One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 296: Festival


Like the mirage, the sudden flash of brilliance instantly turned into a huge purple-black barrier blocking the way of the two. At this time, the purple-black barrier is like a huge eggshell, surrounded by Sasuke and Aster, and there is no way to escape.

The barrier appeared, the speed of Sasuke did not stop, and a hand was released. The purple lightning of the humming moment condensed, and it was necessary to attack the purple-black barrier with the sharpness of the thousand birds!


Thousands of birds collide with the purple-black barrier, and the two forces collide with each other. Under this trend, continuous ripples condense on the barrier.

However, this barrier is very stable. Although the thousand birds are sharp, they cannot break the barrier. At most, they only ignited a layer of cockroaches and disappeared.

In an instant, the purple-black barrier erupted with dazzling brilliance.


Under the huge tremor, Sasuke was shocked.

"Cut! It's really hard and unexpected."

Sasuke had to take back the lightning in his hand, and turned around to resolve the impact, like a fallen leaf.

Seeing that Sasuke’s blow was ineffective, a hint of doubtful color appeared on the asters, and immediately said: “Sasuke, I’ve seen this procedure I’ve seen it”


Aster said with some uncertainty: "I didn't guess wrong. This technique is a stunt for the 16-night-old adult. It is called "Heaven and Earth", but I don't know why, I know this trick."

"Is it sixteen nights?" Hearing the words of Aster, Sasuke is also very strange. How can the witch's move monsters be displayed? Is there any secret?

However, now is not the time to think about these things, the most important thing now is how to get out from here, Sasuke immediately asked: "Aster, can you solve this weird barrier?"


Aster said with some annoyance: "This kind of surgery is a long time ago. I have only seen it on the classics that have been handed down. I have not studied it carefully. I knew it before, I will remember it."

"Sure enough, it is a witch who is half-hanging." Sasuke began to evaluate the Aster again at this time. "Hey, half-hanging witch, is there really no other way?"

"Half hanging witch?!"

Sasuke’s name makes Aster very uncomfortable. “What is a half-witch witch, I am a real witch, hey, even if I don’t solve this barrier, it’s because my profession has a specialization. I know, my seal is Very powerful, hey, don't look down on people!"

In the end, Shion took a shot of Sasuke and expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Yes, yes, you are the first witch in the world, no one can match you, your seal is very powerful."

"Don't say two times ‘Yes’!”

"Ha ha"

"No ‘hehe’ me!”

Ok, Sasuke doesn't talk, Xiao Nizi is quite tempered.

When Shion saw Sasuke, he volunteered: "Hey, Sasuke, are we really trapped here?"

"You can only sit still."

As Sasuke’s voice just fell, he heard a harsh voice.

"Oh, I was finally caught up by me. I see where you are going this time!"


Sasuke saw it, and the scorpion scorpion rushed to the place with the terracotta warriors and horses, but he saw the shackles in his hands. The black squadron spurred a powerful purple brilliance. Under the huge spiritual fluctuations, a purple giant sword instantly condensed. Cheng, it’s awesome!

The scorpion spirit sword appears, the whole space is purple, the powerful and sharp sword is full of sorrow, like a horrible beast, it is necessary to choose people.

"That sword!"

Looking at the purple giant sword that appeared in the sky, Sasuke’s heart stunned, and he finally knew the source of fear when he saw the terracotta warriors.

The horror of the scorpion sword is as if it has become the center of this world. The powerful and unrivaled power can be matched, cut off, sharp, and invincible!

I saw the surprise and sorrow on the help side of the barrier, and smiled awkwardly. "Kids, see it, the power of the sword! You will die without pain!"


Shion, who was placed on the ground by Sasuke, recognized this trick. It is incredible to say: "Impossible! How could the Scorpio Sword appear again? Didn't it disappear with the death of Sui Tao?"

“椿陶? Who is she?” Sasuke stared at the purple giant sword that was constantly condensing in the sky and asked the asters around.

Ziyuan looked heavy and slowly replied to Sasuke: "The singer is the sister of the 16-night-old adult. This '弑天斩灵剑' is one of her tricks of the year, but this move is accompanied by the singer There has never been a death since I passed away. I didn’t expect that the terracotta warriors and horses could make this move. Is it any relationship between him and the great Tao Tao?"


Sasuke is guarding the sword of the scorpion, and Chakra, which contains the power of the demon, constantly rushes out of the sea, and then protects the aster behind him. "Now, when it’s not these things, how to crack the situation is the most important."

At this time, the sky's 弑天斩灵剑 finally fully condensed, the purple giant sword shines with the crystal brilliance, sharp, heavy, as if to break all the swords.


The sinister smiles and the big hand wave, the purple giant sword of the sky finally squats.


The sword gas condenses, and wherever it passes, there is a wave of water-like ripples. Under the powerful force, it turns out that the space has trembled!

Almost blink of an eye, the purple giant sword has already hit the purple-black barrier, like a paper paste, the thick purple-black barrier has a huge crack.


Very easy, the purple-black barrier is broken, and the powerful sword is infinitely magnified in Sasuke's eyes.

In an instant, the vision of help has turned into a purple弑天斩灵剑 let him smell the breath of death, and the sword that can’t resist is flooding.


At this time, Sasuke's black brilliance surged on the chest. The next moment, a purple-black streamer flew out from Sasuke's chest, but it was a palm-sized jade pot, which was the refining pot!

The refining pots are known for their winds, and the black jade pots that have turned into a few feet of size meet the purple giant sword that descends from the sky.

All of this happened in an instant, completely beyond the reaction of human beings. Before I realized what was going on, I saw that the refining pot that had become the size of the shackles blocked the sword of the heavens.


The huge tremors trembled the heavens and the earth, and the purple and black shock waves were intertwined, forming a powerful storm that wiped out everything on the ground.


A purple light curtain suddenly appeared, feeling the danger, the dementor bell on the chest of Aster again appeared enchantment, and both Sasuke and Aster were guarded at the same time.

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