One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 365:

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After a pause, Sasuke said: "This time is hard, come to this strange place, I must be lonely."

Sasuke’s words were introduced into the ear of gold a little bit. The long-lost voice was at the moment to make Kim feel overwhelmed. Subconsciously, she looked up and asked for help.

Coincidentally, Kim’s line of sight just happened to Sasuke’s gaze, still so clear, but at this time he was a little more apologetic.

It’s too late to feel the meaning contained in that gaze. Like an electric shock, Jin immediately hangs his head and replies: “It’s a subordinate to help the adults. This is the next thing, and the subordinates will try their best to Adults do everything well..."

Kim’s mood was a little excited. She still wanted to say something, but she was interrupted by Sasuke.

"All right!"

I don't know why, Sasuke is a little annoyed, waved his hand and said: "You don't have to say it, I understand."

Seeing Sasuke's disappointment, Kim's body shape trembled, and many bitterness rushed into his heart. There are many words to say, but at this moment, he is afraid to speak. In the heart, if it is suppressed by the boulder, a sense of suffocation is full. Unconsciously, the fundus of gold is much moist.

The quartz bells in the house are ringing, and they are particularly abrupt in the slightly dull house. The two seem to have a kind of tacit understanding. Sasuke does not speak, and Kim is silent.

The silence between the seats made Kim very uncomfortable. He finally saw Sasuke again. I didn’t expect it to be the result. Gradually, Jin Shen was hurt and some tears fell on his cheeks.


Splashed a piece of jade.

Suddenly, Jin felt a hot, awakened, but found himself being held by the palm of his hand.

"Sasuke adults!"

The sudden action made Kim panic, looked up, but saw Sasuke look at himself with no expression, subconscious, Jin lowered his eyes, she did not dare to face.

After a short while, Kim noticed that the warmth in his hand shook a bit, and the palm of his hand was tight.

Suddenly, a strong attack came, and Kim’s body fell into the arms that he could not touch.

At this point, Kim’s heart has accelerated. She can’t guess Sasuke’s mind. She doesn’t dare to think about what will happen next. It’s messy in her mind, and she doesn’t know how to deal with it.


After a while, Kim’s toughness was pushed down on the tatami. At this time, her consciousness was blurred. She could feel the movements of the assistant. He was fading his clothes. All this made gold feel like a dream. general.

This moment is not what I have been looking forward to. Isn't this what I want, and this is not what I am blaming...

However, why is it so embarrassing?

Kim only felt that the body was light and fluttering. Her consciousness was clear in the sting of the next body. Finally, she confirmed that all this is reality, and she has performed countless times in her dreams.

Although it is very tricky, but also got it, Kim secretly said to himself.

Realizing the true touch, Kim even tightened Sasuke's back, and even hugged the latter's waist with his legs. She wanted to keep this feeling all the time. In this way, nothing would be thought, fluttering. , to the cloud...


Sasuke didn't know why he was so impulsive, and the ghost made the difference, and the woman's low voice made his eyes clear.

Kim is looking at him with complex eyes, gentle, awkward, tangled, gratified, and many moods are reflected in a moment.

Sasuke's gaze returned to a clear, looking at the woman with a faint blush, her heart was helpless, close to her body, can only be sorry in her ears.

Kim did not speak, but expressed her intentions with her own actions. She surrounded Sasuke’s neck and solemnly kissed the long-awaited person. At this moment, she felt so happy.


Sasuke never found himself very m, but the ridiculous gold of one night became the dominant player. Although he resisted it, the voice in his heart kept him going.

The female rider successfully completed one challenge. Afterwards, Kim was ashamed of his bold performance. The woman who is not reserved is definitely not her.

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p; However, the next Sasuke is to make the gold surprise.

"You are doing very well... I... I like it very much..."

I know that Sasuke has begun to admit himself, Jin Xinxi is not only, I feel that the waiting and expectation for so many years has not been in vain, and then it is a more hard service.


I finally got what I wanted. Kim only felt that happiness came too suddenly. The cat generally crouched on Sasuke’s chest and quietly enjoyed his love for himself.

As the saying goes, impulsiveness is the devil. Sasuke is still thinking about it at this moment. Is it responsible?

Kim, the woman she met when she was in the middle of the test, originally Sasuke thought that there was no intersection in the future. After a few twists and turns, it was a ghost that pushed the people down.

Sasuke’s original intention was to learn about the specific location of ‘xiao’ through Kim, and to visit her by the way. I didn’t expect to communicate to the bed* at the end. It’s really ridiculous.

After all, the innocence of the girl was not, and Sasuke did not show a cold color.

The woman in her arms is soft and delicate. It is said that the woman is made of water and feels a lot of wonderful things. Sasuke has some disappointment. After a while, she said: "What happened to the things I gave you?"

Sasuke’s voice is not as restrained as it used to be. The feeling of easy-going makes Jin Xinzhong comfortable, slightly stunned, and somewhat blurred. “I naturally will find a way to do things that adults have to say.”

Kim moved his body and felt the thing that still remained in the body. His face was reddish and said: "Do adults still come again?"

Kim’s question really helped Sasuke, who avoided the burning gaze and felt a bit hot on his face. “It’s all right.”


Jin Jiao laughed, no trace of nervousness before, and said that since the knowledge of Sasuke's m attribute, Kim's fear of Sasuke has been quietly disintegrated.

Because it is indeed a little tired, Jin Suoqi crouched beside Sasuke, watching the side of the latter face, the soft voice softly rang.


In Jin, I learned some specific news about 'Xiao'. Sasuke did not delay the time. The next morning, I left early. On the occasion of the farewell, Sasuke promised to pay the money. When the rainy village ended, it was He will go with him.

After the empty mountain rain, although Yu Ren Village is prosperous, it still makes people feel fresh after a rain.

From the gold, Sasuke went all the way to the west, crossed several streets, and once again showed his transformation in the shadows, quietly lurking into the rain building in front.


However, he said that he had finally learned about the ‘Xiao’ stronghold, but because the whereabouts were too obvious, he was still stared at by Payne.

Inside the building, you also observed the surrounding environment and carefully moved inside the corridor. After all, it is in the enemy's nest, and I have to play a 12-point spirit to deal with the unknown situation.

Just as he passed through the fourth passage, the strong breath in front of him suddenly made his mind stagnate.

"It was discovered!"

In the line of sight The figure is slowly and clear, the three are all dressed up, the black clouds are red, the whole body is full of all kinds of black sticks, and the powerful Chakra fluctuations fill the space, to see one of them When I look at the face, I am exclaimed.

"Yahiko! How come you are here! Can you say that you are behind the scenes!"

In the face of the question of the self, Tiandao Payne’s dead double micro-microwave moved.

"I am not the Yahiko in your mouth. The self-made of Muye Village is also a lot of painstaking efforts to enter Yuren Village. However, your trace is still unable to escape the spy of God."

Tiandao Payne’s words are also deaf to the ears, constantly thinking about why he would see Yahiko here, and why he will become like this now.

At that time, I also heard about the news that they had been miserable in Changmen. In the face of half-hidden, they did not believe that they could survive. After the death of Yahiko, once, the self is also hurt by the death of the loved one.

Now, seeing Yahiko again, the contours of the past are still the same. However, the cold and dead breath is a shock to the self. He can't believe everything in front of him. What happened to Yahiko in the past few years. ....

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