One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 343: Festival

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Sasuke’s voice was faint, and said: "The master is fine."

When I heard Sasuke, Aster’s beautiful eyebrows wrinkled slightly and said: “The 16-night-old adult is still hating you. It’s not easy to get her forgiveness.”

"Sure enough."

For this matter, Sasuke is also a headache. Sixteen nights is his master. The apprentice is doing this kind of thing to the master. It is simply a big mistake in the world. It is no different.

"It's not good."

Sasuke is very helpless. After all, he has violated the other party without asking for consent. He can be easily forgiven.

On the occasion of Sasuke's help, Shion extended his hand and took Sasuke's palm and wanted to pass his feelings to him.

"Sasuke, 16-night adults also know your pains, want to change her fate can only make this decision, I will continue to persuade the 16-night adult."

The words of Aster are soft, and it is very comfortable to pass to Sasuke's ear.

In the face of the comfort of the asters, Sasuke's heart was warm, turned around, looked at her eyes and said: "It's really bitter for you, for me and the master to do that, this kind of kindness, me. ....."

Sasuke still wants to say something, but the index finger extended by Aster has resisted the lips, and the latter's beautiful face reveals a touch of tenderness.

"Don't talk, your mood, I understand."

Said, Aster relies on Sasuke's chest, faintly said: "That two years ago, I told you that your destiny is connected, for you, I am willing to do anything."

Aster is deep and deep, and Sasuke's heart is heavy and heavy. There is no words. He just hugged the slightly thin body. He understands that this kind of friendship can only be compensated slowly in the future.


At the destination, Sasuke looked at the empty tomb, knowing that, like the original, the dagger knife was taken away by the name of the country of the wave.

Without delaying this, I asked Aster and Xiang Pho to go to the hotel to wait. He took the water moon to the Daming House to retrieve the dagger.


The name of the country of the country of Bo, the style of the extraordinary, faintly has a royal style.

Although the country of Bo is only a small country, even the national power of the country of snow can not match, but the country of the wave is far more than other countries.

Within the mansion, the name of the country of the country is the same as that of his own courtiers.

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I only listened to the laughter of the pig brother. "Hey, the girl in the middle is really good. It’s really his mother’s strength. I can’t wait to press her on the ground to do it!”

In the face of the crude words of the soil and fertilizer, the majority of the ministers smirked and echoed. However, there are still a few ministers who are silent. They regret it. Why do they serve such a monarch, so vulgar, it is simply the market. rogue.

Speaking of it, the soil and fertilizer are also the land of the land, and finally became the name of the country of the wave through various means. After he took office, he did not hide his ugly face of extreme luxury and vulgarity. , venting the heart and the animal, can not wait for the whole country of the waves to be placed in the fire.

The earth and fat leisurely looked at the performance of the glamorous singer, and the fire in his heart burned with enthusiasm. He whispered a few words to his confidant, and he continued to appreciate the performance of the singer.

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After a while, the crisp silky bamboo sound suddenly changed, but it was a kind of humming sound.

Such a change, the singer's look on the field, forced by the pressure of the soil and fat, had to follow the music, staged a singer dance, then the original song and dance became a performance.

The atmosphere on the field broke out in an instant, and the soil and fertilizer could not suppress the inner desires, but it directly rushed out of the seat, and took the fancy singer. She overwhelmed her to the ground and did it directly.

Infected by the soil and fat, some of the courtiers also could not bear the heart, and each found the singer Hu Tianhu.

At this point, the banquet has completely turned into a chaotic competition, and the minister who is upright in the heart can't stand the atmosphere. Seeing that his master and his colleagues are so unbearable, they are screaming and screaming.


When the soil and fertilizer were in the air and the courtiers were soaring, the cold and sardonic sounds were introduced into their ears.

"Oh, it’s a good performance. It’s like the name of the country of the wave. It’s a disgusting guy.”

"Who dares to speak so boldly!"

Hearing this voice, the earth and fat leisure and the actions of the ministers stopped underneath, they looked up and looked at the middle door.

Seeing two strange men appear at the door, watching them with their own content.

"What's the matter, continue, isn't it a good performance?"

I saw one of the men pulled out the grasshopper sword behind him, and looked cold and cold as he watched the soil and fat.

"you are!"

The earth and fertilizer rounded two noticed that the man’s blushing three-hook jade wrote the round eyes, and then he was shocked: "You are Sasuke!"

Recognized by the soil and fat, Sasuke was slightly surprised, and I did not expect anyone to know him in this place.

Maybe Sasuke couldn't think of it. The news of his killing of the big snake pill was spread all over the world. Everyone knows that a man with three hooks wrote the round eyes and killed the big snake pill, Yu Zhibo's survivor, Uchiha Sasuke.

"Since you know me, it will leave you even more!"

Say, Sasuke's body shape flashed, the grasshopper sword broke open the air, and the whistling sound was to cut off the body of the soil and fat. At this time, his lower body still remained in the body of the singer.

This time, the seats were completely disrupted, and the singers and the courtiers fled, fearing that they would die.

Sasuke did not stop their In the last moment of the death of the soil and fat, he read the memory of the earth and fat circle with the writing wheel.

After doing this, Sasuke waved his hand at the water moon at the door and said, "Shuiyue, your 'dagger big knife' was found."

With the call of Sasuke, the water moon rushed over and said, "It’s so good, I already wanted to have that knife."

Between the words, the joy of joy filled the face.

The memory of the soil and fertilizer is not a fake. Sasuke easily found the "dagger knife" in Daming Mansion.

"Dagger's big knife" is like the past, the blade is about one foot long, and the blade is white, and the sharp blade indicates its power.

I got the "Dagger's Big Knife", and the water moon was very excited. Now, he finally stood on the same starting line with his brother's ghost lantern full moon. Shuiyue believes that even the "seven bears" ghost lights can not be underestimated. Let's go.

I got the "Dagger's Big Knife" and the watery moon was convinced that Sasuke became a member of the Eagle Squad. Now, the Eagle Squad is really established.

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