One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 366: Festival

"My name is Heaven, Payne, and I am..."

"Payne..." I also experienced the meaning of the name, ‘pain’, Yahiko, what have you encountered in these years?

I also looked at the reincarnation of the dead, full of vicissitudes and cold, although I don't understand why, but I can still detect a clue.

Suddenly remembered the other two apprentices of his own, he immediately asked: "Heavenly Paine, Changmen and Xiaonan? What happened to them!"

During the speech, the tone of the self is also a little short, obviously worried.

Like being summoned, a few moments, another chakra volatility appeared in the air, origami flying, the diffused celestial flower scatters into a delicate figure.

"Little South!"

Seeing the familiar figure, the sudden rise of things in my heart is a sense of human beings. She is still as good as before, but she is more mature.

"The teacher is also a teacher, I haven't seen it for a long time."

Xiao Nan’s voice is slightly cold, as if he had seen the dullness that can be found after many lives and deaths.

At this time, it is only after the self understands that the two people appearing in front of them are no longer the former ones, and the outline is still the same, but the soul is full of vicissitudes and numbness.

On the high platform, Xiaonan looked down on the road, and the cold scorpion flashed.

"You are a teacher, you still go back. This is not the place you should come."

Xiao Nan's tone is indifferent, but it is very threatening. When talking, an inexplicable force emerges and forms a force field in an attempt to oppress the self.

After all, it is self-sufficient. The power of Xiaonan is still not in his eyes. His eyes are slightly condensed, and he scans the opposite people. He said: "You are all members of 'Xiao'. Since you and Yahiko are both, then the long door. Certainly here too, although I don’t know what happened to you, but I will not give up on the organization that wants to subvert the endangered world. If you still recognize me as a teacher, tell me everything about 'xiao', I I really don't want to do it with you."

The words of the past were clearly passed to Xiaonan and others, but they did not leave at all. For a time, the atmosphere on the court gradually suppressed.

In the dark, the red-haired man looked at the front with a look of sorrow, and under the spirit of sharing, he clearly saw the situation there.

"The teacher is also a teacher, you are still stubborn as before. Cough..."

The red-haired man moved the numbness of his back, and many things like straws swayed. He has been lingering over the years, and the weak body can only be maintained by drugs.

The man was a little breathless, and once again saw the old mentor, the wounded heart shivered. The past scene is vivid, as if yesterday, the voice and smile are still the same, but it is no longer recoverable.

"Teacher, even you, can't stop my steps. I have seen too many deaths. The world must be saved by me. Human beings can only appreciate the value of peace when faced with war. Only after suffering can they survive. Understand the preciousness of life... cough... teacher, feel my pain..."


In the building of the rain, Sasuke sneaked into the dark.

Avoiding the surveillance of the monitor, Sasuke stunned a staff member in the dark and immediately turned into his appearance.

Looking at the environment, the deep and secretive architectural style has a sense of oppression. Sitting on the elevator, Sasuke has been stopped until the 37th floor. Here is exactly where he is looking.

Through the long ramp, dozens of steps are repeated, and the broad platform is like a mercury mirror in Sasuke's field of vision.

Here, it is the information management place of Xiao organization.

After all, the Naruto World is an era in which technology and ninja are intertwined. The science and technology possessed by it is quite developed. This is not the case. Yurui Village uses the most advanced storage technology to manage daily information.

Although Sasuke is ignorant of this aspect, he has copied the key manipulation methods in the memory of several staff members by writing the wheel.

Without wasting time, Sasuke immediately opened the platform, and during a burst of blue light, the dense digital files were suspended above the plane. In the vast information, Sasuke opened the writing wheel and searched for the clues.

After all, in an inconspicuous document, Sasuke saw what he wanted, a strategic map of ‘xiao’, which tells about the strategic way of attacking the five major countries in the future.

The other is the attendance assessment form for the members of the ‘Xiao’, which records their usual venues and gathering times.

Looking at the date, these two documents were only recently drafted. Although they are only the first draft, they can get a lot of important information.

Sasuke used the writing wheel to copy all the information of the two documents into his mind, and immediately retreated. This time his task was also completed.

So it is doubtful that it is easy to get two documents. Is it that the people of ‘Dawn’ are asleep? The big organization is so In fact, Sasuke is also taking advantage of the loopholes, and most of the members of 'Xiao' are going out to hunt for the tail beast, and Xiaonan and Payne, who are stationed in the headquarters, are Fully coping with the self, all kinds of factors have created a unique advantage for Sasuke.

Sasuke recalled the contents of his mind, ignored the strategy map, and directly analyzed the attendance table, in which he found news about jealousy.

After summarizing the life record of the cockroach, Sasuke learned about the places where 鼬 might appear next. At the same time, Sasuke found some information about the soil in the record table. Although it is not comprehensive, it can also reveal a little. What surprised Sasuke is that the soil has been in this building for many years.

Just as Sasuke was ready to get out of the elevator, the whole elevator was violently shaken. Then, there was no power, and it was completely dark. At the same time, the elevator trembled like a falling ground.

"Damn! This ghost is dangerous!"

Sasuke snorted, and the thunder in his hand broke open the skylight of the elevator, stepping on the foot, passing the empty mark, and rushing straight upward.

In a small space, Sasuke calmed his body, and suddenly, a violent bang sounded from above, as if it were an earthquake, the whole building would tremble.

Sasuke knows that someone is fighting on it, not hesitating, and continues to rise, and plans to find out there.



The tremors of the floor trembled, and the cobweb-like cracks spread out, and the faulty layer covered the space.

At this time, the fairy-tale model has already been opened. His shoulders are two masters of deep work and Zhima. His somewhat weird faces have some sweat, and even after the battle, even the fairy-tale model is opened. Also tired.

"Do you still live with a small self?"

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