One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 327: Festival

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"The young master gave."

After taking the water cup that Xiaoying handed over, Mo Ming sipped and got the water supplement. The hot throat was finally a lot more comfortable.

The cup was handed back to Xiaoying, and Mo Ming tried to sit up straight, a little sweat oozing from the front of his forehead, his body was too weak.

Mo Ming sighed and looked at the girl's gimmick and said, "Xiao Ying, what happened to my mother."

"The lady just went to the master, I am here to take care of you."

"take care of me?"

Mo Ming leaned his head on the bed. "I am afraid I am coming to sleep here."

"I am sorry for the young master."

I was caught by Mo Ming, and Xiaoying spit out her tongue. Some embarrassed said: "I don't know what is going on. I sit and sit and fall asleep... Master, you don't Let me talk to my wife."

"of course not."


With the assurance of Mo Ming, Xiao Ying cheered, but it was like a child who was praised by adults.

Mo Ming shook his head and saw Xiaoying's cute look. The depression in his heart was reduced a lot. In the past few years, he has not been under the care of Xiaoying.

For Mo Ming, Xiaoying is like a younger sister.

In this way, Mo Ming and Xiao Ying groaned, and time passed quickly.

At about noon, Mo Ming’s mother, Lin Yuyao, came to the room.

Lin Yiyao is a young woman of Huaxin who is about thirty-two years old, but she sees her waist and waist, like a painted eyebrow, and her style still exists. The fly in the ointment is that Lin Yaoyao's face is slightly pale, and the traces of being beaten by others, although covered with the foundation, but the bright red five-fingerprint is still faintly visible.

Seeing the scars on Lin’s face, Mo Ming refused to hurt and climbed up under Xiaoying’s help.

"Mother, my father hit you!"

Mo Ming looked anxiously at Lin Yaoyao, and his voice was a little bit of a hurry.


"Who is that... auntie!"

"Minger, don't guess, it's okay, I was accidentally hurt."

Seeing Lin Yuyao's cover, Mo Ming's face sank, he knows that it must have been played by Auntie Li. Over the years, Lin Yaoyao has not been less bullied by Master Li.

After being supported by Lin Biaoyao, Mo Ming remembered his own affairs and immediately asked Lin to Yao. "Mother, what did the father say? Nothing... he is still angry."

When I heard that Mo Ming mentioned this matter, Lin Yiyao’s eyes flashed a worrying color, and he still said: “Nothing, don’t worry about your father’s side, now you can feel safe and hurt.”

Lin Yuyao’s worries were captured by Mo Ming, and at the moment, the latter was stubborn.

"No, my father must have said something, mother, don't you even hold me?"


Lin Yiyao opened Zhangkou, but after all, he still couldn’t help but Ming, and waved his hand to signal Xiaoying to go out.

After Xiaoying left, Lin Xiaoyao said quietly: "Your father will drive you out of the family."

"What! Father, he wants to expel me!"

Mo Ming grabbed Lin Yaoyao's sleeve and looked at the latter's eyes incredulously.

"Yeah." Lin Yiyao nodded heavily. "Because of the family's affairs, he is in the air. In any case, I can't let him dispel this idea. Ming. I am afraid... I am afraid I can't go back to heaven."

"Sure enough."

Mo Ming said with a disappointment: "That's good, I lost it like this ---, the fastest update of the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

The son of the face, he is not very glorious over there. I understand that I knew when I first started with Mo Hengyu and offended the family. He could not explain to the uncle anyway as a father. I am a son who has been smashed. What do you think of it? ”

Self-talking, Mo Ming closed his eyes and turned his head to seal himself like autism.

"Mother, I have suffered you for years, because I have suffered a lot in the family, and I have no reason to be a child... Mother, the baby is tired."


Lin Yiyao suffered bitterly in her heart. She knew that Mo Ming’s temper was too embarrassing and it was very easy to drill the horns.

In the end, Lin Yaoyao left, and she left a lot when she left. It is said that she will continue to persuade Mo Tianwu, you must not do stupid things.

The gas sea was broken, the ink green children left, the ruthless performance of Mo Tianwu, the indifference of the ethnic groups, these shackles would bind the ink to the ink, almost let him breathe.

All kinds of blows are still too big for the 14-year-old Mo Ming. Even if his mind is firm, he can't bear it.

"People like me, even if they are expelled, they will not lose anything."

The room was once again dead.


A few days later, the injury on Mo Ming was much better, and the strength was restored to the 3rd and 4th. Although the wound was still very painful, at least, walking was no problem.

Immediately, Mo Ming untied the bandage wrapped around the limbs, and the footsteps floated out of bed.


With the closing of the threshold, Mo Ming left the room where he was injured.

All the way to the carved column, the antique wooden building shows the style of style.

Although it is only a separation, the Mohist family is one of the best in the Sanqing Town. In terms of power, only Wang, Li and Liu are still comparable.

Mo Ming deliberately avoided the crowded places, passing through the long corridor, and the glare of the sun gave his eyes a glimpse.

"Hey, this is not the five brothers. How can I get better? I walked out."

Upon hearing this voice, Mo Ming stopped and turned to the direction behind him.

In the line of sight, there are two teenagers, sixteen or seven years old, dressed in white practice clothes, face handsome, obviously a pair of brothers and gentlemen.

The two are the other two sons of Mo Tianwu, the boss of the famous ink, the second child Mo Yuanpei, the aunt Li Shishi.

"Second brother, third brother."

Seeing the two, Mo Ming has no expression, a slight glimpse.

"Five younger brothers, how come they have come out of this day, and they have become unfamiliar after a few days."

Ink and praised the handsome face with a sardonic color ~ ~ with Mo Yuanpei to the opposite of Mo Ming.

"The room is too stuffy, so come out and walk."

"Oh? Yes."

Mo Yuanpei looked at Mo Ming with a smile and said: "I heard that your sea of ​​gas has been broken. It is really pitiful. The martial arts has been interrupted. It is sad. Look at what you are now, or the cultivation genius in that family. Mo Ming?"

Being ridiculed by Mo Yuanpei, Mo Ming looked white and tightened his fists. After all, he still suppressed the impulse in his heart.

"Three brothers, these are the things of the past. Now I am just a waste person. It is not worthy of the third brother."

"Hey, look at your wolf, I have some sympathy."

Mo Mingyang sneered and said: "The districts are smashing out, and they want to press on our heads. Where did the previous Yaowu Yangwei go? You don't really like the limelight? Why, today is so unbearable!"

"That's all young and frivolous, please don't worry too much about your second brother."

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