One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 348: Festival

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!


Sasuke also did not have the need to hide, a faint saying.

"The rumor is really true."

The horns are all stunned and said: "Are you coming to deal with us? Or, you have other purposes."


Sasuke’s mouth is swaying. “It’s not an end, just want to see you.”

See you?

Such a simple discourse is contrary to the flying section. Is it really that simple?

Both the corners and the performance of the flying segment fell into his eyes. Sasuke converges on the momentum and makes the approachable sound.

"If I have to say something, I actually want to make a deal with you."

"Transaction? What transaction."

This time, it was the flight segment that spoke first. When it was said, he was particularly sensitive to things like trading. As long as it is about this type, the flight segment must be the first shot.

On the one hand, the corners are also very interesting. It seems that he is very interested in the transactions that Sasuke said.

Seeing the performance of the two, Sasuke said with confidence: "I have what you need here, I am looking forward to working with you."


The flight section asked curiously.

This time, Sasuke sold a pass and saw him mysteriously said: "Fly, do you know what the real ideal is?"


The flying paragraph is slightly stunned, or said: "The ideal is to sacrifice everything for the evil spirits, and the evil **** is the only **** in the world."

"Serving the evil spirits?"

It seems like a funny thing to hear, but the words of the flying paragraph are to let Sasuke laugh.

For Sasuke’s performance, the flying segment was consciously humiliated and immediately wanted to attack, but it was still pulled by the corners.

Finally, Sasuke stopped laughing, only to listen to him seriously: "Is this ideal? Flying paragraph, have to say, your ideal is really not good."

Seeing the more angry expression of the flying segment, Sasuke was not anxious, only to listen to him not too slow to say: "Don't you want to be a evil god?"

"Become a **** of evil!"

Sasuke’s words provoked a huge wave in the heart of the flying section.

"Yeah, become a **** of evil, become the evil spirit in your heart, have great power, and enjoy the worship of everyone in the world!"

Sasuke’s voice was deceived in the ear of the flying, as if he was to pull him into the infinite abyss.

"How can it be......"

The flying part trembled and his eyes revealed a little desire.

Who doesn't want to be a god?

To put it bluntly, every devout believer has a naked ambition in his heart. That is, like the gods they believe in, have that power and become that kind of existence.

Become the **** who is worshipped by people!

Thinking of this, the mood of the flying segment was impulsive, and almost nodded, but the only reason in my heart was that he had suppressed that kind of mind.

"Sorry, what you said is too ethereal. I will only dedicate myself to the evil gods in my life. Nothing else will matter."

There was no accident in the flight to refuse Sasuke. If he immediately agreed, it would be a ghost.

"It doesn't matter if you don't agree now, I will give you some time."

&nbs-->>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

p; Sasuke, Sasuke looked at the corner that was always silent, just listened to him slowly saying: "Which corner, how long can your body last? Even though there are secrets to help, but for another hundred years I am afraid it will turn into a pile of loess."

"What do you mean."

The corners are all expressionless, and the face under the mask can't see any thoughts. For example, the same pool of dead water is unpredictable.

"It’s really an old monster that has lived for a hundred years."

Sasuke gave a sneak peek and said, "I have a real life and immortality, the real power of immortality, the corners, don't you want to take it from me?"

"The technique of immortality!"

The voice full of temptation is like the Pandora's Box, which completely opens the door of the heart.

"You have a life of immortality!"

The corners were exclaimed, and they could no longer maintain the calmness of the stagnant water. I saw him in three steps and made two steps. On the opposite side of Sasuke, his eyes eagerly said: "Do you really have such a procedure?"

On one side, the flying section saw such an eager angle, and the heart was slightly stunned. I didn’t expect the corners to be so eager for immortality.

"That is natural."

Sasuke said to the corner of his eyes and said slowly: "That is true that immortality is not old. It is not an exaggeration to call it a fairy. With that, you no longer have to bear the pain of plundering the heart."


In the face of the temptation of immortality, Rao is an old monster like the horns can not hold themselves.

In other words, the older you live, the more fearful you are about death. They know clearly that time is burning for the human body. It is like a grinding disc that is crushed with vitality. It looks like you are old and old, and you are powerless to lose your life step by step.

"You said."

Sasuke said mysteriously: "I have a part of the technique here. If you are interested, you can take a look."


Almost without hesitation, the corners extended their hands and asked Sasuke for the immortality.

Seeing that the horns are so eager to perform, Sasuke laughs and sighs, and sure enough, death is the most terrible thing in life, even if the old monster with a heart is unable to resist the temptation of longevity.

Immediately, Sasuke took out a scroll from his arms, which recorded some of the techniques of immortality.

This immortal technique was acquired by Sasuke in the Dragon Cave. At the same time, while the technique of dragonization was acquired, the immortality of immortality was also stored in his mind. Such a thing is simply unintentional.

Originally Sasuke wanted to pass on the technique of immortality to them, so it was recorded on the reel.

However, in order to draw the corners, Sasuke gave the record of immortality to him.

"Although there is only a part of it, you can see that the above theoretical technique is very beneficial to the human body. If you practice this part, your heart pain can be alleviated."

Listening to Sasuke’s words, the corners are all moving, looking at the immortality on the scroll, the dark road, he said everything is correct, the print on the scroll is not the development of human functions,

Subconsciously, the horns were cultivated according to the above-mentioned techniques. I saw that the blue chakra formed a halo around the corners, and a little blue light came from the heavens and the earth and poured into his body.

In a few moments, the corners opened their eyes, but they saw his dead double eyes flashing a surprise color.

"Sure enough, my heart is not hurting. This immortal technique is really amazing."

"That is natural."

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