One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 322: Festival

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

One "ends."

Sasuke slowly recovered the power of the demon, and some pale faces appeared to be gratified. "Thirteen nights, I have never lost your face."

"But before that..."

Sasuke took a breath, and the feeling of exhaustion above the body could not be eliminated. It was still a little reluctant to display the purple pole. Now he can only play about three times a day.

Immediately, Sasuke ran Chakra, pressed the tired, and then printed again, the light blue brilliance inspired.


Space fluctuations, light blue glazed illusion of the seal spell, is the seal of the sixteen nights.


The cold words spit out from Sasuke's mouth. In an instant, the seal rune was directly immersed in the Shennong body, just as the seal of the bones of the bones made the Shennong scream.

"Ah... my strength..."

Shennong’s face was blue and the seal was under pressure. He felt that his body’s strength was disappearing rapidly, and a strong sense of exhaustion came in an instant.

Visible to the naked eye, Shennong's body is aging, and the smooth skin wrinkles, and the long black hair becomes silver.

If the peers will be on the wood, Shennong is panting, the dizzy old eyes are watching the Sasuke in front of him, only listening to him saying: "It is definitely not the power of human beings... it is terrible..."

Shennong was seriously injured, although it did not die, but it also made him miserable.

"It's terrible... No... I want to live..."

Shennong said to himself that the face of gold paper was paler and he was worried that Sasuke would shoot him again. His inner fear drove him down and ran to the channel behind him.

Seeing that Shennong escaped, Sasuke’s body shape flashed, but it was intercepted by Shennong, and his fists fell, and he did not carry the boxing shadow of the vigorous road in front of Shennong.


In the cries, Shennong was knocked down to the ground, but it was dizzy.

"it's finally over."

Sasuke sighed and prepared to close the attack system of the empty trajectory. At this time, he saw the picture displayed on the holographic image.

I saw that five figures were passing through the third passage of the empty trajectory, and the familiar figure suddenly stopped Sasuke’s movements.

Looking at the familiar people, Sasuke’s eyes were slightly stunned, but he was somewhat disoriented. He only listened to himself: “So come here... the rest of the things are handed over to you..... ."

Did not stay here, Sasuke raised the Shennong who fainted to the ground, his body shape flashed, and finally left here.



Kakashi called out and caught up with the Naruto in front: "The front is the control center, and this thing must be stopped."

"Well, Teacher Kakashi, understand that you can't let these airs hurt the wood leaves again, and this thing will be handed over to me!"

Said, Naruto looked back and saw a few people behind him, Sakura, Bai, Sai. The four men nodded to Naruto, and they all had a firm look.

"According to the original plan."

Kakashi assigned tasks, and in a few moments, a few people went to the center of the empty track.


"Kakashi teacher, what is going on in this situation..."

>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

/> When I got here, Naruto looked around at the empty Crystal Palace. "No one is there."

"Maybe someone has come before us."

Observing the meticulous Sakura, I noticed the traces of the battles around me. After reviewing for a while, I confirmed my thoughts and said: "If there is no guess, someone has fought with the airbearing here, and successfully stopped the airbearing. attack."

"Yeah, Sakura said it's right." Kakashi, who stopped the attack system of the empty track, slowly said: "The strength of that person must be very strong, otherwise, it is impossible to solve the battle in such a short time. ,and......"

Speaking of this, Kakashi’s tone is somewhat hesitant. “And, the atmosphere is very familiar...”

"Familiar with?"

Naruto was somewhat puzzled and immediately said, "Mr. Kakashi, who is the person you said?"

She has always been silent, and she also feels the familiar atmosphere. Heart, really, it is no wonder that there is such a strong sense of familiarity here, have you already been there?

"Sasuke..." Sakura’s whispering words linger in the heart, "Yes, the familiar atmosphere is the Thunder, and it is the Thunder of Sasuke. It is Sasuke who stopped the air. He has been here since the attack."


Once again heard this incomparable name, Naruto immediately rushed to the front of Kakashi, and asked excitedly: "Kakashi teacher, is this true? Sasuke, Sasuke has been here..... ."

In the end, Naruto's voice has a little trembling, almost unbelievable for this sudden news.

Seeing the performance of Naruto, Kakashi sighs and sighs, Naruto, you are still stunned, no matter how long, the relationship between the two of you can not be cut off.

"Yes, it's Sasuke." Kakashi smiled slightly, a comforting tone, "Naruto. Sasuke, he is back."

"Sasuke... Come back..."

Naruto swears in this sentence, the look is more and more embarrassing, and finally turned out to be a big laugh, "He really came back, I always believe that there will be such a day, Sasuke, you really did not betray the wood leaves, haha, I really So happy..."

In the end, Naruto’s tone was a little sobbing, and the scenes of Sasuke’s presence came to the fore.

The encounter in the sunset ten years ago, the darkness of the ninja school, the competition in the seventh class, the torrent of all things turned into the mind of Naruto, like a dream, but it is incomparably true, almost In front of you, clear and profound.

Sasuke At the end of the valley, even if you cut off the leaves, but I know that for you, the leaves are still a part of your heart.

Now that you are finally back, I am really happy, Sasuke, this day, I have been waiting for two years, my friend.

Sasuke, even though I am jealous of you, but unconsciously, you have become my best friend, my brother.

Without your seventh class, there is no feeling in memory.

If you are eager to win, you really don’t want it to leave.


Under the blue sky, the purple streamer fell into the forest, and after landing, it showed the figure of two people, the Sasuke of the kimono, and the Shennong that he was in his hands.

"Time is really fast, two years have passed, I don't know how you are..."

Looking at the empty trajectory that is still suspended in the air, Sasuke's tone is faint, and a feeling called nostalgia emerges in the heart.

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