One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 271: Festival

Being written by the wheel eye, Aster has displayed all the prints of the yin and yang seals, and Sasuke has removed all the seals and then released the control of the asters.

Because of the forced control of the wheel, the spirit world of Aster was eroded. Although it was not serious, it still fainted her. Sasuke held Aster in her arms and returned to the place where Aster had previously rested.

Aster's body is really light. He is barely able to feel any weight when he is held in his arms. Although it is not heavy, the body of Aster is not weak. On the contrary, it is very sensual, and it is soft and soft in the arms. Soft, the soft signs of the girl's body appear.

Because it is a princess, Sasuke can feel the situation in the chest of the Aster, the shape is perfect, and it is very weighty. At this time, Sasuke has some emotions. Is it that her nutrition has eaten that place?

Soon, Sasuke arrived at the destination, gently placed the asters in front of the bluestone, picked up the clothes dropped on the side, and covered them on the asters.

At this point, the asters fell into a deep sleep, the chest slightly undulating, the shallow breathing sounds from the nose, very regular, the scalloped long eyelashes slightly closed, silver long hair scattered in the back of the head, pressed in the body Next, with the white costumes.

Looking at the sleeping capacity of Aster, Sasuke’s eyes flashed a soft color. He still remembers the scene when she met her for the first time, the arrogant waywardness, the fragile touch of the heart...

After all, the Amethyst looks extraordinary, and the temperament of her body is similar to that of Sasuke's previous life. Unconsciously, Sasuke raised a trace of embarrassment, hesitated, and even reached out and stroked the cheek of Aster.

Feeling the smooth touch, Sasuke said like a self-speaking: "Some things are left to the girl is still cruel, the fate of the witch country, your destiny, the asters..."

Sasuke wanted to say something, but in the end she stopped her mouth and didn't miss the touch of intoxication. Sasuke left the side of Aster and sat next to her, guarding, waiting...

The moonlight is covered by hazy mist, the starlight is invisible, the evening wind blows, the secluded forest makes the rustling leaves slap, and the waves between the forest and the sea form a wave-like ups and downs, the moon, the dark star, Lin Hai, above the bluestone, the red and white witches make a shallow breathing sound....

The night was all over, and the Aster opened his eyes again. It was already more than nine in the morning. At this time, a little bit of sunlight was projected from the trees, forming a little bit of mottled on the surface of the asters.

The hand blocked it and didn't dazzle the sun. Aster sat up and covered the clothes and slipped. He whispered softly and made a cute call from the cat. Everything in the field of vision was clear and looked aside. But see Sasuke guarding her side, looking at her with gaze.

"Wake up." Sasuke smiled and showed a gentle attitude towards Asters.

“Uh-huh.” Shion touched the head and felt a little dizzy, and immediately said, “You have been there.”

"Of course, you have been sleeping since yesterday morning."

"Yes? How can I sleep for so long..." Aster was a little surprised. She naturally couldn't guess that it was a masterpiece of Sasuke. Under the control of the writing eye, Aster had forgotten everything last night, just remember Things before yesterday morning.

Did not think about the clues of this, Ziyuan stood up and swayed. At this time, she still had some dizziness in front of her eyes. The sequelae caused by the control of the wheel eye had not recovered yet. The foot was unstable, and the asters exclaimed. Fall to the side!


Asters only felt that he had fallen into a solid embrace. A man’s breath came from the subconscious. Asters opened his eyes, but he saw that he was being held in his arms by Sasuke, while the latter looked at him with a look of embarrassment. she was.

I couldn't stand the help of Sasuke. Oh, a little red glow emerged from the Amethyst face. I bite my lip and said, "I'm fine."

Saying, it is to get out of Sasuke’s arms.

Sasuke released the asters according to the words, watching the delicate body leave, but the heart is a loss.

After the previous incident, Ziyuan was also embarrassed to treat Zuo with a cold face. Some tangled words said: "That, I don't want to thank you, but after all, you saved me from those people. Thank you for your voice."

Have you finally compromised? Sasuke knows that Aster recognizes the reality and does not care. "Nothing, no thanks, my big lady..."

This sound of Sasuke’s Miss At this moment is a bit harsh in the Aster. She knows the meaning of the “Missy” in Sasuke’s mouth. It’s a pretty, self-willed and unreasonable. Is it synonymous with Missy?

"I... that... I have a name, you can call me Aster, don't call Missy."

Asters hesitated for a moment, finally told his name to Sasuke, but then he said: "Hey, don't misunderstand, I tell you my name is not because of your affection, hey! I It is sympathy that you told me the name."

"Compassionate me?"

Sasuke is stunned, she is sympathizing with me?

Asa has a complicated complexion and said with a sigh of relief: "I generally don't take the initiative to tell others the name. You are the first one. Hey, you are still not touched?!"


Listening to the answer from Aster, Sasuke is so beautiful, it’s really like a princess-like singer-stricken immediately said helplessly: "Yes, yes, I know."

"Don't say two times ‘Yes’! You know, this will make me awkward.”

"Oh, okay."

Looking at the expression of Shion’s natural opinion, Sasuke really wants to turn a blind eye. However, he still resists this kind of impulse. He knows that Shion’s waywardness is really done. I don’t know how she will behave. I’m afraid it’s a bit of awkwardness. Let's go.

Later, Aster said: "Since I told my name, your name should also be told to me."

"Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke."

"Is Uchibo Sasuke? Is it good, I remember." Shion carefully remembered the name that Sasuke was not difficult to remember, and then said: "Sasuke, I really can't promise for your purpose, I You can't help you to liberate you. You know, 魍魉 is the thing of the underworld. It is an imbalance in the world itself. If you liberate you, the harm to the world is immeasurable, and, 魍魉Powerful, once liberated, no one in this world can suppress him. At that time, the whole world will collapse, and the world will disappear."

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