One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 248: Festival

With this word in mind, the red smudge on the cheek cheeks was dyed into a piece. It was really red-stained and so shameful.

Phosphorus naturally knows what the so-called close-fitting is. In the aristocracy, there is a role like a maid. It is not so much a maid, it is a warm-headed girl. Everything of the master requires them to agree, even if it is intimate. The thing is no exception.

Can Sasuke do that kind of thing for me? Xiang Pho did not dare to see Sasuke. I only felt that my cheeks were burning. I don’t think about it. It must be red, and the fragrance of phosphorus is so fragrant. How can it be so unbearable? This is in front of Sasuke.

I can't imagine, really want to be like Sasuke?

In fact, I really don't feel disgusted. If I can get closer to him and feel his touch in my body, maybe this is very good...

"Phosphorus, do you understand?"

At this point, the sound of the big snake pill recalled the fragrant phosphorus from the cranky thoughts.

I still can't calm down, trying to make myself show a normal look. Xiang Pho said: "Well, I understand. I am willing, when Sasuke, close...the maid..."

In the end, the fragrant phosphorus almost went down. She didn't dare to look at Sasuke or the big snake pill. The shyness in her heart has already prevailed. At this time, she wants to show a strong look but she can't.

Seeing the performance of Xiang Pho, Da Snao has an inexplicable look in his eyes. "Well, I will go to the experiment first. You will follow Sasuke. Remember, no matter what requirements he has, you can't refuse."


After all, the big snake pill left, and in the hall, only Sasuke and Xiang Pho were left.


Xiang Xiang raised his head, and the redness on his cheeks still disappeared. Hesitantly, Xiang Pho continued to say: "Sasuke adults, your future life will be taken care of by me."

However, this scent of Xiang Pho said that he was uncomfortable, and Xiang Pho was really planning to be his maid. He shook his head. Sasuke said: "Phosphorus, or let me help, it is more comfortable."

"But..." What did Xiang Pho want to say, saw Sasuke’s gaze, pressed the words that were about to be spoken, and slowly said: "Sasuke..."

Sasuke smiled a little. "This is right. Phosphorus, the order of the big snake pill, you don't have to worry about it. I never treat you as a maid. For me, you are..."

Say, Sasuke’s words are deliberately drawn for a long time, with a smile in his eyes.

Xiang Pho raised her head and looked at Sasuke's eyes. I was looking forward to it. I was very hopeful.


Sasuke’s words are simple, but they are full of meanings. It is the apology expressed by the original owner of the body for the woman in front of her, and her true love for her.

"Phosphorus, I like you."

The voice is unquestionable, solemn, promised, and remains unchanged for a thousand years.

Really! ?

Xiang Pho’s heart trembled and felt something overflowing. I couldn’t believe it and watched Sasuke, but I saw his expression, so convincing, the emotion hidden in it, the real existence!


Phosphorus only feels that happiness is too sudden, and some can't accept it. "Sasuke, I..."

"You don't have to say, I understand..."

Sasuke stepped forward, gently holding the shoulder of Xiang Pho, looking at her, the tone is light, like the spring breeze, slowly slipping through the heart.

"This is a late confession, Xiang Pho, I promise you, in my lifetime, I will definitely protect you. I will never do anything that hurts you. Phosphorus, do you accept my heart?"

This time, Xiang Pho no longer hesitated, bravely said it, "Well, I promised, Sasuke, this sentence, I have long wanted to hear it, it is good to be with you..."

After waiting for so long, you finally came.

Sasuke can know that since the moment you saved me, I began to like you. This may be the love at first sight of the flower idiot. However, Sasuke, as long as it is you, what if you are crazy? For me, you...

Phosphorus gently leaned on Sasuke's shoulder and felt everything about him. He got his affirmation. This is the greatest happiness of Xiang Pho in this life.

The sky is full of stars, and the stars are still above the sky, and the slight morning light rises from the horizon, shining the distant sky into a golden red.

In the dense forest, although the light is not enough, it can still distinguish the immediate scene. After all, it is May, the sparse morning fog is filled with low bushes, and the grass is condensed by the dewdrops to form a bead-like pattern. The veins of the network were clearly taken out, and several unknown birds were heard, and the quiet forest was stunned. After all, the forest was alive.

Dashenmao headquarters is hidden in the jungle. It hides the passageway by the surrounding fortifications. It is not easy to detect from the outside. It is not so easy to find a concave mouth, but it is a bit like a hole.

Perhaps, the big snake pill originally designed the structure of the building here with reference to the structure of the snake nest. Using the shield construction method to build an underground building like the underground palace, it is really whimsy.

Within the headquarters, there were silent, and many places fell into darkness, because it was still more than six o'clock, and most of the sounds were still not awake from sleep.

In the long passage, the silver glow sprinkled, and the mercury lamp on the ceiling seemed to have just been opened. The voltage was somewhat unstable, and the silver brilliance fluctuated from time to time. After a while, it returned to normal.

The woman in the purple pajamas gently clasps the door sill, and looks pretty, it is the fragrant phosphorus.

Go straight to the bathroom and prepare to wash.

In the mirror, the long red hair is scattered and scattered, and the eyes are still immersed in drowsiness. He yawned softly and made a lovely voice. Finally opened his eyes, put on the black rimless glasses placed next to the sink, and looked at some of the wolf.

"Oh, how did it become like this."

Some of the distressed scent of scented scented blushing red hair, the side of the mess is not well organized anyway.

"It’s very troublesome to get long That is to say, Xiang Pho is still very fond of her own hair, and she takes time out to take care of it every day. Moreover, Xiang Pho heard that Sasuke likes long hair. Therefore, it is even more necessary to keep a long hair.

When I think of Sasuke, there is a sweetness in the heart of Xiang Pho. "He finally came." Xiang Pho said to himself.

Faint pajamas and extra clothing, gently step into the bathtub that has been filled with water, and walk between them, revealing the beauty, but see a touch of red.

The foam masks the body, slightly closes the eyes, and the fragrant phosphorus makes a pleasant squeak. The comfortable water temperature makes the body of the phosphatide drive out the drowsiness that still exists, the arm swings, gathers the foam together, gently blows up, but sees the bubble. Flying, silver light, emitting a colorful light.

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