One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 222: Festival

Ding's foot strength continued to increase, roaring, a big earthquake trembled, a strong air current surged from the foot, and a bang, completely stepped into the ground.

Just when Ding thought that he would house Jilangfang, suddenly, there was a stronger force coming from his feet. The huge foot that had been deeply immersed in the ground was gradually lifted up, and a black figure could be seen slowly standing up.

That guy!

Ding’s heart trembled, and I could see the huge changes in the shape of Jilangfang. The original Moganxi type became long, and the explosion was generally scattered behind the head. The skin color of the body turned brownish red, and the epidermis was blue-skinned. Large and small acne granules spread all over the cheeks, and the black and white pupils turned into beast-like yellow eyes, and the strong explosive force sprayed out.

"I actually forced me to use the second form, kid, this is you looking for death!"

When Jilangfang screamed, his strength was like Shenwei. He even raised Ding's feet high, and his mouth sneered, grabbing Ding's foot, and like a windmill, he said that his body was tall.

"go with!"

The next moment, I saw Ding flying backwards, and the huge body crashed into the ground, leaving long scratches on the ground, like being plowed by a huge iron plough.

With a slamming sound, Ding's doubled technique was lifted, and the body curled up to the ground, as if suffering a certain kind of unbearable pain.

After all, it is a curry pill. After the aging, the side effects are even greater. Ding only feels like a knife, and the pain of the heart is really unbearable.

When Jilangfang arrived in front of Ding, he saw Ding's wolf-like appearance and sneered at him. "Hey, kid, wasn't it crazy? How did this become like this? Hey, anyway, this grandfather also played enough. In this case, Then I will send you to the West!"


Jilangfang whispered, the red-brown double fists condensed the blue light arc, and the two huge shock waves filled with destructive atmosphere covered Ding's body. Because of the severe pain in the body, Ding had no resistance.

Like a knives, the power of violent continually destroys Ding times throughout the body, and the strong pain makes Ding a few souls.

With a bang, Ding was shot in the air by Jilangfang, followed by Jilangfang, and leaped high, grabbing Ding’s clothes, and smiled evilly. “Goodbye, crush!”

As if the meteorite fell, the huge power surged in the air and the sharp roar, the blue Chakra wave trembled, the huge blue shock wave burst, and the next moment, I saw the body of Ding's body lightning falling to the ground.


Ding dropped, the ground trembled a little, only to see the huge potholes on the ground again, and the surrounding forests were destroyed.

Jilangfang slowly landed and looked at the big hole under his feet. "Under my pressure, no one can escape. Kid, it’s your life, it’s your life!"

Not looking at the Ding times in the pothole, Jirofang turned and walked away. He had to catch up with Naruto and try to defeat them in front of Sasuke. At that time, he could make a big splash in front of Sasuke.

However, at this time, there was a sudden sound in the pothole that made him unexpected. "Wait, I haven’t lost yet..."

The next moment, I saw a ragged climb out of the pothole, it was Ding.

"I haven't lost, how can I fall before I defeat you!"

Suddenly, Ding’s body burst into a powerful power, almost five or six times as much as taking curry pills. The next moment, I saw two blue Chakra airflows from the Dingji, which turned out to be a blue-like butterfly. wing.

At this time, Ding's face also changed dramatically, and the original fat round face became thin and pale, like the addict who often used drugs.

This guy!

Jilangfang is a heart, how can this be? Suddenly, Jirofang remembered the pills that Ding took, and sure enough, is that at work?

Jirofang guessed it right, Ding was taking the red pepper pill, burning the whole body fat at the cost, and boosting his strength to the shadow level in an instant, but the sequelae are more powerful. If you do not treat detoxification in time, it is very likely Will die!

"Your opponent is me!"

The blue wings slowly patted behind Ding, and the blue Chakra 具 氤氲 氤氲 氤氲 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 查 查 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次The breath of the body, that is the breath of death...

"Bagua sixty-four palms!"

Ning times whispered, between the body flashes, suddenly appeared on the side of the spider, the next second, but see Ning times like a thousand hands Guanyin, the road invisible gossip spurt out, fast lightning, power Thousands!

The sly chakras stormed the bodies of dozens of small spiders and female spiders completely exposed to the fields of Ningxia.

ended! Ning's mouth sneer, and immediately, the gossip palm starts again, the soft boxing method. Eight hundred and one hundred and twenty-eight palms!

The invisible Chakra gas field enveloped a radius of more than ten meters. Within this field, all the movements could not escape the eyes and ears of Ning, the earthquake, the Ning times locked the mother spider breath, the whole body vacated the blue brilliance, and instantly, he moved It’s not moving like a mountain, it’s like a thunder!

The naked eye couldn't tell the physique of the Ning times. In the blue shining light, only the continuous buzzing sound was heard. The powerful strength of the Eight Diagrams Palms penetrated the female spider, and the black blood spouted from the wound. Like the spring that suddenly spouted from the ground, the blackness of a piece of glare was so glaring, the blood of the splash was bounced off by the wind of the palm of the hand, and there was no trace of blood on the body.

This is the Eight Diagrams Palm, the air is impenetrable, and it is impossible to attack. As long as it is a living thing, it is God! He can also kill you!

The crash, the Chakra storm formed by the Eight Diagrams Palm exploded in an instant, and the huge female spider turned out to be a powder, and there was no bone!

There is such a strong power!

Ghost Boy Pills gaze slightly, but it’s really a small look at him. Immediately, his body shape flashes and disappears into the jungle. After all, Ghost Tong Pill is best at sneak attack, so that he is playing brightly against the enemy. He is really struggling. .

Like the ghosts Ghost Boy Pill hides the shape, he knows the power of the white eye, immediately secreted a yellow **** substance from the body, this substance can reflect the light, blocking the enemy's spiritual peeping, It can be said that it is a home travel, killing people and goods must be a weapon!

Just for a moment, the yellow **** material formed an armor, and the ghost child pill was protected all over the place. At this time, Ning's white eyes could not detect his trace.

Ghost boy peeking under the yellow material is a sinister smile, this time, you must end up with you!

Immediately, Ghost Tong pill manipulated the traps set in the dark, the next moment, the sword in the sky whistling and shrouded Ning times.

Between the thousand and one, Ning used to return to the sky, the blue light curtain formed a huge spiral, and all the shurikens were resisted.

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