One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 323: Festival

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"The seventh class, Muye Village..."

I have been away for so long, I don’t know if everything is still the same, I don’t know if you are still blaming me. Although I left, my mind is still worried, worried, and in love.

At midnight on a certain day, I always dream of returning to my hometown. There, everything is still there.

The empty track is quietly suspended. Sasuke in the forest is somewhat disoriented. He really wants to return to the Crystal Palace, calling out the familiar name again and feeling the soft words again. However, this kind of mind is still suppressed by Sasuke.

"Now, when I didn't meet, I didn't get what I wanted, I didn't break something. Now I can't appear in front of you. I hope that when you get there, you are all well, I hope... ..."

Finally, I glanced at the empty trajectory. Sasuke took the stunned Shennong and turned away. After all, the figure disappeared into the jungle.


Yin Ren Village, the vast underground world, the dense passage spreads far, the exquisite architecture, the deep space, the silver light dispels the darkness.

Within a secret room, Sasuke threw the stunned Shennong in front of the big snake pill. He said coldly: "I have brought him, and your promise is time to cash."

When I saw Shennong, who was seriously injured on the ground, the big snake pill flashed a different color and said: "It’s really Sasuke, so I will bring the people I want so soon."

"Less nonsense, news about Longdi Cave, I only care about this."

"I am really anxious."

The big snake pill smiled and licked his tongue. The narrow cheeks were even more bizarre. "Dragon Cave, that is a place that is not allowed, contains many secrets, and, with the inheritance of Longdi Cave, you can change the tolerance. All of them, all the fate of the shackles will follow. Sasuke, are you sure you want to seek the power of the Dragon Cave?"

Sasuke's voice is still so cold, silently said in front of the big snake pill: "I will not care about those, fate and the like, just cut off. Now I only want strength, nothing else."

"Oh, really, it’s Sasuke. I feel the ambition of your eagerness for strength. It’s very good. With this kind of mood, no matter how powerful the power will be controlled by you."

Say, Dashen Pill handed a reel to Sasuke. The seal on the top is the entrance to the Dragon Cave. Finally, Dashen Pill solemnly took a look at Sasuke. "I hope you can do it yourself."

"It’s good to manage your own affairs."

Sasuke snorted and got what he wanted. He didn't want to stay here. When he was in shape, he left.


A slightly dimly lit house, Sasuke sat on the tatami, and the square table in front of him was placed with a dark scroll, the one that the big snake pill gave him.

"Sasuke, have you decided?"

At this time, an ethereal female voice came from the inside, and a slightly questioning tone sounded in the quiet house.

"Yes, I decided." Sasuke did not look to the source, staring at the scroll lying quietly on the table, saying in a soft voice: "The fairy tales of Longdi Cave are the key to opening the cycle of destiny, I must get ""

Say, Sasuke tightened his hands, "My fate is shackled, all the mysteries, all of this, I have to personally untie."

Seeing that Sasuke is so stubborn, the female voice is a bit eager. "But, you know, that place is not a holy place, and you don't have the power to break my magic? Why do you want that kind of power." Sasuke, don’t you even listen to me?”

" don't understand, my own way, I must go on, no matter how dark it is."

"Oh, it’s a devil!"

-->>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

When I heard Sasuke, the female voice had an angry meaning, in a crisp bell, the flow

The woman in front of her is the body of Aster, but at the moment, her inner being is the soul of sixteen nights.

Sasuke gave a wry smile and said: "Master, this is my decision. Do you want to stop it?"

"Hey, you still remember that I am your master."

Sixteen nights came to the opposite side of Sasuke. The beautiful eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. Although the face of jade is cold, it implies a touch of concern.

It can be seen that the current sixteen nights are not so cold as they were two years ago. At this moment, she is more like a quiet lotus dyed by the dust.

The tone of the sixteen nights was slightly dissatisfied. Looking at Sasuke in front of him, he said, "Isn't that told you? I don't allow you to go there. For strength, are you really so eager?"

"I..." Sasuke hesitated. In the face of the question of the sixteen nights, he was a little embarrassed. Over the years, what he has worked hard and what he intended is the magic of the dragon hole. This kind of action is not What is the power of coveting?

"Master, you don't understand..."

Sasuke sighed and said: "This is my choice. In the face of the future, I must seek a way to control all of them. This method has the power to control everything. Master, you know, Fuxing Uchiha This is my responsibility. If we want Uchiha to regain its glory in history, we must rely on strong force and must have the strength to break all shackles."

"Strong? Sasuke..."

Sixteen nights of gloom, the beautiful purple eyes reflected Sasuke's face, looked at him, sixteen nights and remembered the scene for two years.

Looking at the more handsome man in front of him, the sixteen-night thoughts fluttering, some awkward said: "Sasuke, do you remember when you promised me?"

"Two years ago?"

Looking at Sasuke on the 16th night, the latter was also watching her, and was brought up by the 16th night. Sasuke appeared again in front of him. At that time, he made a promise to the 16th night and became her apprentice. The price is to obey. Her all orders.

"Of course, remember, how can I forget." Sasuke licked some painful heads and said: "However, master, this is two things. For the dragon's sacred technique, I left the leaves, as a rebellious, on the back. Anonymous, owing all kinds of things. Now, you let me give up, I really can't do it..."

Sasuke is bitter and sincere, but it is not convincing for the stubborn sixteen nights. The more the defense of Sasuke, the more she is dissatisfied.

Hidden, sixteen nights feel like being betrayed, and even Sasuke's insistence is to let 16 nights have a feeling of being untrusted and not being loved.

"Sasuke Sure enough, you still put the power in the first place, two years, I should have understood, huh, huh..... I am a master, but it is still not comparable The so-called power..."

"Master, you listen to me, not..."

Sasuke still wants to talk, but it was interrupted by sixteen nights. "Sasuke, now that you have gained my strength, even the power of the devil can survive in your body. Over the years, thank you for being with me. The care of Asters, the fate between our teachers and apprentices is just like this."

After that, the 16th night turned and went, leaving no support for the buffer time.


Seeing the sixteen nights to go, Sasuke immediately chased him up, anxiously, but caught her sleeves.

"Master, I know that you are arrogant with me, but lightly allow me to make my own claim once, there is something I really need."

Sasuke said that the action of the sixteen nights stopped, gently pumping back the sleeves that Sasuke grabbed, and turned around, as the face of Jade was still so cold.

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