One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 342: Festival

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

"Is it telling me?"

Said, Xiang Pho step by step, came to the side of Sasuke, but it was replaced with a pair of expressions, no previous sounds.

Pulling Sasuke, Xiang Xiang said with a good look: "Sasuke, you help me to teach him lessons, it is a nasty guy."

"you and him!"

Shuiyue was surprised to see the fragrant phosphorus of the bird in the side of Sasuke, and he did not believe that the violent woman who had previously swayed in front of him would behave like this.

For the request of fragrant phosphorus, Sasuke naturally did not agree, but instead looked at them interestingly and said: "You have known it before."

"Yeah, we worked together four years ago and performed a mission. He and I were in a small team. At that time, I began to hate him."

Said, Xiang Pho has passed away and made a sinister appearance on the water moon.

"Hey, don't be arrogant, how do we say that we used to be teammates, so treat old friends like this?"

"Don't tie me."

Phosphorus turned over the eyes of the water, turned his head and stopped looking at him.

Seeing the performance of fragrant phosphorus, Shuiyue is speechless, and my heart is this. This is a woman, ungrateful, and my boyfriend has forgotten my friend.

At this time, Shion, who had been waiting outside the door, also came in, ignoring the water moon on the side, and went to Sasuke, and stood on the side of Sasuke and Shion, respectively, but there was a feeling of red and jade.

This guy......

Shuiyue’s eyes looked at Sasuke strangely, and he snorted. It’s not that he’s so handsome. If you’re so exaggerated, the woman is really a creature.

Shuiyue couldn't stand the fragrant phosphorus in front of him, so he frowned and said: "Sasuke, what are you coming here for?"

Sasuke did not hide it and said his purpose.

"I want you to be our companion and form a small team called ‘Eagle’.”


Water Moon repeated one sentence and then said, "Well, I want to be the captain."

"You are the captain, Shuiyue, you are too arrogant."

It is the fragrant phosphorus, which is very dissatisfied with Shuiyue’s self-made claim.

If the water moon did not pay attention to the fragrant phosphorus, he looked straight at Sasuke. He knew that the center of the trio was Sasuke. As long as Sasuke promised, he was not afraid of the other two opposing.

"Really confident..."

Sasuke looked at the water moon interestingly and said, "You are the captain? That is impossible."

When I heard Sasuke’s reply, Shuiyue understood that Sasuke’s intention was also the captain.

"In this case, let me see over there, your strength, whether you are qualified to be the captain."

Immediately, Shuiyue challenged Sasuke, and he would not easily fall under the leadership of Sasuke.

Sasuke is pleased to accept the challenge of Shuiyue.

At the time when the water month had not yet been shot, Sasuke’s body shape flashed, and it suddenly disappeared. The next moment, a sharp blade with a flash of purple lightning broke open the space, and it was squatted, and the water moon would be cut off from it.


The grasshopper sword hit the water moon, but it was a avatar. The next moment, it saw the water moon pouring from the ground into the water, and the bitterness in the hand did not directly stab the Sasuke's waist.

There is no sharpness in suffering, and Sasuke will pass through. When the water moon is happy and hit, the expression on his face is froze. I saw that the body slowly disappeared, but it was a residual image.


The water moon exclaimed, and the incomparably dangerous breath came from behind.

Subconsciously looking to the turn, but see the unscathed assistant in the seal, in a blink of an eye, the arrows scatter the terrorist power of the arrow-->>, the fastest update of the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system !



The broken magic arrow is ready to go, and all the air is taken away in an instant. Under the invisible force field, the water moon has a sense of suffocation.

Really powerful, Sasuke, has your strength reached that point?

The water moon surface is sinking like water, and there is a big cold sweat behind it. Under the broken arrow, he has no resistance.

"Don't, I admit defeat."

Knowing that he is not an opponent of Sasuke, Shuiyue gives up his resistance.

"Wise choice."

Sasuke gave a chuckle and immediately regained the power of the devil. The hundred arrows then turned into a starlight and dissipated into the air.

The broken magic arrow disappeared, and the water moon only felt that the pressure on the whole body was reduced, but it was a sense of happiness for the rest of the life.

At this point, Shuiyue looked at Sasuke's gaze but there was a kind of defense. After all, the other party was much stronger than his strength. If he had a dispute with him, at that time, he didn't know how to die.

"Do you choose to join us now?"

"What else?"

The water moon is like a discouraged saying: "I am really afraid of you, I choose to join you, but my current strength may drag your hind legs."

At this time, Xiang Pho did not forget to hit the water moon, said without heart and mind: "You know, I will not save you when I get there."


Shuiyue's ridicule for the fragrant phosphorus is very good, but it is not easy to say anything because of Sasuke's face, but he does not speak when he snorted.

"You don't have to worry about this."


Shuiyu looked at Sasuke with doubt and wondered why he spoke so.

Subsequently, Sasuke’s words dispelled the concerns of Shuiyue. “I know that you have been licking the rain and enduring the seven knives of the village. Now, I can help you find one of them.”

When I heard Sasuke, Shuiyue did not think much about thinking, and then exclaimed: "What, you can help me get one of them!"


Sasuke pinched the soft underbelly of Shuiyue and continued to seduce him. "There is no **** knives, I can help you find this."

"The dagger knife", this word lingers in the heart of the water moon, tempting him like a devil.

Immediately, the water moon made a decision. "No problem, help me get the ‘big knife.' I am yours.”

Looking at the eager look of Shuiyue, Xiang Pho secretly admire Sasuke. She knows that Shuiyue's temper is stinky and hard, and Sasuke can easily persuade him. It is also a kind of skill.


The country of the wave.

Since the completion of the "Mingmen" Bridge The relationship between the country and the outside world has become closer, and the economic industrial chain that originally relied on fishing has become more diverse. It can be said that the "Mingmen" Bridge has become The economic hub of the country of Poland.

In the slight sea breeze, Sasuke took the three members of the Eagle Squad to the inner sea of ​​the country of Poland.

Five years have passed, and here, there is something that is a sense of human beings.

Five years ago, the seventh class performed its duties here. There were no more than a few people in the encounter, and many incidents occurred.

Come back again, but it is five years later.

On the deck, Sasuke was on the side of the ship, and the black hair was a little messy in the salty sea breeze.

Around, Shion knew that there was something in Sasuke's heart, and he did not take the initiative to ask. He just looked at his side face, guarded, and waited.

For a long time, Sasuke woke up from remembrance and saw the Aster, who had been staying with him, and felt a sense of peace of mind.


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