One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 249: Festival

The calf is exposed to the surface of the water, exposing the skin color of the sheep's fat jade. The tight skin highlights the youthful vitality of the girl. The water flows across the chest, and the two blushes are just right. Although not too big, they win the shape perfectly. The woman is better, the girl is better, all this shows the magic of the creator.

This time, the phosphorus is very fast, and it is not nearly as long as it used to be. In the past, if she was interested, unless the water temperature dropped completely, she would not leave.

Finishing the makeup, the phosant put on the clean underwear, just wear it. When I got to the closet and opened the closet, I didn't wear my usual clothes, but I chose a piece of clothing that was just prepared last night.

The black base is surrounded by red and brown laces, and the ribbons on the waist and chest are tied with color, and the pleated skirt on the upper body. Looking at the mirror itself, Xiang Pho thinks hesitating. Suddenly, she looked bright and suddenly thought of something. She found a headgear from the dresser, which is also pleated, which matches the whole.

At this point, there is a picture in the mirror that is completely different from the past. The long hair is neatly tidy, and the red is formed in the form of a waterfall, dressed in a black maid costume, making a well-behaved look, and a delicate little maid who is alive. .

So dressed up, the phosphorous is a bit shy, she said, she was wearing it for the first time.

"Sasuke should be very satisfied with him."

The fragrant phosphorus makes a fueling effect on the mirror itself. "Phosphorus, you are the best!"

Finished up the dress, Xiang Pho rushed to Sasuke with great interest, through the long passage, Xiang Pho Ping calmed down, imagined the performance of Sasuke, looking forward to Sasuke to praise her, play some, and finally Let him make a good morning kiss on himself.

Just thinking about it, the fragrant phosphorus went to the place where Sasuke lived, and looked at the closed door. I hope that Sasuke may not be up yet.

"Would you like to knock on the door? If Sasuke is still asleep now, I will wake him up. Will he blame me?"

Hesitantly, the action of Xiang Pho was ready to knock on the door, so I waited quietly in front of Sasuke.

Not long after, the closed door finally opened, it was the Sasuke who had already finished washing.

"Morning...good..." I saw the fragrant phosphorus in front of me. Sasuke’s words to stop talking stopped, and his eyes were a bit strange. "How do you wear it like this?"

"Ah!" was reviewed by Sasuke, and Phosphorus was somewhat overwhelmed. So, does Sasuke dislike it? I am a fool, I should have thought of it!

Xiang Pho avoided the strange eyes of Sasuke and immediately said, "That, I... I think Sasuke likes it very"

After that, Xiang Pho is like a child who made mistakes, his head is low, his hands are tangled, and his side is aggrieved.

At this time, Xiang Pho felt that his shoulder was held by people, Sasuke's breath was infinitely clear around her, hesitated, looked up, and saw a smile on his face.

"No, I like it very much, Xiang Pho, you like it, I like it very much."


The fragrant phosphorus is squinting, and the long eyelashes tremble under the lens.

"Of course, today's fragrant phosphorus is very beautiful." Sasuke, Sasuke gently squeezed the cheeks of the chewing gum, and the love of it spilled over.

Upon hearing the applause from Sasuke, the sphagnum eyelids were turned into crescent teeth. Under the glasses, a pair of Danfeng showed the joy of the owner's heart. "Well, Sasuke, I am very happy to hear your compliments, in order to reward you... ”

Say, Xiang Pho smiled at the close-knit Sasuke, and surrounded Sasuke's neck, and actually kissed Sasuke's lips.

The sudden movement of Xiang Pho gave Sasuke some horror. In her heart, she was really brave.

However, just for a moment of hesitation, Sasuke immediately closed his eyes and began to enjoy the lips kiss between the two. Speaking of it, this is the first kiss between the two of them. Sasuke feels that the action of the phosphorous is very unfamiliar. Its law.

This is her first kiss, really a bold girl, Sasuke's heart is funny, and immediately, she guided the phosphorus, and began the first kiss between the two.

Some people say that the kiss between lovers is very sweet. It is true. Between the lovers, the lips are sweet and sweet, and the most enjoyable moist and elastic touch is like a drug. It is like a drug. The nose is touched, the other person’s breath is touched, and the airflow is sprayed on the skin. On, itchy. During the alternation, the two exchanged emotional feelings, feeling the other party's affection for themselves, between the mood, sweet and infinite, like eating honey, really pure and beautiful.

Fortunately, the first kiss of Sasuke and Xiang Pho was very successful. Under the guidance of Sasuke, the two became more and more deep, smooth and sweet. After all, they had just washed, and there was no smell. The entrance was fragrant, but it was rare to enjoy.

Finally, Sasuke let go of the breathless phos, and looked at her with a funny look. "Is this time satisfied?"


Xiang Pho nodded, a little red cloud appeared on his cheeks, his chest was ups and downs, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

"Sasuke, I want to come again."

This is also addictive. Sasuke was so funny that he touched the fragrant phosphorus hair and said softly: "How many times you promised you."

This time, both of them are ready, like a heart, and close your eyes. The mouth of the fragrant phosphorus mouth is full of laughter, feeling the help of Sasuke for his own gentleness, touch, real, unable to extricate himself...

A dark room with a slight dim light, the slightest candlelight is the only light source, the shadow of the person, reflected on the wall, flashing with the fluctuation of the candlelight.

The **** eyes, the dark three-jaw jade, the white and the clothes, the long black hair, the delicate features, and the lightness of the look are the Sasuke.

"Is this the secret room of the big snake pill?" Sasuke stepped forward. Looking around, I saw rows of bookshelves, each of which was filled with various archives, and the row of bookshelves actually filled the space of this hundred-square-meter house.

Going to a bookshelf, picking up a file, it is covered with dust. It seems that it has not been read for many years, running Chakra, the cyclone is rising, and the dust accumulated in the files in the hands is eliminated.

Open the file book, put a few resume-style letterheads inside, and look at the general content above, but it is about the Yamato.

Yamato, the experimental body number thirty-eight.

The body of the experiment body, wood leaves.

The strength of the experimental body is good, the owner of the raft.

Experimental vital signs, good, no rejection.

The degree of fusion of the experimental body is good, and the integration is 80%.


"this is……"

Sasuke repeatedly read it several times. All the information of Yamato is described in detail, and the necessary vital signs such as various body reactions, body temperature, respiratory heartbeat, etc. when implanting hibiscus cells are described in detail.

However, this record is still incomplete, and it is faintly visible. There are traces of tears on the resume.

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