One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 349: Festival

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

Sasuke smiled and said: "The technique of immortality is what I got from the dragon hole, but it is the real fairy."

"Dragon Cave!"

The corners are full of horror, "The legendary Dragon Cave is actually true. I also looked for it at the beginning, but I couldn't find it anyway."

"You also looked for it?" Sasuke was slightly stunned.

"That is of course." As if recalling the past, the corners are somewhat awkward and said: "It’s a pity that Longdongdong and other places have to rely on chances. I am not blessed."

The corners are also calm, saying, long sigh.

At this point, the flying segment said: "The corners are ah, I didn't expect you to be a hundred years old, and it would be incredible to be so sentimental."

Said, the flying segment looked at Sasuke and said: "You have such a tempting price, then, what do we want to do."

The flying section is fast, and Sasuke is not concealing. Xu said: "My request is very simple, do things for me."

"Do things for you!?"

Both the corners and the flying segments are in vain, and this Nima is a disguised selling deed.

The corners are all sinking and say: "Your conditions are too harsh, do things for you, what is our freedom?"

"Of course, it is not forever limiting your freedom. The contract time limit is only two years. After two years, I will not stop what you want to do."

"Two years..."

The corners are indulged. He knows that as long as he promises, his actions will be greatly restrained in the past two years.

Two years of freedom in exchange for immortality?

The corners and the flying segment are silent. There is no doubt that the temptation of freedom is huge. However, the cost of Sasuke is not cheap, so the two are entangled.

Promise or refuse, this is a problem.


After all, the corners and the flying segment did not immediately agree to the conditions of Sasuke.

When I left, the corner said, "Let's think about it, I will give you a reply when I get there."

"Good. Then I look forward to the moment we cooperate."

Sasuke smiled a little, and said goodbye to the two, watching them disappear into the line of sight, and the black and white distinct eyes flashed a light.

"I really look forward to that moment, but don't be killed by the Konoha ninja. If you can survive, the story behind it will definitely be more exciting..."


Lei Yunxia, ​​the corners and the flying section two look dignified.

Just listen to the flying segment and say: "The corners, do we really have to agree to the conditions of the kid?"

The corner sighed a little, and some helplessly said: "I know that you are also very unwilling, but the price he gave us is too tempting, but it is a real life and immortality. You have to know, For that kind of strength, I have exhausted most of my life. Although I survived mystery and lived for the rest of my life, the pain caused by the plundering of the heart made me more and more intolerant. I really want to end this life. ......"

Seeing the pain of the corners, the flying section is slightly stunned. He is still seeing the corner for the first time. He is like an old man, repenting for his life.

Maybe no one can understand his inner pain...

The flying segment was indulging and said: "I don't think so. When I faced the kid, I resisted my inner impulse and did not agree with his request. Not to mention the technique of immortality, he gave me the promise, let me With the power of the evil spirits and the worship of the world, this temptation is really irresistible. I almost promised him."

"It’s a terrible kid..."

The angles are all looking into the distance, above the clouds, one piece of ---, the fastest update of the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

Innocent and heavy, just like his mood at the moment.

In the end, the corner said, "We have to let go of this thing first. We still have the task to do. The organization of the second arrest will be the face of the present."


The flying section nodded. "Hurry up and finish the mission. Otherwise, Payne is not good at it."

Immediately, the two figures flashed and disappeared into the other side of the cloud. The two-tailed capture operation officially began.


In a place in Leiyunxia, ​​the wooden man finally woke up and touched the still and dizzy forehead. He said: "What happened, I fainted?"

Moved a bit, the strong pain made the wood man frown, and the pale face showed her emptiness.

"How is it possible, my strength..."

Appreciated by the wooden man, she felt that Chakra was very weak in her body, and the cat’s yin attribute Chakra was left in her body.

"What happened?"

From the spirit of the wooden man, she only remembered that after she became a cat and a body, she got a arrow from Sasuke. The strong pain made her faint in the past, and she didn’t know anything about the latter.

Struggling to stand up, the wooden man swayed, her footsteps vain, the pain caused by the loss of strength made her extremely uncomfortable.

The wooden man stabilized his body and tried not to let himself fall.

"A wicked bastard, my strength, my chakra, must have been moved by that kid."

Thinking of this, the wooden man couldn't help but gnash his teeth, and she swears that the next time she sees Sasuke, she must beat him.

However, this is also the daydream of the wooden man, just in the next moment, her fate is destined, can only be dead...

"You are the second person."

The sudden sound made the wooden man look at him, but he saw two men wearing black red cloud robe standing not far away.

I don't know why, seeing these two people, the wooden people's mind suddenly rises to the infinite sense of crisis, it is like facing something horrible.

"You are......"

In the face of the strange two, the wooden man subconsciously made a precautionary posture, although at this moment her body has been exhausted.

"It's just you, fly, start!"

The corners all saw the fact that the power of the wooden man was empty, knowing that she was just a paper tiger, and immediately ordered the flying segment to shoot.

"Yes, the corners, I will let her see the horror of the evil spirits."

The flying section was cruel and smiled. The next moment, it was to lift the razor blade in the hand and rushed away from the wooden man.


The blade of the blaze exudes the dying of death smashes the air obstruction, and it instantly appears on the left side of the wooden man.


The flying section whispered, and the huge blade was ready to harvest the life of the wooden man.


Infinite horror rises from the heart of the wooden people. Under the secretion of adrenaline, a spirit, like a flexible cat, can escape the blade of the blade.

"It's quite flexible."

The flying section was a strange smile, holding a few blood beads on the sickle, like looking at a certain prey to look at the wooden man over there.


The wooden man snorted, and although he had escaped a killing blow, the horrible blade left a lot of scars on her.

The feeling of chakra’s loss is really too uncomfortable.

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