One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 221: Festival


Seeing Naruto, they left, and Jilangfang immediately caught up and blocked, but saw a huge figure blocking his way.

"Your opponent is me!"

With the Ding times of the multiplication technique, Jirofang was firmly blocked, and time was spent for the departure of his companions.

"act recklessly!"

Jilangfang whispered, the right hand Chakra condensed, collapsed!

Like the blue meteor, the fall of the second Langfang and the Ding times double fists, the two sides trembled at the same time, the next moment, I saw Ding firmly grasp the fist of Jilangfang, under the force, it was actually the birth of Jilangfang The strength of the hand is like a thousand, like throwing garbage, the second Langfang was slammed on the ground by Ding, and the sound of the ground cracked the road, like a spider web, horrible.

"You guy." Jirofang got up and wiped the blood on his lips. It was a little guy, and there was such a big power. If this is the case...

Later, in Ding's astonished eyes, Ji Langfang ignited purple brilliance, Chakra's momentum rose, and the black mantra began to spread all over the body. The black hovering almost covered his skin color in the sunlight. The black texture is even more awkward.

Looking at the opposite Ding times, Ji Langfang showed an evil smile on his face. "Kid, forced me to use the first form, hey, die!"

Immediately, the second body of Jilangfang dragged out a residual image, and the whirlwind swept away from Ding, and the turbulent air swayed and made a sharp whistling sound.

Not yet waiting for Jilangfang to be close, Ding times felt that the body contained a powerful force, did not dare to care, mobilized the whole body Chakra, resisting the raging of the second Langfang.

With a bang, the two collided, the blue Chakra airflow broke out at the contact point, and the arc of the Chakra light formed constantly collided, slamming, the airflow was broken, accompanied by a huge shock wave, Ding's huge body I flew out and broke the big tree behind me and finally stopped.

The impact force is too big. During the collision process, the Ding times are red, and a blood is sprayed out of the body, falling on the ground, and the technique of multiplication is suddenly lifted.

Jilangfang did not give Ding a chance to breathe, and the figure once again swept away to Dingji. In the twinkling of an eye, he went to Ding, and looked at Ding's mouth, which fell to the ground, and smiled. "Death!"

"Chong boxing!"

The punch that bursts with the violent breath is lightning fast, Ding completely can't dodge, slamming, hitting his abdomen, the huge impact force blasts the ground a big hole, the invisible strength passes through his abdominal cavity, strong The pain is filled with the nerves of the brain, and the eyes are dizzy.

At this time, Ding's head was dizzy, the abdominal organs were knotted, and the huge pain made him want to stun. His eyes were a little stunned. When he looked at Jirofang, his heart suddenly felt weak and he was too weak to face Jilangfang. Now he is not a rival to Jirofang.

Want to give up? Ding is not confident.

I have already promised Naruto that they want to block Jirofang, delay the time, and strive for them to catch up with Sasuke. They have already promised them. They are my companions. They believe me, let me take it all, my promise, they Trust, how can I give up? !

Finally, Ding made a decision, he wants to use that, in any case, it is necessary to stop Jilangfang here!

"Kid, I didn't expect your life to be quite hard. I can survive in my punching. Oh, this time, I will never give you a chance, die!"

Say, the momentum of Jilangfang has risen sharply, and the blue Chakra in the hands is condensed and collapsed!

Feeling strong pressure to cover themselves, Ding times, the whole body sweats, the adrenaline instantly bursts, one thousandth of a second, a smashing, can not escape the killing blow.

After escaping from the dead, Ding took out a small box from the pocket of the ninja. I could see that there were three pills in it, green and yellow, and did not hesitate. Ding took the green scorpion pill into it. .

The role of Fayu Pills: Increases the body's 30% potential for exercise in a short period of time, and the strength increases by more than three times.

After eating the green pill, the damage to the body was instantly restored, and the body turned into an arrow and rushed to the side of Jilangfang.

Feeling the strength of Ding's sudden improvement, Jilangfang ridiculed, even if it is improved, in my eyes, it is still too weak!

Immediately, Jirofang was on the Ding times, and Ji Langfang’s hands were falling, and the Ding times’s multiplication technique was resisted. The impinging airflow echoed in the two, forming two blue Chakra vortexes.

Looking far away, it is like two blue light groups constantly colliding, the air is stirring up and bursting into the chakra fluctuations, the surrounding forest is affected, it turns out that there is no wind automatically!

However, Ding, who had swallowed the green law pill, was still not a rival to Jirofang. He was stretched out under the continuous attack of Jirofang, and he was only able to be poorly defended.

At this time, the time limit of Fashen Pills arrived, Ding felt that the muscles of the body were everywhere, the strength in the body was disappearing, the mind was unstable, and the weakness was captured by Jilangfang, and it was inverted in a hook of Jilangfang. And out.

Was beaten by the second Langfang, Ding dizzy, the body fell to the ground, struggling to climb up, pale, and apparently the pain brought by the law pills could not be relieved for a while.

Hesitated for a while, Ding took the yellow curry pill again.

Curry Pill: At the cost of burning the body fat of the user, it greatly increases the body's Chakra content and is toxic to body organs.

Since the use of curry pills, Ding's body Chakra is very incomparable, the hand is printed, the technique of ultra-magnification!

I saw that Ding’s body had expanded more than a dozen times and became a hill, like a giant standing in the forest.

impossible! His chakra...

Seeing the changes in Ding, Jilangfang was terrified, this power he had never seen before!

Suddenly, Ding ran up, really like a giant, the ground trembled, like an earthquake.

The next moment, the huge incomparable double fists simultaneously smashed to the ground of Jilangfang, bang! The ground trembled a little, and a large pit with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared instantly. However, there was no trace of Jilangfang in the pothole, apparently avoiding it.


Ding times caught the second place where the second Langfang was located. The body shape was turned up, and a giant leg was lifted up high. Like the peak of Taishan, the thunder's momentum was pressed against Jirofang.

The huge momentum blocked all the retreats of Jilangfang. At this moment, he can't retreat, he can only resist it!

Jilangfang condensed Chakra to his hands and snorted, and with his own strength, he blocked the powerful foot.

However, the strength is too big, and the second Langfang can't resist it! The legs can't stop shaking, and the teeth are constantly making a dull rubbing sound around the body, which is the tremor that the bone can't withstand the tremendous power.

Under the continuous strength of Ding, Jilangfang finally could not resist, and his legs were bent, and his life was overwhelmed.

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