One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 330: Festival

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After Sasuke left, the woman's fan-like eyelashes fluttered and opened her eyes. The purple pupil didn't have a look, like a hollow, looking at the dark ceiling and wondering what to think.

"Is this my fate..."

The ethereal female voice sounded in the house, with helplessness and embarrassment in it, and the room was once again in silence.


It is already more than four in the morning, and most of the internal sounds of the stronghold are still sleeping, but the empty underground world is a bit quiet.

Under the silver light, the darkness was dispelled within the martyrdom, and the footsteps of the cricket came, but it was the help of the grasshopper.

Before going to a room door, Sasuke's footsteps stopped, but he saw him face silently, the blushing writing wheel eyes quietly opened, and the black three-hook jade contained inexplicable brilliance.


Sasuke whispered, and he took out the grasshopper sword at the waist.

The Jianfeng flashed, and the violent light passed through, but it was blocked by layers of air. The electric light screamed and the purple lightning suddenly appeared.


The grasshopper sword surrounded by purple thunder light easily breaks open the space, and the three-footed Qingfeng is inspired by the sharp sword. In an instant, the thick wooden door turns into powder.

The door opened and the dust was scattered. Sasuke took the grass and sword into the room. The target was the figure on the bed.


Sasuke’s face was cold, and the sharp sword in his hand suddenly thundered. The purple thunder turned into a dragon and swallowed the figure on the bed.

"do you died?"

Sasuke took back the grasshopper sword and saw the figure on the bed. The written eyes were slightly congested.

I saw that the figure that was burnt by the thunder was changed for a while, but in the end it was turned into a muddy mud, and the black marks were particularly dazzling on the white sheets.

"Sure enough, big snake pill..."

At this time, the sudden voice sounded behind Sasuke.

"Sasuke adults, Dashen Maru are waiting for you."


Sasuke turned around and wrote a round-eye look at the pockets waiting outside the door, and the smashing three-hook jade exudes inexplicable power.

In an instant, I only feel that a powerful spiritual force is coming to the surface. The **** three-jaw jade is infinitely magnified in front of his eyes. Just like a demon, he will pull him into the abyss.


When I was stunned, I wanted to resist, but I found that my mental strength was not the opponent of Sasuke. I was completely defeated.


The strong mental power disintegrated the mental defense of the pocket. His eyes were more and more blurred, but he saw his eyes rotating in the three hooks. After all, he was controlled by Sasuke.

The bag was solved, and the three hooks of Sasuke's eyes slowly disappeared. The cold-looking command said: "Where is the big snake pill, take me to see him!"

"Yes...the master..."

Being written by the wheel eye, the pocket has no resilience, and the body shape is turned, it is with Sasuke to find the big snake pill.

The turn of the nine turns, bypassing the long corridor, the pocket finally brought Sasuke to a dark space, the footsteps stopped, and the surrounding was dead.

Sasuke’s blushing writing eyes saw through the darkness, and he saw that there were two figures standing on the high platform in the distance.

At this time, after the sound of the bang, the hall lights lit up, and the figure above the high platform finally saw clearly, it was the big snake pill and Jun Ma Lu.


Sasuke looked at the big snake pill that was tied to his hands with a bandage. The grasshopper sword of the right hand was lit again. The purple thunder light was covered with a sword, and the sharp spirit would pierce the space. -->>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

Seeing the action of Sasuke's vigilance, the sullen face of the big snake pill emerged inexplicable. "Sasuke, I didn't expect you to come so fast. You are not looking for a dragon hole?"

"Dragon Cave?"

Sasuke snorted, and the lightning in his hand remained undiminished. "I am looking for a dragon hole, but before that, there is an important thing to do."

"Oh? What is it?"

The big snake pill is a gloomy smile, and the strange color on the face is even worse.

"Kill you!"

The cold voice rang coldly, indicating the determination in Sasuke's heart.

"Kill me? Hey..."

Dashen pill smiled differently. "I want to start doing it so quickly. Sasuke, you are really worried."

"Impatient? I don't think so."

Say, Sasuke's body shape flashes, stunned, the fierce thunder breaks open the space, carrying the powerful devil's power of the grasshopper sword in front of the big snake pill infinitely magnified.


According to Jianfeng, the strange breath suddenly appeared, but the chakras of brown and white formed a Taiji-like light curtain, and the purple lightning was blocked. The shot was Jun Ma Lu.

"Jun Ma Lu..."

Sasuke's gaze gaze, watching the guardian of the big snake pill Jun Ma Lu, the more thundering in the hands of the thunder, the constant force of the devil's power output, the Taiji light curtain constantly trembles.


The continuous tremors spread, but the taiji guards of Jun Ma Lu appeared to have a road crack.

Immediately, Jun Ma Lu’s body pressure doubled. After all, the Taiji guardian disintegrated, and the grassy sword full of sharpness was going to his shoulder.

Feeling the sharp strength, Jun Ma Lu flashed a scorpion in his eyes, and immediately condensed thousands of bone spurs, but it was like a hedgehog.

"The dance of thorns!"

Jun Ma Lu whispered, and under the rotation of his body, with the rigidity of the bone spur, he blocked the sword that must be killed.


The two figures are constantly colliding in the air, and the two streams of purple and white excite a sharp Chakra airflow.

With a bang, the two quickly separated, and under the confrontation, there was no one who could.

Guarding the big snake pill behind him, Jun Ma Lu has a steady breath, and the white brilliance of the whole body is constantly consuming, but the space has begun to oscillate.

"Sasuke, your strength has increased a lot..."

"To each other..."

Sasuke subconsciously opened the writing eye, and watched the Jun Ma Lu on the high platform with vigilance. "The power in your body is incredible. It is no wonder that the big snake pill is so important to you, but You are definitely not my opponent. ”

"Oh? Then I really want to see, how did you defeat me, Sasuke, my real strength, have you seen it?"

Said, Jun Ma Lu Zhou smock no wind automatically, but see the white brilliance more and more intense, a strange Chakra burst out.

"You finally started to be serious, Jun Ma Lu..."

Behind the big snake pill smiled, standing in the back and staring at the change of Jun Ma Lu, the narrow snake eye is implied with a touch of enthusiasm and reverence.

"this is......"

Sasuke looked at Jun Ma Lu, and the look of the shock was inextricable. He saw that Jun Ma Lu quietly appeared strangely in front of his forehead, but it was a prototype of an eye.

The white light shines, the eye shape gradually solidifies, and the closed scorpion exudes inexplicable power. The one-eyed eye has not yet opened, and you can feel the hidden terrorist power.

"my power......"

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