One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 295: Festival

"Strange, why haven't you woke up? Is it really deceptive on the TV series?"

Sasuke ended his kiss on Shion, explored the pulse of Shion, listened to her heartbeat, and comforted herself. "Fortunately, I didn't wake up, otherwise I can't explain it."

Because of the guilty conscience, Sasuke then got up and left the side of the asters, and sat down to the place outside the Aster, and prepared to recover the loss of Chakra.

Just after Sasuke left, the closed eyes of Shion were slowly opened, faintly visible, and the bright eyes were full of shame. Asters leaned on the bluestone, maintaining the original position, turning his head slightly and looking at Sasuke.

Asters looked at Sasuke's back and looked changed. After all, there was still no sound. Aster knows that she is very incomparable with Sasuke. If she says something, there will be a stalemate between the two people. Instead of pretending to be a coma, it is better to keep silent about this matter. It is best to let this happen. As the wind passed away, nothing happened.

"It's cheaper for you!" The asters secretly turned the sorrowful anger into a sly glimpse, and they closed their eyes and raised their minds.

Asa is sober, Sasuke knows it naturally. Although he is in a state of cultivation, some of his mind is still on the body of Aster.

It can be said that Shion’s every move is in the eyes of Sasuke.

For the complex look of Aster, Sasuke did not see anything and made a dedication to practice.

However, Sasuke is still absent-minded. His heart is still concerned about the Aster. He is worried that she will suddenly speak out and say something to humiliate him, so that the two are full of jealousy and entanglement.

Fortunately, asters did not say anything, which made Sasuke a little lucky.

However, the last glimpse of Aster is to let Sasuke’s heart jump.

"Xiao Nizi, I am really sorry this time, I hope you don't blame me..."


In the forest, there was a calm, asters still pretending to be unconscious, while Sasuke was focused on recovering Chakra. After all, there was a cheating device, and his chakra recovered quickly.

Under the action of the refining pot, Sasuke transformed part of the demon power into his own chakra. After a while, his sea of ​​air became full again.

Suddenly, the ground trembled, the shock from the distance will help Sasuke wake up from the state of cultivation, and Aster also opened his eyes slightly and looked at the distant situation, but this look made her face horrified color.

In the distance, I saw a piece of black pressure, and thousands of Tao Xun troops generally came to them.

"That is! Terracotta Warriors!"

Sasuke finished the cultivation, stood up, wrote the wheel eye, and the dark cloud in the distance clearly reflected in his eyes.

The pottery in the black armor is extraordinary, and the rune of the crystal is depicted in the chest, reflecting Yingying's eyes with purple brilliance.

Above the terracotta warriors, a man in a purple-black mist filled the air, it was the embarrassment, but he saw that the army and the terracotta army quickly rushed to them.

Sasuke felt the power of the sudden terracotta warriors and horses, and a dangerous atmosphere shrouded his heart.


At this time, Sasuke also refused to cope with the asters, and even shouted: "Don't sleep!"

Seeing that he was helped by Sasuke, the Aster could not be installed anymore. He opened his eyes and looked at Sasuke here. His eyes still had a shameful color.

"Sasuke, I am coming over, what should I do, and should I deal with him?"

"No, I will take you out of here!"

"But, uh..."

Unable to say that Sasuke immediately took the hand of Asters and ran to the depths of the forest.

However, the physical strength of the Aster is too bad, and she has not run a few steps. She is already tired and panting, and she is almost dragged by Sasuke.

"Hey, Sasuke, you slow down... I have no strength..."

Aster's forehead oozes a little sweat, because the physical overdraft has become a bit whitish, and the panting is really exhausted.

Seeing asters are so unbearable, Sasuke has no choice but to carry her back again.

In the sound of "ah", Zifang turned around in the blink of an eye. The next moment, she felt that she was on a solid back.

This time, the asters did not have much resistance, and a slight snoring, it was on the shoulders of Sasuke, hands around him.

Sasuke's speed is very fast, almost the wind and power, the strong air flow continues to come, the purple hair of the asters flies, in order to stabilize the center of gravity, the asters can only be closely attached to the back of Sasuke, she even felt, Sasuke Heartbeat, very regular pulse, full of vitality.

Aster's silver hair shot on Sasuke's side face, slightly stinging, Sasuke then surrounded a chakra light curtain around the two, and finally blocked the air convection.

The wind suddenly stopped, and the asters felt so much better. They licked their hair and thought, and Sasuke would care for people.

In the forest, only a purple streamer flashed past. Like a purple meteor, the blink of an eye disappeared into the depths of the forest. After the purple streamer, it was a man wrapped in a black mist, leading a large army of terracotta warriors. The place where the purple streamer disappeared was chased.

Looking at the place where the two disappeared, the eyes of the demon and evil spirits flashed a touch of light. "The kid is running very fast, hey, where can you go?!"

Immediately, I saw the shackles in my hands, and a huge evil spirit gathered in the whole body, suddenly, and the endless evil smoldering turned into a purple-black brilliance and disappeared into the distance.

"Escape ~ The winner of this game is me after all, like a prey, can you escape the hunter's pursuit?"


The sense of danger in the heart drove, Sasuke chose to give in, all the way to exhaustion.

To be honest, Sasuke’s escape is also very helpless. He knows his strength. In his heyday, he can only fight with the beating. Even if he wants to use the refining pot to suppress cockroaches, then he has to It took a lot of work. Moreover, now, there is also the existence of Aster in Sasuke. The Aster is just a half-witched witch. There is no such thing as self-protection. If Sasuke chooses to fight with the cockroach, it is likely to spread to Aster.

In order to avoid hurting innocents, Sasuke can only do this. In my heart, I am thinking about getting rid of cockroaches with my high-speed body skills. I will put down the aster in a safe place, and then I will go to clean up.

Sasuke's wishful thinking played very well, but at this time there were some changes.

Suddenly, Sasuke felt a powerful wave of power coming from behind him. If the wind was like electricity, he didn't realize what was going on, and he saw a purple-black brilliance flashing past his eyes.

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