One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 359: Festival

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"How is it possible that my harassment didn't work?"

Through the thermal display, Didara saw the three tails still sinking under the water, and there was no intention to come out.

"Damn three tails, I see how long you can endure!"

In the heart, Didara bombed again. This time, the strength is even bigger than the last time. It is almost a turbulent undercurrent that forms a vortex within 300 meters of the water.


Wujiu Village, Water Shadow Building, Zhaomei was a bed for an hour today. She was really tired. Yesterday, she invited several people to go to the hot springs, and then various kinds of treats. I have been busy until midnight to stop.

I have to say that this kind of practice really helps to promote the relationship. According to the beauty of the meditation, Sasuke has a lot of easy-going for her. Even Shion, who has always looked at her dissatisfaction, has begun to call her "sister."

Such progress has made Mei Mian very gratified. She knows that as long as she can successfully win a few Sasukes, the strength that she can rely on will be even stronger. As a result, she will no longer have to be foggy all day long. Worried about the safety of the village.

Subconsciously, I have relaxed a lot in my beauty, thinking that I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. The life that has been fearful for many years is really too tired.

After going to work, Zhaomei is still a yawning, she is not suitable for nightlife. If she sleeps later than at night, she will be tired the next day.

The life of Water Shadow is always full of troubles. This is not the case. According to Mei Ming, the first document in her hand has not been reviewed. The news of Qing has made her nervous.

"Someone is playing a three-tailed idea?"

"Yes, the water shadow adult, I received a notice from the dark part two minutes ago, in the water area where the three tails are located, someone is launching an attack and wants to drive the three tails out of the water."

"What a **** bastard, three tails are fragrant!"

After all, it is related to the interests of Wujiu Village. In the spirit of the tiredness of the United States, I immediately wake up and immediately ordered: "You and Changjulang led the two teams of elite guards to go to Sanwei, right! Sasuke also called."


Just as Qing turned and left, the sound of the beautiful eyes was transmitted again.

"Forget it, you should bring the guard to the past, and Sasuke I will go there."


Qing Zunsheng left.

Without delay, Zhao Mei immediately left the office and went straight in one direction.

In a short time, according to the beauty of the United States is to go to a mansion, here, is the home of the United States to help them arrange.

Just entering the entrance, according to the beauty of the right, I met Sasuke who was ready to go out.

"Water Shadow Adult?"

Sasuke saw the gaze of the beautiful look, and knew what was going on, and immediately asked, "What happened?"

"Sasuke, someone is playing the three-tailed idea, I just received the news, the situation is urgent, so I want to ask you."

"This way."

Sasuke said: "Okay, I am going to prepare, and I will go there with you."

"Well, trouble you."

After a while, Sasuke changed clothes and came out. It was a light clothing, full of summer atmosphere, and the color was his favorite black mix, but there was a different flavor.

Seeing this kind of costume Sasuke, according to the beauty of the eyes, the heart said: "It is a small handsome guy, no matter how you look, it is not annoying."

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Nbsp; Speaking of it, Sasuke’s face is still a little tender now. This style is very attractive to some Yujie-level women. It is like the relationship between cat and fish. Yujie also likes to steal a tender man. Hey.

Under the subconscious, according to the beauty of the praise: "Sasuke, it is no wonder that the two little girls like to wrap you, if I am young, I will definitely let you go."

According to the beauty of the words, there are some hooligans. The sudden voice makes Sasuke very embarrassing, and the heart is full of mature women.

"Cough, let's go there quickly."

Sasuke made a dry cough and smoothed the cockroaches in his heart without any traces.

"Well, I almost forgot about the business."

According to Mei Ming, I knew that I had just said the wrong thing, but there was no abnormal performance. I immediately led Sasuke to the direction of Neihu.

But said that A Fei, Dedala let him stop the fog, in fact, it is patrol, acting as the eyeliner.

This is also the best use, A Fei is not a type of combat, if it is to escape and patrol, then it is a good hand, at the very least, his ability to lurk inside the object can not be underestimated.

The continuous explosion came from afar, and A Fei flew in a tall tree, looking at the distant situation.

"Predecessors should be able to cope with it. Although the other side is three-tailed, the aerial bombardment of the predecessors has taken an absolute advantage. After all, it is a predecessor, I have to believe him."

A Fei secretly squatted, and immediately jumped off the canopy. He still has a lot of bombs given by Didala. Now, he is based on Dida's confession to lay a minefield around him. Once someone secretly invades this area, That is the end of the body that was blown up.

Through the talent, A Fei can easily integrate into the ground. In less than a minute, within a radius of 200 meters, it is covered with small clay bombs.

This move was created by A Fei, a name for the original mine.

After finishing everything, A Fei lie lazily on the tree squat, squinting at the slightly dark sky.

"This world is really wonderful. I have experienced a lot in these years. I am no longer a child. I am responsible... All I can do is to observe in the dark. Everything, preparation, waiting..."

The clouds in the sky are unpredictable. Afei yawns and his consciousness gradually becomes faint. Although he knows that he is patrolling at this time, he is more willing to fall asleep because he can relive the untouchable memory in his dreams.

"Mother, very soon, you can be resurrected..."


Green led a group of fog to endure near Neihu The huge explosion roared and deafening, you can see that the white shadows hovering over the distant sky, the bombs are constantly cast from above.

"Qing Daren! Are we going to attack now?"

A fog forbearing asked Qing to issue an attack command.

"hold on!"

Qing actually wants to wait for the beauty to come and start attacking again. After all, the other party is a water shadow, and he has more strategies than him. Moreover, if the enemy has an ambush and the loss is heavy, then in any case, it is impossible to explain to the beautiful woman. At that time, he can only plead guilty.

Not long after, with two sounds of breaking, Sasuke and the beauty of the United States are late.

"Water Shadow Adult!"

Qing went forward and said: "The enemy is in front, please also order."


Zhaomei nodded and said: "Is the enemy's situation checked?"

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