One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 304: Festival

Sasuke’s gaze made the sixteen nights more unnatural, and it was really embarrassing for her to get in touch with men.

After hesitating for sixteen nights, I still walked over. The next moment, I was sticking out the slim fingers and pointing at the eyebrows of Sasuke.

After a while, there was no reaction. Sasuke said in the face of the sixteen nights that were close at hand: "Is it not working?"

Nodded for sixteen nights and said, "I will try again..."

Immediately, sixteen nights put his hand on Sasuke's chest, trying to sense the power of the devil, but what disappointed her was that there was still no movement, and the power of the demon was like disappearing.

"Not yet?"


"There should be other ways."

"Maybe..." Looking at Sasuke, the sixteen-night cold face showed a shyness and bite his lips. "Can I kiss you?"


Sasuke looked at the sixteen nights with a stunned look. He didn't expect that the idea would suddenly pop up on the 16th night.

Watched by Sasuke, 16 nights is very shameful, obviously a witch, but actually will take the initiative to say this to men. It’s too unruly.

A little red glow emerged on the face of the sixteen-night jade color. At this time, her body was stiff and she took the initiative to kiss. This kind of thing was not acceptable to her. However, in order to restore the power of the devil, she insisted. It’s down.

Avoiding Sasuke’s gaze, he said slowly after 16 nights: “Isn’t you kissed Shion in the forest yesterday? At that time, I felt that a force of devil has returned to my body, so now I can use the power of a little witch."

"Yesterday's incident was just an accident..." Sixteen nights mentioned the old things, Sasuke was a little embarrassed, and I didn't expect that the stolen things were still discovered. "At that time, it was hard to prevent myself..."

"You really have a sophistry." Recalling what happened yesterday, there was a wave of ripples in the heart of the sixteen nights. At that time, part of her consciousness occupied the body of Aster, and Sasuke’s kiss made her feel clearly, the strange touch. For a long time in her heart can not be ruled out.

Looking at Sasuke, 16 days to protect the asters, the moment is to say: "Since she kissed her, she must take responsibility for her. If it is a witch now, it is not impossible to marry..."


"What? Don't you?"

Sasuke’s amazed words made some dissatisfaction in the sixteen nights. The good-looking thrush was also slightly raised. “I don’t want to accept the account after I have eaten it? Oh! I didn’t think you were so irresponsible!”

"Hey, stop! When did I say that I was irresponsible, just, now I am talking about marriage, I am not very comfortable... I am responsible for Aster."

"That would be good..." I got the guarantee of Sasuke. I just let go of it on the 16th night. "If you swear by the vows in the future, I will kill you anyway!"

Sixteen nights are not angry, although the sound is very soft, but it contains unparalleled power and firmness.

Being threatened by sixteen nights, Sasuke’s heart is really a witch who has led humanity. From the perspective of imposing manner, it is not comparable to ordinary people.

"That is natural." Sasuke smiled and said: "I will not turn my back on my promise."

"Yeah." Nodded for sixteen nights and said, "Let's get started."

Said, sixteen nights are closer to Sasuke, the cold face, no emotional fluctuations, a slight breath on the face of Sasuke, so that he is very uncomfortable.

"Can your expression be natural?"

Sasuke responded to the 16th night, facing her like ice, Sasuke really can't go.

"Nature?" Sixteen nights, "What is nature?"


Sasuke is speechless. "Have you ever experienced such a thing before?"

"No..." The red glow of that point gradually expanded on the cold cheeks of the sixteen nights. "I am a witch, I can't have any intimate contact with the man. Speaking, this is the first time I have done this. ......"

For the first time... I don’t know why, I heard a sixteen-night reply. Sasuke’s heart was full of excitement and heart, so she was perfect.

"This is great."

"What's so good?" Sixteen nights looked at Sasuke very strangely, and he didn't understand the joy he suddenly showed.


Sasuke suppressed the emotion that suddenly rose in his heart and began to direct the action of sixteen nights. "Don't be nervous, relax your body. If you don't feel comfortable, it's not impossible to close your eyes."


Sixteen nights, a slight bang, driven by the shame of the heart, still closed his eyes, waiting for Sasuke's movements.

Sasuke hesitated a moment and saw the heart of the pink lips. Although the owner of the body had previously kissed her, but she was still unconscious at the time, all the feelings were naturally different from the present.

More importantly, the person who controls this body now is not a aster, it is sixteen nights, the woman who stood at the peak of humanity five hundred years ago.

Thinking of the identity of the sixteen nights, Sasuke’s heart is even more uneasy. Now he has a feeling of conquering the general Come..."

Sasuke finally kissed for sixteen nights, and the two touched together, and the smooth touch suddenly came.

The lips of the sixteen nights are cool and very comfortable. Sasuke can feel the lips of the sixteen nights shaking slightly, showing the tension of the owner's mood, but the oysters and entanglements of that one show the purity of the master.

At this time, 16 nights are thinking, this is the feeling of kissing, completely different from yesterday...

A little purple brilliance converges between the lips of the two, and the power of the powerful demon is continuously passed from Sasuke to sixteen nights.

In the lip kiss dominated by Sasuke, the sixteen nights finally adapted to this feeling, the red glow has turned into a blush, almost red to the ear roots, some rapid breathing beat between the noses of both sides, touch, soft, in purple In the Guanghua, sixteen nights began their own experience of life.

Tian Zhiguo, although a small country, but its strength is not to be underestimated.

After all, one hundred years ago, Tian Zhiguo was one of the most powerful vassal states at that time. He could compete with the central dynasty by force alone. Even now, although it has not fallen, the tradition of a hundred years ago has been preserved to this day, whether it is culture or otherwise.

As it was a hundred years ago, the most important force of Tian Zhiguo was the warrior, and the warrior army of tens of thousands of people assumed the responsibility of protecting the country of the land.

Although there is a sound-forbearing village, there is sound tolerance, but for Tian Zhiguo, the responsibility of the ninja is to perform some assassination missions. Unlike the samurai army, their role is more like a special force.

Tian Zhiguo’s name was signed in the early years with Dashen Pill. Dashen Pill was responsible for establishing the Ninja Force and establishing the Ninja Village. Tian’s name was responsible for providing all the materials, including construction materials, research funds, personnel reserves and so on. Basic supply.

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