One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 242: Festival

The smile of the young man, and the warm palm, the touch he touched his face is still so clear. At this point, Kim will still caress his cheeks in nowhere, and wants to feel the no longer appear again. Warm, fantasizing, he appeared in front of himself, smiled at himself, and really wanted to see him again.

"What happened to gold?"

The sound of the fragrant phosphorus recalled Kim from the scorpion.

"Oh, nothing." Jin Hao smiled and looked at the phosphoric eyes until she realized that there was no doubt in her eyes.

"Because he can only live to the present..." Kim's tone is somewhat leisurely, as if recalling something, "Phosphorus, I am here to protect you, and he asked me to do this." Looking at the phosphorous, the gaze of gold Showing a hint of envy, "Phosphorus, he really cares about you..."


Xiang Pho is slightly stunned, can't help but think of Sasuke, is he? Does he let Kim come here to protect me?

Subconscious, Xiang Pho whispered: "The one, is Sasuke?"


Jin Weiwei, he called Sasuke? Speaking of it, she still doesn't know the name of Sasuke. She just remembers his face and the warmth and gentleness of his palm.

"I don't know, it should be him."

After hesitating, Xiang Pho asked again: "Do you like him?"


When asked about this topic, Jin Xintou jumped, did not know how to answer, look changed, tangled in the end to answer. She guessed Sasuke's affection for the fragrant phosphorus. It is expected that Xiang Pho is also the most suitable for Sasuke. They are the most suitable. Jin Xintou sighs and his tone is indifferent. "I don't like him."

Xiang Pho has been watching gold, noticed her tangled expression, and the heart quickly mentioned the eyes of the blind, but after hearing the answer from Kim, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, afterwards, the nostalgia and pain that flashed in the golden eyes was not the eyes of the fragrant phosphorus. Did you still like it? Phosphorus is somewhat silent, really, she doesn't want Sasuke to be taken away by anyone. The best Sasuke is her alone. This is the case with her own sister. Xiang Pho can't say anything. After all, the other person has lived with himself for a year, and has saved her life many times.

Holding the gold palm, Xiang Pho swears, even if you have a good relationship with me, but Sasuke I will never give it to you, only this, I absolutely can not accept.

In the control room, the atmosphere was a little silent, and Jin felt the mood of the fragrant phosphorus. He moved his mouth and wanted to say something.

"Phosphorus, I..."


Suddenly, the control room door has a huge collision sound, like a huge thing colliding with it. The next moment, we saw the control room door recessed, and then several times, the door has been completely deformed.

Following the crash, you can hear the monsters' shackles, which are very messy, like the riots of the group dance.

"Brothers, that chick is here, we must catch her to make a blood sacrifice and avenge the dead brother!"

"No, big brother, that little girl is quite a sign, the blood sacrifice is a pity, it is better to let our brothers open the door."

"Hey, boss, that is, I haven’t tasted the taste of a woman for a long time. I must have been addicted this time!"

"We have so many people, the chick is so weak, the brothers have to be careful."


Listening to the slutty laugh outside the door, the phosphorous face was white and green, and no one had ever been to her. This kind of insult made her very angry. Really a group of bastards! Xiang Pho vowed to kill them!

When I noticed the mood of the fragrant phosphorus, Jin came forward and protected the fragrant phosphorus behind him, waiting to see the endangered door.

"If I die, I will protect you, Xiang Pho, wait for me to block them, you run away, don't worry about me!"

"No, how can I leave you!"

Kim took the hand of Xiang Pho, and his tone was absolutely determined. "Phosphorus, don't forget Sasuke, how can you die now! Just for Sasuke, you must live!"


Think of the person who is looking forward to the heart, Xiang Pho has a call, where are you at the moment... I hope, you can appear, like that time, from the sky...

Suddenly, there was a shout of shouting outside, and the monsters around the door of the surveillance room seemed to be retracted by something.

The noisy voice gradually went away. Phosphorus and gold were very doubtful. How did they suddenly withdraw?

Subconsciously, the fragrant phosphorus uses the ability to perceive and look outside.

I saw a lot of two different kinds in the chaotic blue Chakra torrent, black and brown Chakra airflow, especially the black Chakra, strong, pure, suppressing the surrounding Chakra fluctuations .

Feeling the breath of black chakra, it is a familiar feeling that the feeling of fragrant phosphorus is trembled, is he? he came……

Surprisingly holding the gold hand, excitedly said: "He came to save us, he really obeyed the agreement!"



In the ramp, two people wrapped in the Chakra cyclone flew through the monsters. During the glimmering of the body, many monsters were separated. The blood of the big stocks ran on the ground, and the eyes were round and the face was full. The incredible expression seems to be saying how they might be so powerful!

The black Chakra cyclone continues to rise, forming a black armor that will be wrapped in a man wearing a suit. The shiny black is as pure as a jade, and the pressure from it is shocking.

The sword in the hand is wrapped in the red lightning, the sword walks with it, the superb sword technique bursts with the shining light, the red brilliance is dazzling, the lightning is screaming, the sword is pointing, the monster falls like a harvest.

The black figure is very fast, the naked eye can hardly be distinguished, the afterimage is flashed, and the monsters are separated.

Between the rest, the black figure has reached the gate of the monitoring room, holding up the sword in the hand, the red lightning rose, a few times, the metal door collapsed.

I saw two figures in the control room. The figure wrapped in black armor reveals the figure.

The white cloak, the black inky head, the blushing three-hook jade write the round eyes, the facial features are exquisite, and the surface contains a touch of relief.

Life can only be seen at first Xiang Pho is excited to see the people appearing in front of him, the joy that can not be opened on the surface, he is still the same, but more mature, a little temperament, hands The sword is glaring red light, and the thunder is shining, like a small snake wrapped around the blade.


It’s Sasuke, he is finally here...


Uncontrollable, Xiang Pho called out the name of the incomparable miss. There is still a trace of unbelief in the look. I see it again. I really don't know how to describe my mood and be excited. Happy? He is still the same in front of him, the outline is still so clear, miss? The long-distance thoughts are finally falling, sinking to the earth, and meeting each other, knowing that the other party is so profound in their own hearts. 13174

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