One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 284: Festival

After all, people are greedy, even though Sasuke, who was once a celestial being, is no exception. There are seven emotions and six desires, all of which have greed and obsession. Although they have already done a good job of chakra failure, the sea is ready to be scrapped, but Sasuke still With the luck of luck, I tried to save it in some way. Flash Dance Network www

In the face of the powerful and powerful power of the devil, Sasuke racked his brains to find a way to resolve the crisis at this time, and to keep the gas sea and Chakra, it is best to completely suppress the power of the demon.

power! Sasuke knows that now he must have a stronger power than the black air and the power of the devil, through which, successfully suppress the power of the devil.

"Can't fall here!" Sasuke turned his mind and looked for ways to solve the crisis ahead.

Suddenly, Sasuke’s mind flashed a glimmer of light, and he thought of the kind of power that existed in his body, the source!

Since the birth of this source, Sasuke has not been actively used. At the end of the battle, Sasuke blackened, the refining pot automatically flew out of the guardian, and the power of the source succeeded in pulling Sasuke back from the abyss of blackening.

The source is extremely powerful, and the black power in the refining pot is completely submissive under the source. At the beginning of the initial cost source, it is only the source of the hair that will suppress the huge black power, just like the king is extraordinary. .

Immediately, Sasuke’s mind was immersed in the demon pot, and there was a scene inside the refining pot. The black sea was boundless, the surging black force was over and the sea was another layer of white enchantment. The coverage, the little black force that slowly disappears from the gap of the enchantment, provides the necessary energy for the normal operation of the refining pot.

Seeing this enchantment, Sasuke is very helpless. When he first entered the interior of the refining pot, he was shocked by this white enchantment. How can there be such a huge enchantment here!

Sasuke began to speculate that someone wants to use this enchantment to seal the power of the refining pot, and the real reason why the refining pot can't exert its power is here.

In the past, Sasuke used the mind to explore the enchantment. However, as soon as he came into contact with the enchantment, he was shocked back.

Sasuke knows that in order to solve this enchantment, it must be done through Xianli. Before you can repair the immortal, it is impossible to unlock the seal and exert the powerful power of the refining pot.

Without taking care of the enchantment, Sasuke tried to summon the power of the source from the vast sea.

However, this is easy to say, the source is even smaller than the hair, and it is impossible to find it in the black ocean.

Fortunately, Sasuke remembered the atmosphere of the source, and carefully sensed the existence of the source of power in the vast sea.

Through the small gaps exposed by the enchantment, Sasuke's thoughts can successfully invade the Black Sea, just like finding a needle in a haystack and searching for the source through the only breath.

Perhaps it happened that, not long after, Sasuke searched for the source of the source, he finally found the last straw. Www

"Found it!"

Sasuke’s heart was a joy, and he immediately used the power of the source. It was very successful. The power of the source was summoned by Sasuke. An inexplicable force was inspired from the source. It was like a blend of water and milk, and it was intertwined with Sasuke’s knowledge. together.

Feeling the power, Sasuke's heart was slightly shocked, he clearly felt that the power that merged into his consciousness is a kind of spiritual similar existence.

There is still spiritual knowledge in the source! ?

It is reasonable to say that spiritual knowledge is only available to creatures, but the source is only a power system. How can there be spiritual knowledge?

This makes Saskatchewan puzzled.

However, in the end, Sasuke’s thoughts in his mind answered the doubts in his heart.

The source is the most fundamental and pure existence between heaven and earth. In other words, it is the purest way!

Daosheng one, one life two, two three, three things. Everything in the world is made by the Tao, and it is made by the source. This is the so-called mysterious, mysterious and mysterious, the door of the wonderful.

Sasuke sensed the source. Similarly, the source also sensed Sasuke, and God got a spirit. Therefore, the original illusion of intelligence, integrated into the knowledge of Sasuke, and he established a wonderful sensory relationship.

"It's a wonderful existence." Sasuke sighed and then transferred his source through the gods and wanted to get rid of it from the Black Sea.


The source was sensed, and a tremor was emitted. The gray power of the hair was constantly fluctuating, and it turned out to be a huge wave in the black ocean.

Under the powerful force, the sea where the source is located has been broken through a gap, and the black energy is constantly retreating, completely unable to resist the breath of the source.


The sea tumbling, the gray source finally jumped out of the sea, turned into a gray streamer and quickly rushed to the white enchantment.


The white enchantment did not block the source, and the weird enchantment gave a ripple-like tremor. Then, the gray power of the source was swept away.

At this point, the refining pots made a roar, powerful power constantly rushed out, letting the black air flowing over the refining pots shine, and the next moment, I saw the origin of the hair as smooth as the hair from the refining pot. .

The origin of the source, immediately caused a lot of changes, although only a small point, but became the center of all, the irresistible power broke out, under the invisible pressure, all the power for surrender, and originally against the black air The power of the demon is immediately dissipated, as if you have seen any natural enemies.

The source is so strong, Sasuke immediately manipulates the power of the source, allowing it to run around the body.

I saw that the hair is as unstoppable as the hair, no matter what kind of power immediately retreats, avoids, escapes, the original arrogant devilish power is like a mouse to see a cat, panic-strickenly fleeing ~ Suddenly, the original source fluctuated, the invisible power poured out, and the gray ripples formed continuously. The devil's power in the fluctuating zone continued to shatter, but in the end it was annihilated into a little black star that was closely followed by the source. The airflow is absorbed as much as possible.

In the meridians, the source constantly annihilates the power of the demon, and the power of the origins of the meridians is completely dissipated. At this time, the source emits a gray brilliance, and under the circulation, the broken meridians instantly return to the original. Just running for a week, the damaged meridians have fully recovered.

In the sea, the power of the devil has already slashed the seven-eight-eighth eight-eighths of Chakra. There is almost no Chakra in the wide sea of ​​air. Only the power of the purple demon destroys the sea of ​​air.

After all, the source came to the sea of ​​air, and a burst of vibrating within a purple sea of ​​sorrow, but saw a small gray in the purple torrent, the gray air flow fluctuated constantly, and all the power of the demon was destroyed. The disaster was almost a moment, and the power of the demon was completely annihilated, and it was once again turned into a little starlight. Js3v3

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