One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 265: Festival

As soon as I couldn’t feel the softness and flexibility that came from my hand, Sasuke immediately said: "Oh, that, I didn't mean it." Sasuke, Sasuke's eyes turned to one side, and dared not look at the azure blue hole in the Aster.

At this time, Shion reacted and gave a scream.

"Ah! You bastard, I want to kill you!"

Being sleazy, Shion was completely stunned, and he did not care about the image of the witch. He was going to slap Sasuke and live like a little lion.

Fortunately, Sasuke controlled the Aster, and her attack fell on Sasuke's body, but there was no strength.

"Bastard, I dare to treat this lady like this!" Shion bite Sasuke's neck and slap Sasuke's back, but she didn't realize that she had had a close contact with Sasuke. From a distance, it looked like two people. What is the embarrassing thing to do in general.

Feeling the softness of the body of Aster, Sasuke's heart jumped, so it would really taste bad, and immediately took a look at the back of Aster, and placed her on her back.

However, the strength of Aster’s back was slightly larger. Sasuke felt it clearly. The softness of her chest was crushed behind her back. The temptation of the touch made Sasuke’s heart burst into trouble. .

Behind Sasuke’s back, Shion is still not honest, still biting Sasuke’s shoulder, and there is no meaning of loose mouth. Under this, Shion completely lost the witch’s arrogance and made a wayward little girl, kneeling on Sasuke’s back. I want to vent my inner dissatisfaction.

Sasuke's body is not iron, how the flesh and blood can withstand the bite of the teeth, Shion's little tiger teeth let Sasuke shoulder pain.

"Ah! Are you a cat? How do you bite people, let me go!"

Hearing the pain of Sasuke, Aster’s heart was a joy, as if there was a kind of great hatred, and muttered, “Hey, bite you this bastard!” It’s not a bit loose, but it’s even more hard. Deeply caught in the skin of Sasuke, the white and the clothes, there is a trace of blood oozing out, it is obvious that Sasuke is bitten.

Asters performed so much, Sasuke’s heart was worried, and once again patted the buttocks of Aster, it was a touch of sorrow.

The pain came, and the asters screamed and the movements in the mouth were much looser.

After a series of follow-ups, Sasuke was a few times. Shion finally completely loosened his mouth and cursed in his mouth. "Bastard, this way treats girls like this, I want to kill you!"

In the face of the curse of Aster, Sasuke is helpless. She is thoroughly aware of her waywardness. "Hey, can you change your way, always bastard, and my ears are coming to hear the scorpion come. Is it this? Are you swearing for the first time?"

Sasuke said that Aster suddenly blushes to the root of the ear, really, this is her first time to swear, she has never been so dignified, and she has never been so dignified. She remembered her own performance, and Aster was even more ashamed. It’s a jerk, God! I am a reserved witch, how can I do those things, face the strange man, he is touched by him, contacted by him...

Thinking of this, Shion was ashamed, and the rebuttal that I wanted to say was stuck in my throat.

"Hey, why don't you talk?"

Sasuke turned his head and saw that the asters were full of shy colors. I saw that the original jade face was printed with a layer of blush, and the lips were bitten, and it was really tangled.

I noticed Sasuke's gaze, and Aster was a little embarrassed. "Don't look at me..." He said, pushing Sasuke's shoulder and letting him turn his head.

"Amount..." Seeing the performance of Aster, Sasuke said that she would no longer look at her, but her heart was judged. Was this time a shameful heart? Miss, you are too nervous!

For a while, Aster said: "Hey, you said, my move was not very... very debauchery..."


Miss, you realized that Sasuke was a little depressed, and immediately said, "Oh, don't let go, please continue."

Sasuke’s words are somewhat tempting, and the asters are red.

"Asshole, don't talk nonsense!"

After taking a look at Sasuke's shoulder, Aster said nervously: "In fact, I don't usually do this. I am a good witch. Right, I know you won't lie to me."

This also defended himself. Sasuke shook his head and said helplessly: "Yes, yes, my great lady, you are very reserved, a good witch, the world's first good witch."



Sasuke nodded and his tone was very certain.

When I heard Sasuke, Shion finally let go of his heart and immediately said, "Well, mother is the world's first good witch, I am the second best witch, um, everyone else said this."

Listening to Ziyuan’s self-talk, Sasuke suddenly became a shame, adding a title to the image of Asters, narcissism.

Seeing that Aster completely calmed down, then Sasuke said, "Hey, now you should always go to the shrine with me."

"Are you still fighting the idea? No, you can't tell him to release it." Shion still insists, she will never help Sasuke to unravel the seal.

Sasuke knows that Aster will not change his mind. He will not mention this matter any more. He did not ask for the opinion of Aster, and his body shape flashed. He left here and rushed to the Ghost State Shrine.

On the way, Aster recognized the reality and did not resist the help of Sasuke. Although Sasuke wanted to take her to the shrine, Shion would never agree to the seal of his untied. This, she insisted on it anyway.

In the forest, a figure passed, and it was faint to see a man wearing a cloak, and on his back was a woman wearing a witch costume. Fortunately, there was a chakra cyclone to protect the two, so even though It was in the fast-moving road that the air whistling through the air did not affect the two.

"Hey, is the shrine in this direction?" Sasuke stopped and looked at everything around him and asked about the direction of the Aster.

"Hey, this lady doesn't know."

Say Aster once again made a look that I ignored you.

"Hey, don't tell..." Sasuke, Sasuke made a sinister look, threatening the asters.

However, the asters do not eat this set, it is still the same.

Seeing Shion’s performance, Sasuke was helpless, and the staller said: "Miss, this is totally inconsistent with the script. You have to cooperate with me. No, I have already threatened you like this. At the very least, you should make a fear and shout. Here, help, there is a **** here, saying that your performance is completely out of line with the setting."

Listening to Sasuke's words, Shion was teased and laughed, covering his lips and saying: "Giggle, I am not afraid of you, what's wrong? Big Brother, you really have no talent for performance."


Sasuke was helpless, and finally only said, "You won."

Looking at the way Sasuke eats it, Aster is a smile. This **** is not so annoying. Invisible, the attitude towards Sasuke is close.

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