One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 215: Festival

In the mid-April of April, the climate is pleasant, the comfortable afternoon sun is extraordinarily gentle, like the warm, silky warm color of the silk, the building is dyed red, the Yan is swaying, the new mud is busy in the mouth, and the wild cats are lying lazily. On the grass, the color of the piebald and the blue grass contrast. The cherry blossom blooms, attracting bees and butterflies, and the pink cherry blossoms reflect the white cherry blossoms, and the fullness of the spring is full of vitality.

Since the snow country and the party have passed in January, since the execution of the mission, Sasuke has been restless, and his mind is thinking, it is time to leave. After all, he and the snake snake have long agreed that when the spring is bright, he is Leave the leaves of the wood.

It’s really the day, but Sasuke is a bit sad. After all, I have lived in Konoha for nearly six years. There are many people who care about it, and there are things that I cherish. Everything is here. It can be said that Konoha is Sasuke’s life. The root of it, no matter when, the heart of the wood leaf is always unable to erase, even if Sasuke attempts to use deception to deceive himself, wants to hate wood leaves, hate wood leaves, but every hate After that, the heart will give birth to a kind feeling, unable to give up. Immerse into the bone.

No love, why not hate? What's more, the Uchiha family, who had infinite love!

People are not ruthless, they can be ruthless, and finally when they leave, they regret the decision they made. However, this decision has not been changed. Under the shackles of fate, we can only move forward. No matter whether it is dark or bright, the things that have been decided cannot be changed.

Yu Zhibo's mansion, in the study room, under the dim light, Sasuke stood by the window and glanced at the envelope on the desk. For a time, he looked slightly, I hope they don't blame me...

On the street of Muye, Sasuke traveled slowly, carrying a travel bag, looking calm, and trying to look at everything around him. He seemed to want this peaceful and prosperous scene to come to his mind. Here is his own memory. Walking through this street, in the days to come, accompanied by Sakura, they have been shopping here many times. The laughter at that time is still so clear, like in the ear, it makes people feel awkward.

It’s always sad to be separated. Looking at the men and women who walked on the street, Sasuke’s eyes crossed a trace of sorrow. I don’t know when I can meet them again, Sakura, White, Ino, Aunt...

By the side of the small lake, the sunset drags the shadow of Sasuke to the grass on the side of the road. Sasuke remembers the scene when he met with Naruto for the first time. At that time, the two figures of black and white had an intersection for the first time. He still remembers the face that Naruto made to him, his face, his childishness. The general performance, the past depends on the reliance, the clouds generally flash in front of Sasuke.

Perhaps, our destiny has been linked since the moment, Naruto, although you hate it, always make a look that is unpleasant, naive, love to blow leather, but, unconsciously I still treat you as a friend.

Naruto, this life, I am afraid that between you and me, there will never be reconciliation. We are originally two people in the world. My world will not be confined to Muye Village. After all, it is not my ultimate destination. I have a heavy responsibility, shouldering the great cause, and returning to the fairy world to understand all the mysteries. , I... strength, cultivation, this is what I want to pursue.

Naruto, between you and me, under the fate arrangement, after all, always opposite, my other side, my incompleteness, if, you are not Naruto, I am not

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Please inform the novel users: Please read the rest of your eyes for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Sasuke, maybe, can be a true friend.

Hey, can't erase, connect with you and me, intertwined into a thousand and entangled between you and me, if fate can change, I don't have so much trouble. Between you and me, the gap is insurmountable. As a nine-tailed person, you are my food. One day, I will kill you personally, cut off all the karma, and cut off the fate between you and me. .

Finally, I glanced at the small lake. Sasuke turned and left, and the blue figure gradually disappeared into the setting sun...

On a high ground, Sasuke finally stopped, and the blue figure was a bit more stunned in some dark nights.

"Come out."

Sasuke’s voice is faint, and there is no special feeling.

The voice just fell, and the four figures flashed out of the place not far from Sasuke.

Under the night, you can see three men and one woman.

The four men went to Sasuke, and the headed man said: "The order of the big snake pill is waiting for Sasuke to be a long time..."

Following the action of the headed man, the other three were also slightly covered, and it was a salute to Sasuke.

Sasuke saw their face at this time, the gloomy man with long hair, the tall and thin man with short hair, the slightly fat man with Mosi dry hair, and the last is a thin-faced woman with long red hair. The ninja's unique attire, dark purple dress, waist belt entangled with a huge bow belt, really a bit weird.

Subsequently, the head of the man introduced their name to respectively, Zuo Jin, Ji Lang Fang, Ghost Tong Pill, and more.

Sure enough, Sasuke nodded and deliberately said: "You are all under the hands of the big snake pill, I do not know how your strength?"

The head of the near left said: "The strength is naturally not comparable to that of Sasuke, but it is no problem to deal with the woody village."

"Oh, really?"

"What's wrong, Sasuke is doubting us?" The voice of Yusuke is somewhat unnatural. It seems that Sasuke is not satisfied with his strength.

More, too, want to challenge me so soon? Sasuke's mouth spurred a slight arc, suddenly, the body's momentum rose sharply, the blue arc around the whole body, Chakra outside, forming a huge gas field to cover the four.

In the field of gas field, a group of voices only feel the pressure like Taishan attached to them, the invisible killing will surround several people tightly, and a little cold sweat will unconsciously ooze from the forehead. This is him. The strength? Four sounds were heartbroken and shocked. There is such a powerful force. Perhaps even the big snake pill is not his opponent.

Feeling that the pressure on the body is increasing, I immediately apologize to the left: "Sasuke adults... Please forgive us for disrespect." The body trembled, and even the words were a little nervous.

"Your strength is really not very good." Sasuke snorted and immediately took back the momentum. "I hope you can return to the village of Yin Ren safely..."

Sasuke took back the momentum, and the pressure on the left and the like suddenly disappeared. At this time, they found that they did not know when there was a layer of cold sweat. Just now, they really felt that they would be killed immediately by Sasuke. At this time, they did not feel conscious. The heart actually floated the feeling of the rest of the robbery.

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