One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 220: Festival

This time, Ning times seized the opportunity, and white-eye insight into all the changes in the Dungeon Hall. As expected, the blue airflow, the Dungeon Hall was not constantly repaired, and the structure of the Dungeon Hall was clearly seen. Ningji seems to have found a way to break through the Dungeon Hall, and immediately said to everyone: "I looked at it, this thing is guarded by a layer of Chakra, but because it is a full-scale guardian, there will be weaknesses, there There is a place where the chakra light curtain is much thinner, I think we can break through there!"

"Is that true?"

"Well, it's true. Under my eyes, these things are still nowhere to be seen." As a Japanese family, having a white eye, insight into perspective is very strong, even if it is impossible to write a round eye. .

Finally found a breakthrough point, Lumao immediately said to some tired teeth: "Tooth, can you still?"

"Well, it’s okay to come again." He said, the teeth used the teeth again, and all the collisions were weak. The teeth were moving through the teeth, and the black storm was aligned. It was like a huge drill bit trying to break through the Dungeon Hall. no.

However, the hardness of this Dungeon Hall is beyond the expectations of the teeth. It is still impossible to break the dungeon with full force. The slamming of the tooth, the tooth is released, and the red pill falls to the ground. It seems to be exhausted.

It is no wonder that the use of teeth for three consecutive times, coupled with the devouring of Chakram without Chakra, teeth and red pills can do this step is very good.

"Damn! Can you always be trapped here?!"

Naruto hammered the wall and made a sigh of unwillingness. If they stayed here, they would not be able to catch up with Sasuke's footsteps, let alone bring Sasuke back to Muye Village.

For a time, the atmosphere was a bit heavy, everyone did not speak, only the crisp sound of eating things from time to time.

Lumao looked at his friends with some nerves. He really was eating goods, and he never forgot to eat anything. At this time, Lumao’s eyes lit up and immediately said, “I have a solution!”

"What?" Hearing that Lumaru said that there was a way, Naruto immediately went to his front and looked eager.

"Hey." Lumao's face showed an inexplicable smile, pointing to the Ding times that he was eating and eating. He said: "Naruto, don't forget, and Ding, his physical impact is very powerful. ""

Lumaru said that Naruto remembered the scene of Zhong Ren’s examination. At that time, Ding’s flesh-and-gun chariot broke through the white and dozens of demon world ice mirrors. The thunderous impact was terrible. !

"Really, the physical impact of Ding is much stronger than mine. If it is him, it may destroy this weird dungeon." The tooth sat up and gasped and said.

Immediately, everyone looked at Ding, and Ding didn't seem to notice the gaze that was being examined. He was still eating. For a long time, he was very stupid and naive. "Why do you see me? Why don't I? I am so happy."

When the words came out, everyone thundered. Then, Lumao said his thoughts to Ding, and Ding had no objection and nodded.

Since the Ding times have been eating again, so the physical strength is very abundant, the loss of Chakra is also quickly added back, in the eyes of everyone's expectations, Ding times in the hands of the printing, multiplication! Meat bomb chariot!

In an instant, the airflow rises from the Ding times. The next moment, Ding's body shape doubles, the body shrinks into a huge meat ball, and it violently rotates under the action of inertia. In the end, it turns into a scattered destructive force. Terror spiral.

The meat bomber finally had no collision with the Dungeon Hall, and the huge tremor was shocking the audience.

Ding times, be sure to cheer! Just look at you! Naruto clenched his fist tightly, and success or failure is at this moment!

Outside, Jirofang suddenly felt a huge impact, and the Chakra airflow was interrupted in an instant. The control of the Dungeon Hall was also affected. It turned out that it gradually lost control of the Dungeon Hall!

"What! This group of guys!" Jirofang speeded up the output of Chakra, and wanted to regain control of the Tudor Hall. However, the impact was so huge that he could not resist even the power.

After all, after a huge roar, the Dungeon Hall was broken open without a big hole. Then, the strong impact suddenly burst out. In the horror of Jirofang, a huge meat ball ran to him!

Feeling the extraordinary strength, the second Langfang immediately flashed, although the body is strong, but the sensitivity is very amazing, a bang, the meat bomber just hit the ground, and the second Langfang has long been hiding.

At this time, Ding's meat bomb chasing chasing Jilangfang again, the huge power can not be matched, it is actually to be a patties!

Damn guy! Jilangfang no longer dodge, bang, catch the huge meat bomb chariot, the chariot rotates, the contact point between the two is actually a metal-like popping sound, and soon, the meat bomber no longer rotates. The powerful power was finally resisted by the second Langfang.

At this time, the Dungeon Hall that surrounded the people was not broken, exposing the figure of Naruto. Immediately, Jirofang lifted the meat bomber and threw it at Naruto.

In the air, Ding was relieved, the body was restored to its original state, and it was caught by everyone.

Suddenly, the second hand of Jilangfang was printed again, bandit. Tuling dumplings!

The next moment, the second palm of the second Langfang slammed into the ground, a huge rock was lifted from the ground, the second Langfang force, the huge rock like a meteorite drop, carrying an endless pressure to cover the Naruto.

There will be such a big power!

A few people were too late to be surprised, and they immediately turned away. After all, they were dangerous and dangerous. However, the power of the Tuling Regiment was not reduced. A huge pothole was thrown on the ground, sliding for several tens of meters, and the surrounding trees were destroyed.

After the deer pill hides in the tree, the body does not feel a cold sweat. If it is caught in this thing, it will not die and will be half-mutilated.

Next, the second Langfang seems to have long eyes, constantly using the collapse of the palm to attack the people hiding behind the tree, the huge power to crack the ground, Naruto they have to leave the shelter, avoiding continuous attacks.

Damn it! Naruto knows that Jirofang is delaying time, just to entangle them, so that Sasuke and his party can easily leave.

At this time a huge meat bomb descended from the sky, and cleverly knocked the second Langfang to fly, for Naruto they took the breather.

The meat bomb chariot was untied, and Ding was calmly settled. Looking at Jilangfang, who was in the distance, finally made a decision. The momentum of the body continued to rise. They shouted to Naruto behind them: "Naruto, you hurry to chase Sasuke. Time can't be delayed any longer, I will be responsible for dragging down Jilangfang. You will go to Sasuke!"

"Ding times!"

What Luji wanted to say, but was interrupted by Ding. "You don't worry about me, we are companions! Believe me! Go to Sasuke, you must bring him back!"

Ding times...

Feeling the determination of Ding, the people no longer hesitated, and they quickly rushed to Sasuke.

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