One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 303: Festival

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However, seeing the hands of the sixteen nights, under the faint purple brilliance, the force of the demon in the help of Chakra appeared riots, and the original Chakra that had been condensed turned out to disappear.

"Little guy, my strength, you can control it really is very good."

The sound of the sixteen nights is cold, such as the face of jade does not have the slightest expression, the hand prints constantly, and an unnamed force erupts out, it is actually to pull out the power of the devil in Sasuke!

"I want to take back the power that belongs to me..."

Sixteen nights, the corner of the mouth evoked a trace of curvature, with a beautiful appearance, really heart-wrenching.

However, the sixteen-night face was full of confidence, but it was a momentary froze. She felt it. At this time, it was impossible to control the power of the demon. It seems that there was something that cut off the connection between her and the power of the demon. !

At this point, Sasuke spoke. "The power of breaking the devil, hey, the power of breaking the devil has become my thing. If you want to get it back, you have to see that I agree to disagree!"

In an instant, I saw the black brilliance of Sasuke's chest shining. In the black airflow, there was a purple curse that slowly appeared.


The purple curse appeared, and the surrounding space was filled with water-like fluctuations, spreading between the sixteen nights and Sasuke.

Seeing this curse, the 16th night turned out to be "squeaky", "No wonder..."

One of the hotels, 16 nights, wanted to strip the power of the demon from Sasuke, but she did not succeed. After the rune appeared, the connection between the devil and her was completely cut off, almost It is no longer able to sense the power of a demon.

"Sure enough, that curse, 椿陶..."

Seeing the rune that suddenly appeared, the sixteen nights understood why the inability to sense the power of the devil. This rune was left by the pottery, and the purpose was to resist the power of her demon.

The rune is called the “real guardian” and is a very overbearing curse. This curse is created specifically to deal with the power of the devil.

In the creation of this rune, Yan Tao added a kind of engraving in it. Once he sensed the power of breaking the devil in sixteen nights, this engraving will automatically cut off the mental stimulation of the sixteen nights, thus successfully breaking the magic power. The attack resisted.

However, in Sasuke, because of the relationship between the refining pots, this rune has undergone some wonderful changes, not only can cut the feeling of the sixteen nights and the power of the devil, but also can make the power of the devil Assimilation becomes a force that can be used for Sasuke.

"If this is the case, then you have to find another way."

Saying, the 16th night lifted the Indian style, and the momentum that constantly oppressed Sasuke's mind immediately disappeared.

Sudden pressure, Sasuke was slightly better. After the previous incident, he thoroughly saw the horror of the sixteen nights, not only in the momentum, but also in the strength.

Although there are only a few strengths in the 16th night, with the combat experience and powerful prints of 500 years ago, she can still explode extraordinary power, and she can go hand in hand with Sasuke, even slightly better!

In the face of sixteen nights, Sasuke was shocked by some self-deprecating. He was also a fairy in his previous life, but at this time it was completely down.

How strong is it before the 16th night! Sasuke finally realized that her strength during her lifetime was simply beyond her reach. At the very least, she was also above the level of the Celestial.

Although shocked, Sasuke is not a soft persimmon who wants to pinch it. His strength cannot be underestimated. Just relying on the strength of the 16th night to regain the devil by force ->>, the fastest update The latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

Force is simply impossible.

Sasuke defended for sixteen nights. Under the action of Rune, he completely controlled the power of the demon. In an instant, the collapsed Chakra re-emerged, and the tiny purple electric snake made a sharp blast in the air.

"What do you want!"

The thunder of the assistants in the assistants, he has already made the worst plan. Once there is any slap in the 16th night, even if he wants to hurt the body of the asters, he will never let the sixteen nights succeed.

"Don't be nervous, little guy..."

Sixteen nights in the clear purple pupil flashed a light, the really hearty guy said, "Do you have the heart to do it to her? I know that I am now occupying her body, with your strength, and me. If you do it, you will lose both sides."

Said, sixteen nights, the mouth is light, it is close to Sasuke, looking at his eyes and said: "Are you sure you want to kill her? Sasuke, she likes you in my heart, do you really have the heart? ?"

In the face of the sixteen-night step by step, Sasuke’s calm appearance was a tangled entanglement. He did not persist for a long time, and he was defeated.

"alright, you win."

Sasuke was a little discouraged, and the Chakra that had just gathered up disappeared instantly. The purple lightning also turned into a little starlight dissipated in the air.

Seeing the performance of Sasuke, there were no accidents in the 16th night. She decided to help Sasuke. She knew that Sasuke would not do anything to the Aster in any way. She saw it in the dream of Aster, and between Sasuke and Shion, after all, it was impossible. Awkward shackles.

Sasuke compromised, 16 nights turned out to be surprisingly not rash.

"Sasuke, it seems that you are really worried about her." Sixteen nights smiled slightly, amazingly, "Reminder, asters are the descendants of my veins, even if it is for her, I will not take the battle. The way to seize the power of the devil. I am very cherished for my younger generation."

"Oh? In this way, you are still a competent elder. Since you want to get back your strength..."

Sasuke didn't want to argue again with the 16th night. He chose to compromise and he immediately said, "I don't do it. If you want to get back the power of the devil, come and take it. This is not my thing..."

Say, Sasuke closed his eyes, an unsuspecting look, waiting for the sixteen nights to strip the power of the devil in his body.

After a long time, still not seeing the sixteen-night movement, Sasuke’s doubts in his heart, he opened his eyes, but he still stood still in the 16th night.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to get back the power of the devil?"

"of course not......"

Sixteen nights watching Sasuke I remembered the way to get back the power of the devil, the face of the jade color turned out to be a sly expression.

Under the pressure of unnaturalness in the heart, said on the 16th night: "You know, because of the role of the curse, now the connection between me and the power of the devil is completely cut off, want to get back the power of the devil There is only one method..."


"Physical contact......"


Sasuke looked at the sixteen nights with sorrow. "Is the method you said really ok?"

"Hmm..." Sixteen nights faceless, the voice is cold, "By touching the body, maybe I can sense the power of the demon again. At that time, I can get back the power of the devil." ”

"Well, if that's the case, then come and pick it up." Sasuke, Sasuke watched for sixteen nights, waiting for her movements.

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