One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 360: Festival

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"Returning to the water, according to the spies, the enemy has a total of two people. One of them is harassing three tails, and the other one is missing. According to the speculation, he is likely to set up an ambush somewhere, so I am afraid to wait. As for the identity of the enemy, it has not been checked yet."

"Working hard for you."

According to the beautiful and ceremonial, I looked back at the horizon, where the fire was shining and the roar of the deafening came, and the successive bombings seemed to have no end.

Aside, Sasuke has not made a sound, scouting around everything to determine if there is an ambush.

Immediately, Sasuke opened the writing wheel and looked over the inner lake.

After all, it is a round of writing, although the insight is not as good as one of the ones, but it can also see the slightest scene beyond 100 meters.

"he is......"

After seeing the familiar red cloud robe, Sasuke gave a slight glimpse, "Didala."

Immediately, Sasuke said to the beauty of the meditation: "Water shadow adults, the enemy in front will be handed over to me."

Sasuke volunteered to fight, and promised to be beautiful.

"Be careful, although there is only one person on the other side, I don't know what kind of ambush will be there."

"Understand, I am still confident about my strength."

Seeing that Sasuke disappeared in front, I was not at ease with the beauty, and then the opponent Ninja said: "We also go, ready to support."


In front, Sasuke perceives that they are following in the back, and they don’t look back. They quickly rushed to the shore of the lake and marched less than a hundred meters. Sasuke’s steps stopped, the wheel was opened, and the inspection was carefully The ground in front.

"Sure enough, is it a minefield under Afbe."

Since knowing that the enemy in front is Dida, Sasuke has been careful. He knows that Dida La and A Fei are together. Now that A Fei is not there, then he must set up a mine trap.

Looking up and looking around, within 100 meters of the square, it was covered by the minefield. On the ground of Yima Pingchuan, there was no borrowing point to cross the trap.

"if that is the case......"

Sasuke looked at the sky, his eyes were slightly condensed, and his hands were printed.

The power of the purple demon flashed out. Under the seal of the void, Sasuke easily floated the air and determined the direction, which was to fly to Dida.

Later, according to the beauty of Sasuke Saifei flying into the sky, my heart is puzzled, and began to look at the surrounding environment, although there is no writing of the eye, but the beauty of the United States with a keen sense of knowing the facts around the trap.

Qing Jian Zhao Mei suddenly stopped, and puzzled and asked: "Water Shadow Adult, what happened!"

"There are traps in front, you stay here, once there are any enemies, you can kill them!"


Arrange the fog to bear this side, and follow the beauty and then seal the hand.

Water scorpion. Water dragon bomb surgery!

The water dragon bombs that are ten feet long are condensed in an instant, and after a week of hovering in the air, they will bring the beauty to the sky.


"Damn! It has been attacking for so long, and the three tails have not appeared yet."

At this time, Dida La was somewhat unsettled. The clay bombs were not used to make the three tails. Although they did not consume too many chakras, the reality made him very dissatisfied.

"What the **** three tails are doing!"

Didara swears that the heat indicator shows that the three tails are still lurking in the bottom of the water, and there is no intention to come out. Didara has worked hard for so long, and it still has no effect.

>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

R/> On the occasion of the mother-in-law, a strange atmosphere attracted the mind of Dida La, in front, a flashing purple brilliance of the figure is approaching quickly.

After a short while, Dida La saw it. The coming man was a 17-year-old man with the goal of him. Didara's alert is to watch the figure floating in the air not far away, and a feeling of badness floats on the heart.

"who are you!"


"What! You are Sasuke! Uchiha's younger brother!"

Didara exclaimed, and did not expect that Sasuke suddenly appeared in the country of water.

"How, what a surprise, as a slap in the face of defeat, Dida, you are very unconscious, knowing that this trip is dangerous, not to find a few helpers, you are really reluctant to end the beast. ”

Say, Sasuke looked at him, there, and the beauty is coming quickly.

"Since it is here, don't think about leaving!"

Did not do nonsense with Didarado, Sasuke is to pull out the grass behind the sword, Jianhua rolled up, and the fierce attack swept to Dida.

Sasuke's shot had no warning, and the speed was extremely fast. It almost made the Daddara on the sled without any reaction time.

Seeing the sly sword front infinitely magnified in front of his eyes, Dedala's heart screamed badly, subconsciously, the body fell straight backwards, just avoiding a sword stabbing his throat.

The fallen inertia was irreversible, and Dida's body immediately fell from the ferrets like a gourd, and the snow screamed and screamed, but it ran into Sasuke.


The fire broke out, and the clay snow blast exploded, and the high-temperature airflow of the impact spread.

On the occasion of the fall, Dida's hands were sealed again, the white smoke dissipated, and a flying lizard dragon just caught his body.

"Is it dead?"

Standing on the lizard, Didara looked at the top with a slight gaze.

The dust smoke dissipated, and the purple light curtain would surround Zuo, and it was obvious that the explosion did not hurt him.

"Sasuke! You are fine."

At this time, according to the beauty of the United States is also to Sasuke, the foot of the water dragon, but suspended in the air.

"Nothing, this level of explosion can't destroy my enchantment."

Sasuke sighed with relief and withdrew the purple enchantment. He saw the hand of the beautiful meditation, and was slightly surprised. He did not expect that the understanding of the otter was so thorough. Here, he finally understood why the beauty is known as water.遁 Talent is more than a super talent in a thousand hands.

"It's okay."

According to Mei Ding, looking down at the slowly floating Dida La ~ ~ said: "Sasuke, do you know his identity? People with such strength can not be named in the world of tolerance."

"His name is Dida, the grandson of the current Tuying. As a rebellious country, he has joined an organization called ‘xiao’.”


According to the beauty of the slightest strange, she said, she still does not know that there is such an organization in the world of tolerance.

Sasuke did not hide it, and said the general information of ‘xiao’.

“The situation of ‘xiao’ is very complicated. In short, it is a terrorist organization that attempts to subvert the world of forbearance. Their current purpose is to hunt the nine tailed beasts in order to complete a long-planned creation plan.”

"Subversion and tolerance!"

According to the beauty of the subconscious, exclaimed.

"Yes." Sasuke nodded. "I will go back to tell you about some of their things. Now, let's deal with this guy in front of you."

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