One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 325: Festival

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A "filling the devil?"

Sixteen nights subconsciously repeated this sentence, and then, the look of entanglement and shame is above the face.

In the past, the species reappeared, the soft and tender touch, and the slightly rushing breathing, which turned into a flower-like scene that flashed in the minds of sixteen nights.

Like what to avoid, the sixteen nights have lost the calm of the past, but they want to cover it and say: "No... no need."

"Really not needed?"

Sasuke stared at the amethyst-like pupil of the sixteen nights, and asked with ill-intention: "The power of the demon in the master's body has disappeared again. Do you really need to add it?"


On the sixteenth night, the lips were light, and I wanted to say something, but I found that I couldn’t say anything at all. That kind of thing was too shame for her.

"Master, haven't you said that? The body of Aster can't save the power of breaking the magic for a long time. It should be added every few days. Why, don't you want this time?"

Sasuke's tone is not frivolous, looks serious, and the disciple's respect for the master is full at this moment, so it seems like a routine.

"I... I don't need..."

At this time, I don’t know why, the 16th night that was very active in the matter of supplementing the devil was retreating. Looking at Sasuke’s eyes, such as jade’s face showed a shallow blush, only to see her bite. After a moment, he said, "I’ll forget it today."

Said, 16 nights is a step back, not dare to face Sasuke, she faintly felt, and then continue to stay, there will be some embarrassing things, even said: "I went back to rest, sorry.... .."

Just as he turned around on the 16th night, a figure blocked his way.

The sudden shadow made a slight surprise for the sixteen nights, and asked subconsciously: "Sasuke, what are you doing?"

Sasuke did not answer the sixteen nights, but instead looked at her with gaze.

"Sasuke, don't stare at me with that kind of look, it's weird."

Sixteen nights dodge Sasuke's gaze, she can feel the heat hidden in it, it is a kind of infringement.

In this kind of gaze, I felt my cheeks burned for sixteen nights, and a strange feeling appeared on her chest, as if it was being stroked, the kind of tactile gaze was really weird.

The sixteen nights did not allow Sasuke to have any movements. Instead, it was even more arrogant. His eyes almost passed through the clothes of the sixteen nights, and even the mysteries hidden under the witches' robes.

"Sasuke! You are too arrogant!"

I really couldn't stand the eyes of Sasuke. When I was pressed down on the 16th night, it was a cold expression, a little angry.

Seeing the performance of the 16th night, Sasuke is inexplicably smiling, stepping through a step, almost breaking the space.


However, Sasuke helped hold a long silver hair of sixteen nights, letting it slide lightly to the end, and the flowing hair of the hair outlined the trajectory in the air.

"Good fragrance."

Sasuke took a breath, opened his eyes and stared at the sixteen nights in front of him. He said with a hint of banter: "The master is good."


Being so frivolous by his own apprentice, he was ashamed of anger at sixteen nights. Even though he was nourished, it was difficult to calm his mood, and the calm lake heart was completely disrupted.

"Sasuke, you are really too arrogant, I am your master."

"My master, are you?"

>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

Sasuke chuckled and said, "Don't forget, the host of the body you are hosting, she is very willing to let me make such a move. Sixteen nights, are you saying yes?"


Sixteen nights of face-to-face white and white, hate to say, "Don't forget, now I control this body, you have to do that, wait for her to wake up and say."

"Oh? That's a shame."

Sasuke still didn't mean to leave, the handsome face appeared inexplicable chuckle, but it was close to the 16th night.

"However, if I don't want to."

This time, in the gaze of sixteen nights, Sasuke caressed her side face as if she were treating her own couple.

Feeling the sudden warmth, the sixteen-night purple eyes showed indignation and incredulity, she never thought that Sasuke would do such a frivolous move.

"You bastard!"

Sixteen nights of anger, it was to push Sasuke away from the side, and the whole messy clothes, the face said coldly: "Sasuke, I am your master, whenever you have to remember this, as You should know what you should not do."

"Master? Oh, I know."

Pushed away by the 16th night, Sasuke has no repentance, and will come forward again.


This time, there were some angers in the 16th night, and a purple stream of light spurred out in the hands, forming a heavy prison to help.

"Is it a demon killing?"

Sasuke looked at the demon of the demon that exudes the power of a powerful demon, and looked up at the sixteen nights. The corner of his mouth was full of confidence. "Master, after performing this, the power of the demon in your body will be exhausted." Alright."

"you shut up!"

The face of the sixteen nights, such as jade, contains a touch of pale, showing the fact that her power is empty.

"Master, you are still the same as before."

Being restrained by the demon, Zuo assisted with no rebellion, but instead recalled what he said: "Remember two years ago? At that time, you easily agreed to my request and let me be your apprentice. The scene at that time was vivid."

When Sasuke mentioned it two years ago, the look of sixteen nights was awkward, and the purple pupil flashed a struggling color. However, this was only a moment, and the emotional fluctuations were quickly suppressed by sixteen nights.

"How about that, hey, Sasuke, don't forget the things you promised me at the beginning. As an apprentice, you should obey everything about not as thin as today... For me..."

"Light and thin?"

Sasuke snorted and said: "Sixteen nights, I don't know, at that time, what was your mood? At that time, did your heart have a wave, I know, sixteen nights, hidden in your heart? Do you dare to face it or do you not want to admit it? The term 'master' is an excuse for you to avoid something..."

"shut up!"

Sixteen nights screamed and said: "I don't know the things you said. Hey, I don't care about the inexplicable things. I am a witch. I am sixteen nights. Nothing can stop my steps!" ”

"Witch?" Sasuke snorted and realized the meaning of the sixteen nights. After a while, he listened to him: "Do you understand the people? Sixteen nights, do you understand human nature?"

"People's heart? Humanity? Hey, I don't know what you are talking about! For me, existence is value, and since it can be reborn again and reappear in this world, I will continue to follow my destiny as a witch. I have continued, and I don’t care about other things."

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