One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 214: Festival

"Sasuke, is this?" I felt the strong ice power, and my hand covered my mouth with a handful of incredible objects with such powerful ice properties. She was the first to see.

"The heart of ice crystals, the artifact of the country of snow." Sasuke smiled and put the box in the hands of white. "It will be yours in the future."

"How is it possible? The artifact of the Snow Country, Sasuke, let us return it to the wind."

White hesitated, shrinking his hand and preparing to return the heart of Ice Crystal to Sasuke.

It seems that I had expected such a reaction. Sasuke smiled and said: "This thing is the spoils I got from Nu Tao. In my hands, it is mine. Now I will give it to you. This is my heart. How? White? Don't you accept it?"

"No, no, of course." White bit his lip and said: "Just think that I took someone else's things and I feel awkward..."

Sasuke shook his head, and White was too kind. He dissuaded and said: "There is nothing wrong with it. The world's treasures can be used. This thing is yours."


White still wants to say something, but after seeing Sasuke’s expectation, he nodded and said thank you.

"This is right." Sasuke smiled and said: "White, you can integrate it now, I believe there will be incredible effects."

"Fusion?" White has some doubts. After all, she has never touched such things as artifacts. The fusion method is naturally ignorant.

"You do what I said. Silence..."

Under the guidance of Sasuke, Bai Xinshen is immersed, controlling his own spiritual strength to contact the heart of ice crystals. Suddenly, the heart of ice crystals is flourishing, and the rich white light fills every corner of the room, and the sound of the waves rises in the air. Immediately, the heart of the ice crystal in the box slowly floated to the top of the white head, and after rotating six or six, it turned into a white stream of light and melted into the white body.

The heart of the ice crystals enters the body, and the powerful Chakra fluctuations appear on the white body. The brilliance flows, and a snow-like ghost shadow is reflected behind the white body. The virtual shadow is constantly solidified. After the three interest, a bang, all the brilliance Poured into the white body.

Guanghua gradually dimmed, the white body turned out to be a few minutes, the legs were long, and the chest became more full. The original white skin color contained a few crystal colors, and it was faintly visible that there was a stream of fluorescent light flashing.

Opening his eyes, Bai saw his own changes, and some surprised said: "Sasuke, this is..."

"If I guess it is wrong, it should be that the heart of Ice Crystal has ignited your vital function. Now your body is completely integrated with the heart of Ice Crystal. I think that your change should be more, white, feel it. How much has your strength increased?"

When I heard Sasuke, Bai Qiang suppressed the excitement of his heart and experienced the changes in the body. Sure enough, as Sasuke expected, her body's functions have reached an unprecedented level, and her mental strength has risen, almost very easy. Can extract more pure and powerful Chakra than the original.

Recovering my heart, Bai Yu said: "Yes, Sasuke is as you said, my strength has improved a lot, I really can't imagine it."

Is that just the case? Sasuke can't believe that the change of white is just that. After all, it is an artifact, and it is an auxiliary artifact. It has almost the power of creation. Once it is integrated, the promotion of the host is terrible.

Sasuke knows that the strength of Bai is not limited to this. She has a lot of ability to develop without the perfect inheritance of the water-free family.

According to Sasuke's guess, Bai's current blood-successing ability is still in the first stage, which is the so-called hidden stage. At this stage, Bai can easily display all kinds of hail ninjutsu, and his strength is extraordinary.

In the second stage, during the Nirvana stage, the blood in the white body will be completely awakened, and the water element or ice element in the air can be manipulated. The hail of the hail will be superbly added. For example, the original The a-level ninjutsu will show the strength of s-class ninjutsu in her hands.

The third stage, the final stage, at this time, Bai can control the distribution of water elements inside the object at will, killing people invisible. Moreover, the water elements between the heavens and the earth are under the control of white, turning over the mountains and becoming the peak of the endurance.

However, the final stage is so easy to achieve, no one in the history of water and no moon can reach the final stage, and the strongest is the second stage.

No matter which blood is bounded by the limit, it is extremely abnormal in the final stage. However, the final stage of awakening is very difficult. The final stage of the eye is only reached by the big tube, and the final stage of writing the wheel is only the big barrel feather. And the Uchi wave spot is reached, and the final stage of Muxi Shentong is only reached by a few people. As for the others, there has never been any history in history. Otherwise, the title of the most powerful blood limiter may not be.

Perhaps, it is another aspect of improvement, Sasuke immediately let the white show ninja, according to the meaning of Sasuke, the white hand is printed, almost in vain, a dozen ice mirrors instantly condensed, seeing the white brilliance of the ice Mirror, white is a bit stunned. It turns out that the time she needs to display the ice mirror is three seconds, but now there is no one second, and, with so many ice mirrors, the amount of chakra consumed is only one ice. The consumption of the mirror is really incredible. "White can't believe his masterpiece.

"Well, the ninjutsu side has indeed improved a lot, and..."

Said, the assistant in the thunder flashed, ready to test the intensity of the ice mirror, a loud bang, the room trembled, the ice mirror collided with the thousand birds, thunder and lightning, the ice mirror appeared on the road, but until the thunder disappeared The ice mirrors were not broken, but the original cracks expanded a bit.

Seeing this situation, Sasuke nodded. "Intensity is beyond my imagination. White, even a thousand birds can't break your defense."

"Well, it’s a terrible defense. Thank you Sasuke. I will be able to fight with you side by side in the future." Saying, White lifted the seal of the ice mirror, and immediately, all the ice mirrors were dissolved in the air. .

"Do you fight side by side with me?"

Sasuke smiled and said: "Of course, I am looking forward to that day."

At this time, another knock on the door, open the door, but see Sakura.

"Sasuke, what do you and White Sister do here, how can there be such a big movement."

Sasuke said the incident to Sakura again. Then, White showed his hail to Sakura. Looking at the unusual hail, Sakura said with surprise: "White sister, I didn't expect you. The strength is so powerful, my sister can rely on you to protect it later."

"Sakura, you are laughing at me again, isn't there Sasuke? Where can I protect you?" Bai Jiao smiled and used to hold Sakura's arm. It was very close.

Looking at the intimate two, Sasuke’s heart is thinking, I hope so, white, they will protect you in the future, I hope you will not let me down...

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