One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 270: Festival

"Don't... don't..."

I remembered that I was swallowed by the ghosts, the flesh and blood were cruelly robbed, the skin was peeled off and made into clothes, and the Aster shivered with a hoarse voice.

Perhaps the pleading really worked, Aster felt that the ghost had put down her hand and stood behind her, and then she heard a man’s sigh.

"Aster, I am so terrible?"

Upon hearing this voice, the fear on the face of Aster became a loss, and then it turned into indignation.

The cockroach turned around, Aster faced the white figure and shouted loudly: "Bastard! I know to scare me! You bastard!"

After being stunned by Aster, Sasuke licked his ears and said, "My Missy, your voice is so loud in the assembly."

Looking at Sasuke's indifferent expression, the face of Astery Jade is a little red, and that is because of the **** gas caused by anger.

"Bastard, dead, I called you so many times, why don't you answer me?!"

Asters licked his foot and said with anger: "Are you scared me by heart?"

"Of course not, I dare to scare you." Sasuke said with some helplessness: "I went to the waterfall to clean it. I heard your life-saving voice and quickly came back. I just yelled at you when I saw you. Hey, I don't seem to offend you."


At this time, Aster only noticed the situation of Sasuke, but he saw that he was soaked, the white clothes and the clothes were close to the skin, and the scenery under the clothes was faintly visible, and suddenly he was bathed back in a hurry.

Seeing the appearance of Sasuke, the face of Aster as jade gradually floated out of the red cloud, she saw...

Under the moonlight, the radiance of silver will make Sasuke's figure project very clear, the lines are perfect, the muscles are evenly distributed, the black nicks on the chest, and the jade skin contrasts with each other. The most bizarre thing is that under the skin. There is fluorescence flow! Later, under the horror of Aster, I saw the lower body of Sasuke. When I saw it here, Aster’s heart jumped, and the heart said that the boy was like that, unlike us...

Under the pressure of the heart, Aster forced himself to divert his gaze, but he was on the eyes of Sasuke.

With Sasuke’s vision, Aster’s heart was faint, and he blinked and said, “Where do I know that you are going to take a shower? Leave me alone here, hey! It’s a dead man...”


Sasuke pointed to himself and said, "Are you talking about me?"

"Not who you are? Hey!"


Sasuke knows that he has another nickname. In addition to the "bastard", there is another nickname of "dead man".

"Well, the dead will die." Sasuke is also a bachelor. He runs Chakra, and his black brilliance flashes over his body. It is the evaporation of the water from his body. After finishing all this, he then said: "Is it okay now?"

Asters snorted and said: "As long as you don't scare me, it will be fine."

"Oh. Of course I will not scare you, but, speaking, you are a witch, how can you be afraid of ghosts? I know that witches have all kinds of techniques to restrain ghosts. The general devils and ghosts are nothing to the witch. Next. Oh, I know, you are a half-witch witch, um, it’s like..."

Say, Sasuke looked at the Aster, made a taste of the taste, with a smile in his eyes, it seems to say that you are a half-wow witch.

As Sasuke said, Shion is like a cat being trampled on the tail. "Who said it!" said an angry man: "I am the first witch of the world, the holy woman of the country of ghosts, hey, mine. Sealing is unparalleled in the world!"

"Seeing the performance of Aster, Sasuke strongly resisted the smile and made an incredible expression. "What? Just by you? It won't be blowing cowhide. ”

Intention to maintain the dignity of his witch, Shion said: "Blow the cowhide? Hey! Do you want me to give you a demonstration?"


"That line, look at your eyes, my ability!"

I heard the answer from Aster, and Sasuke’s eyes flashed a touch of light. It was a sly god, and Xiao Nizi was fooled!

Then he secretly wrote the round eyes, and the blushing three-hook jade was covered by the silver moonlight, and Sasuke's movements were hidden, deliberately avoiding the sight of Aster.

Asters did not notice the action of Sasuke. It turned out to be the practice of the seal technique that she had learned. However, she saw the change of mysterious prints in her hands. The surrounding air formed a blank space, which would be inside. When the air is exhausted, in an instant, the purple law rises and floats in the void, and you can feel the power of the seal contained in it.

At the time of the display of the seal, the temperament of the asters became more sacred, and with the face of jade, there was a sacred and perfect inviolability.

Looking at the asters to display the seal, Sasuke writes the three eye jade rotation, bursting out a powerful heart-breaking power! Aster's gaze just happened to be the strangely written eye, she only felt that her heart was awkward, and then, it was the feeling that the monster appeared in front of her eyes.


Being written by the wheel eye, the asters look confused. She can only see the illusion that suddenly appears in front of her eyes. At this time, there is only one purpose left in the heart, that is, to display the real yin and yang seal, and completely seal this monster!

According to the memory in my mind, the inscription on the inscription in Aoyuan suddenly changed, and the more mysterious Indian style emerged. The next moment, the surrounding space trembled, and a huge purple circle emerged from the foot of Ziyuan, purple Guanghua Dasheng It turned out to be a huge array of law in the sky. The law was spread across the sky, turning the dark night sky into a purple color. The seals contained in it were endless, almost to the heavens and the earth. Everything between the two is suppressed!

this is!

Feel the powerful Sasuke’s eyes flashed a horror, this seal is no less than the big seal in the past world of comprehension, and Sasuke felt it, Aster is now There is no real power to play this seal.

"Is this the power of the witch country of the Ghost Kingdom? No wonder it can seal the seal..."

Sasuke wrote down all the seals of this seal. He knows that this seal is very powerful, and that it only needs Chakra to display it. There is no other restriction at all. This kind of thing is what Sasuke is craving now.

Write the wheel eye to control the asters, watching her show the seal, Sasuke immediately let the asters stop the seal, accompanied by the weakening of the force, the purple array is turned into a little bit of light to dissipate in the air, only a little remaining The power of the seal tells the power of that move.

Subsequently, Sasuke relieved the control of the asters, and the asters only felt that the mind was shocked, but the monsters disappeared, and then, the front was black, but it was dizzy.

Sasuke helped the Aster, let her fall in her arms, looked at the sleeping capacity of Aster, and helped the mouth to sway. "Xiao Nizi, even if you don't help me, I still have a way, hehe!"

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