasuke opened the box, and suddenly, the dazzling white light was released. The strong ice force was in the whole room. The light gradually darkened, and it was faintly visible. It was a large transparent crystal of snowflakes.

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