One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 285: Festival


The source once again released the gray brilliance, the ruined sea gradually recovered, and even expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye. When the gray brilliance dissipated, the sea was expanded again.

Solving the power of the demon in the sea, Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief, "to finally avoid the threat of breaking the sea."

However, at this time, there is no Chakra in the sea, and there is no air and sea in the margins, but it is desolate.

Seeing this situation, Sasuke is very helpless. Chakra is swallowed up, even if it is supplemented with a refining pot, it feels like a cup of water, but this is always stronger than the result of the weak sea.

Feel the situation around the whole body, Sasuke is slightly gratified, but fortunately, the source of help is timely, the devil's power in other places is completely eliminated, and the damaged parts have been restored under the power of the source.

Above the altar, influenced by the source, Shi Zhuyong stopped the output of the demon power in Sasuke's body, and the raging purple storm disappeared instantly. For a time, the vast altar could no longer feel the power of the devil.

After a while, Sasuke opened his eyes and showed an angry color. When he thought of the damage caused by the power of the demon, Sasuke suddenly raised a revenge. "Since you swallowed my chakra, then I will Devouring you, everything you eat is spit it out!"

Immediately, Sasuke reversed the source, using the methods of the past to condense the source in the palm of his hand, and the right hand of the stone column was shrouded in a gray airflow. Soon, a strong suction appeared in the right hand, and it seemed that the stone column was absorbed into the body. Flash Dance Network www


The stone pillars trembled, and the purple devil's power broke out again from the stone pillar. Under the powerful suction, it was continuously inhaled into Sasuke's body.

Because of the suppression of the source, the power of the purple demon can not afford to make a sense of the wind and the waves, in the face of strong suppression, the power of the devil is completely surrendered.

At this time, Sakai's refining pot at the heart of the heart resonates, and at the same time a strong suction is transmitted. The power of breaking the magic into the body of Sasuke is constantly absorbed by the refining pot, as the whale swallows the water and generally turns into a purple torrent.

The speed is too slow, the gray airflow in the assistant suddenly expands, and finally his entire body is wrapped in a gray airflow.

"Give me a swallow!"

Sasuke whispered, using the method to make his body turn into a huge mouth, as the abyss generally wants to swallow all the power of the demon.

Suddenly, the altar trembled and saw the other five stone pillars fluctuating together. The powerful and powerful demon power completely poured out. Flash Dance Network www

Powerful, pure, deep smashing power to form the purest purple crystal streamer!

Immediately, the amethyst's general demon power rushed into Sasuke's body, forming a purple storm to wrap him. In the storm, the purple brilliance gradually concealed the gray airflow. From the outside, Sasuke is now like a purple crystal person.

Just for a moment, all the power of the demon in the stone pillar was absorbed by Sasuke, but the suction of Sasuke's body still did not stop.

Being implicated, the stone tablets of the seal trembled together, and a slamming sound seemed to be something broken, and the stone monument broke out with a more powerful and powerful demon power.


This force of breaking the magic into the body, Sasuke's body trembled, because the power is too large, so that Sasuke has a feeling of soul out.

All the devilish powers in the stone pillars and stone tablets were swallowed by Sasuke, and the whole altar trembled slightly. Then, the cracks on the stone monuments expanded, and a purple-black airflow emerged from the clouds.

Suddenly, Sasuke did not see it naturally. Now he is busy dealing with the power of the devil in the body.

Because of the swallowing of too many devilish powers, now the entire refining pot is carrying a layer of purple streamer, the misty, crystal-clear purple brilliance is shining and it is very beautiful.

Immediately, Sasuke condensed the source into the refining pot, and with the powerful power of the town, the force of the demon was suppressed. Then, Sasuke was the operation of the refining pot, and the power of the refining pot continued to assimilate the power of the demon.

The refining pot itself has the power of creation, and can transform all kinds of power arbitrarily. The power of the demon that has been swallowed is constantly transformed under the action of the refining pot. The original erosion is eliminated and becomes available for Sasuke. Chakra, only the chakra at this time is purple.

Purple Chakra is extraordinary, and it is more powerful than the original Chakra. Sasuke feels that the purple Chakra is accompanied by the power of demolition and the power of destruction. It is pure and almost close to the world. The purest power system.

After successfully transforming Chakra, Sasuke immediately moved into the sea of ​​gas, and the steady purple chakra entered the sea of ​​gas, so that the dry sea was refilled.

The purple Chakra formed a torrent, constantly filling the gaps in the sea of ​​air, and the empty sea of ​​air was quickly spread by the purple stream. Yingchao Chakra turned the sea into a vast purple sea.

The power of the devil that is swallowed up is really strong, and it is the same in both quality and quantity. When Sasuke fully fills the sea, the power of the devil is only one percent consumed.

Sasuke is very emotional about this situation. He thoroughly understands the extraordinary power of the devil's power. As far as quality is concerned, the power of devil is the second-generation existence that he now encounters. The Chakra of the tail beast, the power of the devil is more pure, pure, pure, one of the purest forces in the world.

The gas sea has been filled, and how to deal with the remaining demon power has become the biggest problem facing Sasuke now. Where is the power of this devil?

Sasuke doesn't know if these demon powers will suddenly One day, it suddenly erodes your body again. If there is such a thing, Sasuke can really cry.

Hesitantly, Sasuke still chooses to leave the power of the devil in his own body. It is a waste to lose such a huge force.

In order to suppress the power of this demon, Sasuke is to control the source of this demon to suppress the power of this demon in the black sea inside the refining pot.

All of this was slow, but it was completed in a short period of time. This time, Sasuke Sasuke finally solved the eruption of the demon power, and he also made great progress in his chakra quality.

Everything has been done, and there has been a great change in the interior of the refining pot. It can be seen that above the Black Sea, a purple curtain will cover a vast space, and the purple brilliance will be pure and pure, and the ocean formed by the black air will complement each other. . Js3v3

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