One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 344: Festival

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

The coastline of the peninsula, a towering mountain range, echoed with thunder.

Lei Zhiguo, Yun Ren Village, a powerful organization based on the other side of Yunhai, has extraordinary strength. Especially in the past two years, its power has overshadowed the limelight of Muye Village, and it has almost become the village of Niu Village.

Since the four generations of Lei Ying’s night, he has developed rapidly and has a unique team of gold and silver horns. Together with the two tails and eight tails, it is incredible in terms of military strength.

Passing through the Leiyun Gorge, to a shrine, the smog of Qinghui obscures the vision, but the point is that the building in the cloud has a dreamy feeling, as if it is in a fairyland.

The quaint wooden building stands above the foothills, with a slight breeze blowing through it, and the wind chimes between the tassels make a crisp clink.

Under the eaves, the woman wearing a samurai suit sat on the tatami, and the long yellow hair was bundled into a braid, and the complexion was white and the eyebrows were picturesque. It was obviously a beautiful woman.


I saw her sighing, breathing the fresh air in the mountains, and making a heart-warming voice.

"This life of carefree life is really beautiful. It’s a pleasant day to go through the sky."

Said, the woman's hands held the body, looked up at the clouds floating in the sky, the pupils flashed a comfortable color.

"I don't know how the Thunder movie is over. The Chirabi people are really worried. They are really not brothers."

Secretly, the woman seems to think of something funny, but it is a smile. "Speaking, Chirabi is really like a child. Although he is an eight-tailed person, his style is still the same. It’s a headache, and you don’t say hello when you go to the real waterfall. But, just like this, the responsibility for protecting the village is handed over to me. As a human being, this life is only good for the village. ""

Thinking this way, the woman lay on the tatami, and the heart drifted further and further with the clouds in the sky.

I don't know how long it took, the woman's closed scorpion suddenly opened, but she heard her self-speaking: "I really don't know what a good guy, dare to privately sneak Leiyunxia, ​​have to warn them."

Said, the woman's figure flashed, the blue Chakra covered the whole body, but it turned into a stream of light disappeared here.


"Sasuke, are you talking about something really here?"

The water moon looked at the surrounding walls and asked with doubts.

“Yes, keep looking, maybe hidden in the clouds.”

Sasuke stood in the middle of the team, wrote the round eyes and searched for clues. He remembered that Chirabi’s residence was nearby.

Being in the mountains, it is very difficult to find a person in this vast area. It is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. After a while, Sasuke asks Xiang Xiang Pho: "How is it, have you ever felt the chakra of the tail beast?"

"Not yet. However, as long as the other party appears within ten kilometers, I will definitely feel it."

"Well, keep searching, we can't return empty-handed."

Seeing the insistence of Sasuke, Xiang Pho nodded and followed Sasuke’s smuggling to fully open Chakra’s perception and search for the unusually powerful Chakra.

Behind the team, Ziyuan couldn't help, but he took out the telescope and looked around. In her heart, as long as it can help Sasuke, even if it is a thin force, it must go all out.

Time passed by, and I had already passed through the Leiyun Gorge. Most of the mountains here have been explored, but Chilabi has not been found.

"Don't he say that he left here?"

Sasuke slowly withdraws -->>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

Writing a round of eyes, wondering the clouds of the mountains, in his memory, Chirabi is a wayward guy, very likely to leave his post without permission.

Just as Sasuke wanted to give up, the fragrant phosphorus on the side was exclaimed.

"Sasuke, something has appeared, but it is not eight."


When he heard the fragrant phosphorus, Sasuke immediately felt a shock, and immediately asked: "Continue to perceive and determine who the target is!"

"The goal is approaching us at a rapid speed. And, it seems that the guy is a human force. If there is no guess, it is two."

"Two tails."

Sasuke snorted, "Is it just two tails? It's good, it's better than empty-handed."

Immediately, Sasuke issued an order to the three members of the Eagles team. "Shuiyue and I are ready to fight, Aster, you are responsible for protecting the phosphorus."


They are also very simple in the water month, each with their own duties, and the whole **** is waiting for the arrival of the two tails.

Not long after, with a burst of sound, Sasuke's goal is finally here.

In the field of vision, the yellow-haired woman appeared, and the whole body exudes a powerful chakra.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Sasuke immediately recognized her identity.

"The two are made of wooden people, and it really is you."

When Sasuke suddenly recognized himself, the wooden man was slightly surprised and said: "You are not the person of the country of Lei, privately, Lei Yunxia, ​​what do you want to do!"

"doing what......"

Sasuke looked like a smile and laughed at the wooden man, but in the end it was a word: "For the tail of your body!"

"The tail beast?!"

When I heard Sasuke, I was shocked by the wooden people. I didn’t expect their purpose to be this.

It was learned that Sasuke’s goal was himself. The wooden man smiled and said: "You only have four people, and you want to try to figure out the two. It’s too self-effacing."

At this time, Sasuke did not want to talk nonsense with the wooden people, and even said hello to the water moon: "Do it!"

The voice is falling, the water moon is the first to attack, and the heart is to show off in front of Sasuke, proving that his strength is not vegetarian.

Sasuke knows the meaning of Shuiyue, and does not attack, watching him with interest and fighting with the wooden man.

I saw the right hand of Shuiyue exploding in an instant, and the long dagger of the long slash was as light as nothing.


The sharp blade broke open the Straight to the door by the wooden man.

The water moon shot quickly, but the reaction of the wooden man was not slow. In the hands of the dagger, the attack was fast.

Fire 遁.

In an instant, a huge blue flame ejected, and the extremely high temperature caused the air to hum.

The flames are in the body, and the water moon is changing. The huge dagger knife is used as a shield in an attempt to resist the fire of the wooden man.


Huge tremors, Mars, and blue flames erupted at extremely high temperatures. The water moon hid under the dagger knife and could clearly feel the horrible heat. As long as the limbs were stained, it would become coke.

The flames burst under the pressure, and the water moon thought it was blocked. Immediately, the dagger knife was taken from the ground and ready to attack again.

However, what shocked him was that the flying blue flame was swirling in the air, and it was attacked again like a tracking missile.

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