One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 358: Festival

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Although not getting married will make people laugh, they will feel lonely one night. However, as long as it is for the village of fog, then nothing can be ignored.

At any time, according to the beauty of the United States always put the fog and the village in the first place, this is also the reason for the incomparable narcissism of why she would bow to Sasuke.

Sasuke has a strong power, and has the most needed things in the current fog-forbearing village. For the fog-forbearing village, what is the big deal of the arrogant head?

"No matter what, it can't stop my determination. As a water shadow, what I shoulder, what I bear is the trust of all people. Therefore, I must hold the mortal determination to protect the village."

After all, according to the beauty of the United States once again confirmed the ideals of the heart, in order to fog the village, in order to continue the long-awaited peace, as long as you can do this, whatever can be sacrificed!

It is already in May, summer is coming, the sea is above, and the changing climate affects the daily life of fishermen.

The country of water is still in the social public service department such as the Meteorological Bureau. The early weather news informed, "Red warning, there will be a heavy rain today with strong gusts, and fishermen do not go fishing in private."

After all, it is related to your own life, although it is necessary to make a living, but it is not cost-effective to go to the sea for a small profit. Once you encounter a storm, it is the end of the life.

I have to say that the accuracy of the forecast of the Meteorological Bureau of the country of water is not enough. At about 10 o'clock in the morning, a heavy rain came as expected.

In the sea, the rain clouds are sinking, and there is a darkness between the heavens and the earth. When there is a certain black cloud, the city will be destroyed.


With the first thunder, the big raindrops are falling down.

Between the thick clouds, the blue arc is shining, and somewhere in the sea, there is a shadow that quickly breaks through the clouds and flashes at a very fast speed in the storm.

"Predecessors, the speed is too fast, I am afraid of height!"

A slightly funny voice came out suddenly, like a joke with some sort of child.

"Wow! Lightning is coming! Run!"

"Ah! Seniors! I am dead, you have to remember me!"

"Give me some quiet!"

With the scream of a man, the boring funny boy was finally stopped.

The shadow gradually became clear. It was a huge white snow owl. Above the ferrets, two figures stood still. The black robes showed that they were members of the Xiao organization.

"Predecessors, be careful, flying in thunderstorms is very dangerous."

The masked man clutched the back of the sled, worried that the speed was too fast and caused a strong blast to blow him down.

"There is nothing, see me for breaking you these **** thunderclouds!"

Said, the man's palm spread out, faintly visible, in between is the two teethless mouth spit out the tongue.

Under the man's control, the big mouth spits something similar to clay, and after a while, it throws a big palm to the thundercloud in front.


The fire was everywhere, and the strong space oscillated and spread. In an instant explosion, the thunder cloud was miraculously cracked, and less than three interest rates revealed the blue sky.

Seeing the power of the explosion, the mask man exclaimed, "It’s really a predecessor, it’s amazing."

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"That is natural."

The man’s words are showing the color of arrogance. “This is art, oh, the ultimate in art is explosion!”

There is no doubt that these two are A Fei and Di Dala. They came here for the three tails.

A Fei is still so funny, but he sees him lying on the sledge, and he is not afraid of Thundercloud.

The rain continued to fall, and the mask of A Fei was wet. The flash of lightning flashed everything in the field of vision, and a glimpse of it, but the hole in the center of the mask revealed a white touch.

As if he had thought of something, A Fei said with a voice: "Didala's predecessors, your arms are still adapted."

"Yes, it has gradually recovered." Thinking of his own arm, Dida La showed a sigh of relief. "If I meet the **** Konoha ninja next time, I will never let go! Must Report this broken arm!"

Didara’s hatred is revealed without any disguise. Like his determination, he hates the extremes of Muye ninja. He remembers that the incident was so intense that it was like the fire of the original, which swept Didala’s heart.

"Must not let go!"

Didara tightened his fist and he vowed to let Kakashi's seventh class suffer a deep blow.

Seeing Dydala’s performance, A Fei didn’t have any surprises. He knew that Dida’s grievances had already succeeded. On the way back, he encountered the obstruction of the Konoha Ninja. At that moment, Didara sacrificed an arm before he got out of trouble. .

"Predecessors, Muye's ninja is really amazing, especially the three people, their strength is simply amazing."

When I heard A Fei’s words, Dida La didn’t play a fight, but it’s not that he remembered the scene at that time, the horrible hail, the powerful closeness, and the almost unstoppable wind property. These have become a nightmare existence.


Didala bit his teeth, and the pain in his body came again. "Those guys can't be light, the moon is not white, the spring wild cherry, and the **** whirlpool Naruto!"

With a deep hate, Didara immediately speeds up the flight of the sled. He wants to capture the three tails as soon as possible, and then go to the Konoha Ninja to report his enemies.


Finally arrived at the established waters, Dida La used the eye's thermal display to detect the three tails.

"A Fei! You are going to stop those fogs, I am responsible for the three-tailed capture work!"


A Fei is also simply body shape rushed to the shore to rush.

"Next, see, my art!"

Didara immediately sealed the hand, but saw his hands condensed white clay bombs, like bombing, in an attempt to drive the three tails out of the water with tremors.

Since the last time he was seriously injured by Sasuke, the three tails have been lurking in the bottom of the water to recover from injuries, and even the usual surface hunting has stopped.

In the end, it was the tail beast. After a few days passed, the heavy injury had completely recovered, and there was no such thing as a breath. However, since that incident, the three tails have grown a long-term view, and even if others will break the water in the future, it will never come out easily.

It has been bombed for ten minutes, and the huge tremors have made this waters turbulent. Many dead creatures in the water float on the corpses, and the blood of the blush is mixed with broken meat to make the lake water turbid.

The repeated bombings still failed to lead the three tails. Such a strange situation made Didara very surprised.

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