One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 326: Festival

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

One "Hey."

Sasuke sighed. He knew that the current sixteen nights were simply oil and salt. As a witch who led humans a hundred years ago, she would cut off all the negative thoughts that affected her cultivation.

It seems that I have to use the tricks. In my heart, Sasuke has a decision.

"In that case, there is really no way, Master, offended."

Saying, the power of the demon in Sasuke's body rushed out, like the mouth of devouring, and the demonization of the demon that was maintained gradually collapsed.


The mirror is like a water, and the devil's arrest collapses, and Sasuke's body appears.


The scene in front of me surprised the sixteen nights, and the cold scorpion flashed a horror, knowing that she is not a helper opponent, she is going to take the road and flee.

"Can't escape."

Just 16 steps into the footsteps, but was stopped by Sasuke again.


Sixteen nights watched the Sasuke in front of him, under the wide sleeves, his hands were subconsciously tight. "You, what are you doing..."

"Master..." Sasuke's mouth was light, and he reached out and grabbed the sleeves of the sixteen nights. He took her to the arms with a sigh of relief.

"You, let go!"

Surrounded by the breath of Sasuke, a burst of anger at sixteen nights, it is a shot to fight.

"Oh, don't waste your energy."

Losing the support of the devil's power, sixteen nights, like a three-year-old child, could not resist the action of Sasuke. It was easy, and he was caught by him.

"You bastard!"

Sixteen nights have never been treated like this, and she can feel that her chest is almost attached to Sasuke, and the strange stimulation and touch are very clear.

Sasuke ignored the sixteen nights of shame, and said: "Master, offended." It was the unloading of the sixteen nights.

The white witch's robe is fading, and the light-colored guilt is in front of Sasuke's eyes, and the chest is round, and the plump and pretty curl is self-evident.

"You are really too arrogant."

I didn't dare to look at Sasuke's gaze. I blinked in the 16th night, and I hated it. The kind of unwillingness and shame were hidden.

"It’s all this time, no more."

Sasuke smirked and smothered the thin guilt again. In an instant, a fragrant scent rushed to the nose, followed by a white complexion and a light red tube top.

Seeing that my upper body blouse had to be completely removed, sixteen nights of shame, it was struggling to leave Sasuke's control.

However, this can only be in vain. In a struggle, the covered tube top is still easily removed. In an instant, the white and lovely rabbit is completely in the air.

The tip is quite upturned, pink and white, and almost no one can be seen.

Abundance, Yurun, the kind of elasticity and softness can only be felt when you look at it.

"Let, let go..."

At this time, sixteen nights could not keep the witch's solemnity. Even though she closed her eyes, she could feel that Sasuke's gaze was sweeping her chest's beauty unscrupulously, and the shameful heart became stronger.

After all, it is a woman. In the face of such a scene, she can’t be self-sustaining. The shy blush gradually occupied a lot of skins for sixteen nights, and the face like jade is also red-colored.

"Don't struggle, 16 nights, I believe that you have fantasized about this day. Although it is a little forced, but I will not give up, do you know? I expected this day two years ago."

Sasuke kissed the forehead of the sixteen nights lightly, the cold touch made his heart sway, and the sixteen nights of struggling look made him feel fresh.

At this time, Sasuke realized why the world -->>, the fastest update of the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

There are so many crimes in the world, the feeling is really exciting, it is a near-morbid sense.


Mo Ming exclaimed and opened his eyes, but found that he was lying in bed at the moment, looking at the layout of the house, it was his own room.

Mo Ming, who woke up, only felt that there was no pain in the whole body, and he moved his hands and feet. However, he felt that his body was stiff and subconscious. He found that he was wrapped in a scorpion, and the smell of pungent wounds continued to spread.

Suddenly, like thinking of something important, Mo Ming struggled to get up and climbed up despite the pain in his body.


Like a gourd, Mo Ming fell to the ground from the bed.

Because of the injury, the painful Mo Ming took a breath.

At this time, a pendant-like ornament slipped out of the chest of Mo Ming, which was what the Qing Qinger gave him on the thirteenth birthday.

Speaking of things, Mo Ming saw the more illusory figure of Mo Qinger.


Mo Ming’s heart trembled, as if he had lost his spiritual support, he was lying on the ground like that.

The bluestone floor tiles sent a burst of coolness, but Mo Ming had no feelings about it. He looked at the ceiling with no eyes and eyes, as his spirit was general and empty.

Mo Ming still remembers the scene when he and Mo Qinger lived together.

At that time, Mo Qinger took care of him like a gentle sister. Although he was a daughter of the family, he did not look down on his younger brother. The gentleness of the big sister made the younger generation of the family stunned.

Midsummer night, under the stars, Mo Ming asked Silly.

"Sister, why do you always take care of me? Many people in the family see that I am not pleasing to the eye, why can you treat me like that..."

"Why?" Mo Qinger smiled and licked Min Ming's little head. "Because I like you. You are my brother, I don't care who you care about."

like me......

Mo Qinger hits Mo Ming in a careless manner, and she can't hear the words behind her. Only this sentence is infinitely magnified.


The words of Mo Ming’s abruptness made Mo Qinger a slight glimpse.

Although Mo Ming is young, he also understands some things. At this moment, under the impulse of strangers, he sees him as if he has decided what he said: "I also like my sister very much. All, in the future, I will never leave my sister."


Pediatric idiots, mirrors flash like water.

The ink lying on the ground moved the dry lips, and the dark eyes were lost.

"I also like you very much, obviously already agreed, you will take care of me and protect me for a lifetime..."

"But all this is a dream."

Mo Ming strives to extend the right hand wrapped by gauze want to catch something, but the one that is obtained is still nothing.

"Sister... my distance from you, when can I get it..."


I don't know how long it took, Mo Ming woke up again and found that he had returned to the bed, and there was a long-haired girl wearing a pink pimple.

"Xiao Ying."

Mo Ming's hoarse voice came, the little girl named Xiaoying was excited, stood up, and some of the baby's fat face kept asleep, but she saw her yawning and said: "Young master, you finally wake up. ""

Looking at this confused girl, Mo Ming moved his lips and tried to pull out a smile.

"Help me pour water."


Xiaoying finally woke up and immediately nodded.

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