One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 374: Festival

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

"I killed my brother... I actually killed my favorite brother, I..."

I didn't find my voice choked, and the dizzy eyes were a little bit of tears. The men didn't shed tears, but they didn't go to the emotional situation.

The cruel reality made him feel miserable. He still remembers the situation when the night of the genocide. Xiao Zuozhuo begged him, fell to the ground, and begged not to do it.

At that moment, hesitated a bit, but for the sake of the village, in order to keep the secret, he still used the monthly reading for Sasuke, and forced the scene of **** slaughter to be attached to his memory. Unexpectedly, the young Sasuke was unable to withstand such a blow, and finally returned to the sky.

"I am a sinner, I killed my parents and killed my brother... I am really dead of this..."

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"Hateful! Why did I make such a decision at the beginning? If I insist on it, Uchiha and Sasuke will not suffer from such an encounter. If my strength is stronger, I can protect everyone..... I... I really don’t want to be..."

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The rain fell vicissitudes, Sasuke looked down on the ground with a blank expression. He was also thinking about it at the moment. If he did not make the original decision, what would Uchiha do?

However, these are not important. If there is no such thing in the world, what happened will never change. This is fate.

Sasuke sighed and stepped forward and said, "A person can't be resurrected, hey, what you do, I think he will understand it in the Spirit of Heaven. This is the fate of Uchiha, always misunderstood, always Going forward in the stumbling of the road, even though the eyes were lost by the darkness, the light is still in front."

After hesitating, Sasuke asked: "For you, what is more important for Sasuke and the village?"

"Which is more important..." I was very confused and asked myself. Without the village, he would lose his faith, but without his brother, he would lose hope of life.

He tried to look up and saw Sasuke's face, which is similar to his six points, but he knew that the owner of this body is not his favorite brother.

"I don't know." He twitched his pale lips and looked worried.

"In the past, I always thought about protecting my loved ones with my own strength. For this reason, I have been working hard to make myself as strong as possible... but unfortunately I still have nothing to protect, now I I finally regret it. If... If you give me another chance, I believe that my choice will change, even the people around me can’t protect, even the people I love can’t protect, let’s talk about protection. Others, protecting the entire village. For the so-called peace, I really lost a lot..."

Saying, he looked at Sasuke and tried to think back to his younger brother who loved him, thinking about everything about him.

Soon, like immersed in the memory of the past, he said to himself: "He is really cute, I love him very much. He usually follows me in the footsteps and pursues it. I walked all the way to my shadow. OK, the two of us are like twins. What I like the most is that he spoke in my ear and called 'brother'. At that time, I knew that I found someone who wanted to protect my life and gave him all happiness. The factors that make him keep his childhood innocence, I think, this is the so-called effort to become a brother."

Memories, self-talk, 鼬-->>, the fastest update of the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

Weaving our own happiness and searching for everything in our distant memories.


After all, he died because of physical pain.

Before his death, he sent his enthusiasm to Sasuke in return. In return, he was asked to protect the things he could not protect, the world, the village, and the body of his brother.

Feeling the powerful heat in the eyes, Sasuke's heart, this is the love of his brother, like the sea, deep and wide, from the heart of the blessing, and that can never be left behind feeling.

"I accept your mind, I will make good use of these eyes. The so-called peace must be created by myself. The others will always be the mirrors and waters. There is a family, I will cherish them.... .. Hey, all the way."


Solving the problem, it is also one of the long-cherished wishes of this body owner. Sasuke knows that his future journey is still far away and there is more to be done.

Sasuke accepted the power of shackles and accepted a part of the burden on him. He clearly remembered the smile that he was pleased when he died.

"Sasuke, don't let me down..."

This is the last words of the embarrassment, simple and far-reaching, that is, wishes are also expected.

Shaking his head, Sasuke eased the feelings in his heart, smashed his hands, and ran a part of his body. In a slight space fluctuation, a blue light floated from his heavenly spirit.


With the tremor of flowing water, the object in front of me is finally clear. A walnut-sized blue bead is the small space world that was acquired in the Eight Clouds four years ago.

Immediately, the assistant in the assistant once again stunned, and the law of murder control, but saw that the small world of the space suddenly thundered and projected onto the corpse of the cockroach.


With the low voice of Sasuke, the body of the cockroach was earned by the small world of space.


After doing this, Sasuke took a breath and ooze some sweat before the forehead.

It is still a little difficult to push the small world of space. After all, he is now the strength of the base period. Just taking away the body of the cockroach is almost consuming one-third of the body.

"This thing is nothing but the power to stay If I want to use the 'small world of space' I am afraid I will have the strength of Yuan Ying."

After examining the sea, the small world of space is as quiet as it used to be, like a star, it radiates eternal light.

I remembered that when I got the "small world of space", Sasuke was indulging. He knew that there must be a certain comprehensible cow in the Naruto world. This "small world of space" must be his stay.

At the beginning, when looking for the outline hand, the spirits encountered, as well as the various incidents behind it, all showed a trajectory. In Guloulan, there were people he had been looking for, and there might be all the fateful reincarnation.

"It seems that you have to go there."

Sasuke's gaze gaze, looking at the distant horizon, and his thoughts fluttering.


In the village of Muye, the calm life is almost forgotten what is dangerous. Although there is no outstanding achievement during the period of the administration, the people of Muye feel the incomparable stability and harmony.

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