One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 331: Festival

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One Jun Ma Lu’s voice fell, but he saw a strange printing in his hand. The next moment, he saw the closed one-eyed slowly opening a third, like a dream, a strong white light lasing However, the entire space was oppressed, but the air molecules inside the space were stagnant.

"It turned out that Jiu Jiyu was looking back!"

The shocking voice spit out from Sasuke's mouth. It is incredible for the strength of Jun Ma Lu. "How could it be... How can the reincarnation appear in you, and it is the legendary Jiuyuyu.... .."

"Sasuke, this is my strength..."

Jun Ma Lu’s voice rang quietly. “Although it’s not complete, it’s a real eye.”

"Sure enough, did you get the inheritance of Hui Ye?"

Sasuke's face sinks into the water, watching Jun Ma Lu open a third of Jiu Jade's eye-turning look, he naturally knows the abnormality of Jiu Jiyu's eye, the ten-eyed eye, the true eye of God.

Legend has it that Jiugou Yu’s turn back to open the reincarnation is the origin of everything. The person who has the eyes of Jiu Jiyu’s turn is to control the reincarnation, control the destiny, and have an incomparably powerful force.

What Sasuke did not expect was that Jun Ma Lu had such power.

Sasuke originally thought that Jun Malu only got the chakra of the big tube wood night, but at this moment, the strength of Jun Ma Lu once again shocked him, not only the chakra of the big tube, but even her nine Gou Yu’s eyes have been inherited, such a thing, such a fact is simply impossible!

Can it be said that Jun Ma Lu is the protagonist?

Looking at the strong power that Jun Ma Lu Sanfan showed five times, even Sasuke, there is a slight imbalance in his heart. He knows that Jun Ma Lu is the real pride of the sky, almost no cultivation, it is a step into the sky, almost has A power that rivals God.

At this time, the white Chakra, which fluctuated on Jun Ma Lu, slowly stopped, forming a stream of ripples around his body, and his shape began to change. The white hair was long and the head was horny. The object is like two ears.

The first two points of Zhu Hong, but the one-third of Jiu Jiyu’s eyes, the white hollow, almost penetrated everything in the world.

At this time, the image of Jun Ma Lu is infinitely close to the big tube wood glow night, completely like the incarnation of the goddess of the goddess, the **** of the world.

Jun Ma Lu silently looked down on Sasuke, and the coldness contained in his eyes almost frozen everything in the world. "Sasuke, how can you face me like this? Let me see it, your so-called determination, what you call power. Let me feel the power of inheriting the blood of the immortal!"

"You guy..."

Sasuke tightened his hands, and the blushing three-hook jade wrote a strong warfare in the round eyes. What about the inheritors of the goddess of the goddess.

"My strength, my footsteps, even God, can't stop!"

Jun Ma Lu looked down on Sasuke on the ground, and the condescending gesture showed God's pride.

"Sasuke, has already reached this step, I sentenced you to death in the name of the goddess!"

When the voice fell, but I saw the seal in the hands of Jun Ma Lu, a strange force came into being. The white and brown Chakra blended together and the dramatic space fluctuations occurred.


Just like the boiling water rolling, the two forces turned out to be a black check of incomparable horror-->>, the fastest update of the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!


"This chakra is... yin and yang!"

Although Sasuke has not seen the real yin and yang technique, the smell of Chakra produced in Jun Ma Lu still makes him aware of some clues. The chakra is full of activity and devastating, and it is faint. A powerful force of creation and the power of destruction.

This kind of power is not yin and yang, what is it?

"Yes, it's yin and yang, although it's not complete, but enough to deal with you!"

Jun Ma Lu looked down on Sasuke. The indifferent eyes seemed to be watching a dead person. His tone was cold and the nine black spiral spheres were condensed behind him.

The black sphere is like a grinding wheel, exuding the momentum that destroys everything. As long as the human body is stained, it will be annihilated into nothingness.

"It's not easy."

Sasuke’s secret voice, the singularity of yin and yang, he has already seen it in the original. Destruction, creation, and the coexistence of two forces. It is said that all current Ninjutsu civilizations are derived from yin and yang.

Now, Jun Ma Lu uses the yin and yang, which indicates that he has both powers of creation and destruction. It can be said that no ninju can exert any effect on him.

The big snake pill stands not far behind Jun Ma Lu, watching the yin and yang of the Ming and the change, the color of desire in the eyes, he also wants to have that power.

However, what is ultimately needed is to solve Sasuke and let him completely become his own container.

Feel the strength of Jun Ma Lu's continuous improvement, the snake's eye glimmers in the eyes of the snake, he has seen, successfully encroached on the scene of Sasuke's body.

"Sasuke, your ending is already doomed, it can only be dead."

Jun Ma Lu seems to judge the fate of Sasuke, silently and contemptible. In his eyes, Sasuke has no way to deal with his yin and yang.

At this time, the momentum of Jun Ma Lu has risen to the highest point, nine black spheres are constantly solidified, and the power radiated almost makes the space fluctuate.

Sasuke watched the change of Jun Ma Lu, and did not easily start. Although Jun Ma Lu’s yin and yang were powerful, it did not mean that he did not have any means to deal with yin and yang.

"Jun Ma Lu. I admit that you are very good now, but if you want to kill me, you are still a little worse."

Talk to Sasuke’s face is a vivid color. "I have seen your strength, but my strength is not a small one."

Immediately, the assistants in the assistants printed, the purple brilliance of the cockroaches burst out in a flash, pure, ethereal, almost destroying all evil, it is the power of the devil.

The power of breaking the devil is continuous, and the momentum can completely compete with the yin and yang.

Moreover, this kind of power is very strange, and Rao is a big snake and knows a lot.

"You also have a card."

Jun Ma Lu heart and soul, a voice, but in the hands is a strong yin and yang technique, in a flash, a few black energy spheres spurt out.


The yin and yang horror is very horrible, but it is directly breaking the space, the streamer flashes, it is necessary to completely devour Sasuke.

At the beginning of the millennium, Zuo Assistant also completed the Indian style, the huge purple arrow instantly condensed, exuding all the sharp gas trails to meet the yin and yang.

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