One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 243: Festival

At this point, Kim’s look was awkward. Once again, he saw Sasuke. He didn’t know how to be good, he wanted to talk, but he was stuck in his throat. In front of Xiang Pho, she doesn't count anything, third party? Joke, Sasuke has no thoughts about her at all, what about third parties? She knew that she was only a unilateral acacia. Sasuke had left her a life only to let her protect the fragrant phosphorus. This is clearly known.

Looking at the two, Kim Momo's retreat, standing behind the Xiang Pho, she did not want Sasuke to pay attention to herself.

However, the action of Kim naturally fell into the eyes of Sasuke. Seeing this woman who almost died under her own hand, Sasuke suddenly had a feeling of being a human being. Once again, it was rescue, and the original enemy became ally.

Pressing the cockroaches in his heart, Sasuke said: "Phosphorus, you stay here, protect yourself. There is gold, you too."

Sasuke nodded to the two, and then the body was once again covered by the energy armor formed by the black Chakra, and his body flashed and rushed into the monster group again.

Looking at the back of Sasuke's far away, there is a relief on the face of Xiang Pho. As long as he is around him, there will be a sense of security. It is very comfortable. It is like being tolerated and protected. This feeling is really enjoyable. .

Looking at the gold, Xiang Pho said softly: "We will stay here for the time being, he will handle everything."

The tone of the fragrant phosphorus has a happy taste, which makes the gold somewhat uncomfortable. I know that I can't compare with the fragrant phosphorus, and then nodded and said: "Hmm."

In the vast hall, Sasuke covered the black chakra, and the sword in his hand broke out with sharp swords and screams. Zhang Lei’s thunder rose from the sharp sword. In an instant, like a knife-cut tofu, a monster was penetrated through the body. The monster was smashed in half, and the mixture of blood and internal organs flowed to the ground.

Once again, solve a monster, Sasuke's body shape flashes rapidly, and 18 swords flashed. With the sound of the slap, several monsters fell to the ground, and the dead could not die.

The time passed quickly, the number of monsters around Sasuke was reduced rapidly, and the monsters knew that Sasuke was so powerful that he did not dare to be close. Sasuke pointed out that the monsters fled everywhere, flashing into the shadows, hiding in the ramp, trying to avoid Sasuke. The pursuit.

On the other side, in the brown Chakra airflow, the package is Jun Ma Lu. At this time, he has already opened the state of the curse, the hands are condensed with white bones, and the sharp bone thorns radiate the cold light.

After all, Jun Ma Lu and the monsters are homologous, knowing their weaknesses. Moreover, since the return of Sasuke and the war, the strength of Jun Ma Lu has risen sharply, and now he even faintly surpasses the big snake pill! In the monster group, Jun Ma Lu struggled to fight, although it was not as easy as Sasuke, but every time he swung a spur, he would kill a monster.

Although there are only two people, the fighting power they display is not trivial. In less than an hour, the monsters are killed by two people. In the large hall, the split limbs and trunk are randomly dropped to the ground, black blood. Condensed into large and small blood pools, exudes a disgusting bloody.

After solving the last monster in the hall, Sasuke went to Jun Ma Lu and removed the black Chakra armor, revealing a body that was unharmed.

"I didn't expect your strength to grow so fast, it's really unexpected."

Looking at the same unscathed Jun Ma Lu, Sasuke looks inexplicable, seems to be really surprised by his sudden surge in strength.

In the face of Sasuke, Jun Ma Lu is as cold as ever, with a slight sigh, saying: "You are not the same? No wonder the big snake pill is so important to you."

Jun Ma Lu has a cool look. There is no expression on the pale complexion. Even when he speaks, he can't see the movement of his lips. If he is not standing next to Jun Ma Lu, he really thinks that the voice just is just auditory. .

Looking at the Jun Ma Lu in front of him, Sasuke's thoughts of aversion to cold, this guy can be forced to force than I can, it will not be exploded by the big snake pill.

Retrieving the scabbard from the sword in his hand, Sasuke turned his back and said freely: "I didn't expect the sword of the big snake pill to be quite smooth, um, I will return to me later."

"This is what the big snake pill gave to you. You can accept it. I think the big snake pill will be satisfied."

Jun Ma Lu’s voice is still not salty or light, and the sound is long.

"Oh? Yes." Sasuke didn't ask any more. He looked at the body all over the place and frowned. He said, "Is it a failure of the big snake pill? The curse is actually eroding the human body to this point." ""

Saying, Sasuke picked up a broken limb from the ground and looked at the above mantra. He clearly felt that a powerful evil force contained it, but it was constantly destroying the cellular organization.

Throwing off the broken limbs, the red light was lit up in the assistant, the blood stuck to the hand was annihilated, and he clap his hands and ask him to Jun Ma Lu. "Jun Ma Lu, you said, will you become them in the future?" ?"

Sasuke’s tone has a ridiculous taste. It seems that you will be transformed into a demon line sooner or later.

"I am different from them."

"Well?" When he heard Jun Ma Lu, Sasuke turned around with curiosity. "How is it different?"

"Blood continues to limit..."

Jun Ma Lu is still not a salty and not faint tone. "I have the same blood and the limit of the world, and they are different from them."

The blood of the Hui family is bounded by the limit, and Sasuke helps the jaws. "Do you have bones?"


"what is that?"

This time, Jun Ma Lu no longer talks, and the pale face is a pair of me who ignores you.

Seeing the expression of Jun Ma Lu, Sasuke turned a blind eye, it was really a dead man, dead coffin face!

However, at this time, Sasuke’s heart is guessing, it’s not the bones of the bones, what is it, the blood of the night family is bounded by the limits...

Could it be said that does he have two blood limit boundaries?

Hui night, remembering the name of Jun Ma Lu, Sasuke’s heart jumped. Big tube wood glow night, goddess of sorrow, the one who took the fruit of the **** tree!

Did Jun Malu inherit her ability?

Is the power of nature or the power of the **** tree?

In the original work, the relationship between Zhongwu and Jun Malu is very doubtful. If he has no reason, he will obey Jun Malu and obey all his commands. According to common sense, the temperament of the temper, in the face of the confidant of the big snake pill, Jun Ma Lu, he should have hatred him, even kill him, but what makes people stunned is that Jun Ma Lu has become a heavy A good friend has become an important person in my heart.

Some people speculate that because Jun Ma Lu possesses the curse of the land, he also has a part of the power of the heavy one. Because of the curse, the two are connected together, so I am very grateful to Jun Ma Lu.

However, don't forget that in the original work, I am abhorrent to those who possess the curse. They have killed many inherited spells in the strongholds in the north, but they have not killed Jun Malu.

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