One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 264: Festival

"Give, don't worry about him, let's run!"

Jiu Sha urged, and took advantage of Sasuke’s killing of her companion, but it was far away from the congratulations, and Sasuke could not catch up with it.

Looking at the figure of the two people, Sasuke’s mouth is light, "I think you are running fast, otherwise..."

He took a look at the blood stains left on the grasshopper and took the grasshopper sword back to the waist. Then, Sasuke returned to the mansion and looked at the **** four fields. He could not help but frown, thinking that the four people’s means were true. Cruel, ordinary soldiers with low strength can get down.

Without looking at the surrounding environment, Sasuke went straight to the house of Asa.

The tassel formed through the veil, red and white figures appeared in front of his eyes, this time, Sasuke is seriously looking at the woman in front of him.

Just like the traditional witch costume, the white sleeves and the long red dress are obviously old-fashioned clothes. However, wearing the body of the asters is an unusual temperament, such as water, wind, and temperament. The legacy, such as jade's face does not contain a smile, there is a sense of inviolability.

Seriously watching, Sasuke nodded, like a commentary said: "Well, yes, it is a witch, now you remind me of a very familiar person."

Being looked at by Sasuke, Shion felt that he was seen through, and almost no secrets were found. He couldn’t help but raise his anger. Recalling the attitude of Sasuke before treating her, this time, Aster is completely outbreaked. "Bastard, you bastard, why did you come to save this lady so late, I almost got killed, you don't know?!"

Understand the temperament of Aster, Sasuke does not care, but said: "Girls are angry but it is easy to get old, ah, to be honest, I saw the crow's feet in your eyes."

"What! Impossible!"

Listening to Sasuke said that Shion also forgot to continue to help, and immediately took out the mirror to see the situation on his face, but the mirror is still the appearance of the appearance, there is no crow's feet.

Knowing that Sasuke is cheating on her, Aster will take back the mirror, and all eyes are only the unique color of the girl's anger. Pointing at Sasuke, the tone is very sweet. "You are a jerk, a hateful man, this lady hates you!"

"Awful man, this lady hates you!"

The sound is so loud that it is an echo in the house, and there is a duo.

The asters are elegant and versatile, and the appearance of anger is also unique. It refers to Sasuke. Because of anger, the original jade-like complexion shows a little blush, the chest is slightly undulating, and the white witch costume can't cover the chest shape. Perfect.

Looking at the asters in front of him, Sasuke shook his head and said, "Just, she is not as angry as you are. Hey, she may be the perfect witch."

Seeing that Sasuke is still evaluating her, Shion still wants to talk, but was interrupted by Sasuke.

"I heard that you have the ability to seal the seal. Is this really true?"

Sasuke's tone is dull, not looking at the asters, but it is like talking to the air.

Nasty guy!

Shion glimpsed and turned away. "Yes!"

"Very good." Sasuke turned around and looked at the astonished look of Ziyuan. His mouth was light and he was a wayward little witch. "If that's the case, then liberate you, use your seal that you are proud of!"

In the face of Sasuke’s arrogance, the asters are not willing to show weakness, and the brows are picking up, and the tone is dissatisfied: “Why?”

"Hey, you don't seem to figure out the current situation. I saved you. Is this your attitude towards the savior?"

When I heard Sasuke, the asters were lightly bowed. "Hey, Miss Ben hasn't let you come to the rescue. Besides, you are asking for this lady, please treat this lady's attitude better, hehe."

The current Aster is somewhat like an angry little girl. Although the tone is high, but under the lovely face, it is difficult to make people feel sick.

"Oh, really?"

Sasuke approached the asters and looked at the girl who was a little shorter than herself. The corners of her mouth swayed a little and made aristocratic etiquette. It was a gentleman's tone. "So, please let Miss Ziyuan help liberate the shackles."

"Oh, don't let go." Shion squatted over, licked his mouth and made an angry look. "Since you sincerely pleaded, I will tell you mercifully, oh yes. A mortal object, my duty is to seal him, not to help you unblock the seal and let him do something wrong."

For the performance of Aster, Sasuke is a funny girl. It is a wayward girl. Sasuke knows that for a long time, because of various reasons, the character of Aster is like a spoiled little girl, but under this waywardness, it is a kind of The most pure color, because I can't bear to see others hurt and disguise myself as a wayward and unreasonable way, trying to use this method to keep others away from themselves, hate themselves, and avoid the damage caused by prophecy to others.

Looking at some delicate women in front of him, Sasuke’s heart suddenly gave birth to a sympathy. It was also a person who was played by fate. Under the mood transition, Sasuke’s attitude towards Aster was much better, although the look was still a cold look.

"Well, then I have to force you." Sasuke said he would reach out.

Seeing Sasuke suddenly act like this, Shion’s eyes flashed in fear, “Bastard, what are you doing?”

"Catch you." Sasuke chuckled, and immediately caught the waist of the asters, and picked up the asters.

As Sasuke is doing this, the asters of the asters are a little bit stunned by the red clouds. After all, they are girls, and for the first time, they are so overwhelmed.

Aster shoved Sasuke's chest struggling, "Bastard, you let me go, bastard..."

However, the action of Aster has no power for Sasuke, no matter how she struggles, she can never get rid of it. Looking at the asters, they became a bit blushing because of their anger, and Sasuke whispered. "In other words, your body is really light."

As Sasuke said, Shion is even more embarrassed, shy and shy, and struggles, so that the silver hair is somewhat scattered.

"Don't struggle."

"I just want it!" Sasuke's words are even more arousing the apathy's rebellious consciousness. It turned out to be an open mouth, revealing the white tiger's little tiger teeth, and it is necessary to bite into the neck of Sasuke.

"Oh, this is still biting."

Seeing the tiger teeth exposed by Ziyuan, Sasuke’s heart jumped, and the ghost made a slap in the **** of the asters.

A slamming sound sounded extraordinarily awkward in the house. Now, Sasuke and Shion were both stunned. Both sides stopped their movements and glared at the eyes.

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