One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 375: Festival

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As in the past, the master started working at about eight o'clock, and as a fire shadow, he managed the affairs of Konoha.

Shadow, bearing the meaning of many meanings, has been expected by people more, and has even become a kind of faith, like the idols in Buddhism are generally respected.

These days, the master has always been restless, always feel that something is going to happen, although this feeling is very vague, but it also makes her inexplicably nervous.

After reviewing a document, the designer got up and left the seat, and went to the floor-to-ceiling window overlooking the scene of the wooden leaves. Although it was noon, there were still people coming and going on the street, and there was no change. The peaceful life almost made everyone forget all the sorrows.

Like being infected by the outside world, the hands are in a better mood. The painted eyebrows are slightly stretched. "I think more. Now that the forbearance has begun to turmoil, no one dares to play the idea of ​​Konoha. ""

Trying to keep herself from thinking about it, the master returned to the desk. At this time, she did not continue to review the documents. Instead, she picked up a hanging on the table and started to stay.

On the hook, there are several figures, the outline, the self, the mute, the Naruto, Sasuke, this is the commemorative photo they left in the short lane street, the past is faint in front of the eyes, as if you can hear the laughter at that time. .

"Three years."

The outline hand sighed and sighed back, and put back the hanging in his hand. He said to himself: "The big snake pill has been killed by him. The sound-forbearing village collapsed. After these years, I wonder if he forgot me as an aunt." ”

When I think of the word "forgot", the eyebrows of Liu Gang are down, but they say it evilly: "If you dare to forget, look at me and don't flatten you! Hey!"

The fierce tone completely lost the job of being a Huo Ying, but it was like swearing at the people who missed home.

At this time, silently holding the piglet porpoise came in, and noticed that the grievances of the hand can not be opened, and the heart jumped, and asked subconsciously: "The master of the hand is thinking about helping the young master."

When I heard the silent voice, the master woke up from the loss of consciousness, and then said with a cover: "No, no, I just want to deal with government affairs."

"Oh..." Silently, I looked at the outline of the hand, a look I understood.

Speaking of it, the aunt relationship between the hands and Sasuke is still too unremarkable. The silent nature that has been serving the hands of the hands has long been seen. The aunt’s voice is screaming, but it’s hard to hide. Inciting emotions.

Mute still supports the hands of the master, although the gap between them is very large, but there is a saying that is not good, the true love is regardless of age, all the gaps can be crossed.

I was embarrassed to be mute, but Rao was unable to hold the hand. The dignity of the elders still wanted to maintain it. Immediately said, "You, don't think about it, not what you think. Right, You can buy a newspaper for me today, go!"

Knowing that the face of the hand can not hang on to drive away, silently sneak a smile, not sound, Zhang slammed the door and went out.

At this point, the face of Gang's hand was a little hot, and I remembered that the previous sighs were unbearable.

"This is not the more black, what happened to me recently..."

Soon, the information brought back by the cockroaches reached the leaves of the wood. From the mouth of the cockroaches, everyone learned the news that they were dead.

The storm has swept the tops of the wood leaves, and the death of the self is undoubtedly as shocking.

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The atmosphere is extraordinarily dignified in the emergency meeting room.


The wooden table was smashed, but I saw a wooden leaf high-level consul standing up and said: "Impossible! It is so powerful, how can it be killed by the enemy so easily!"

"I don't believe either..."

The master on the main hand licked some of the dizzy foreheads and said helplessly: "But this is the fact. In order to get the news of 'xiao', he went alone to the 'xiao' organization, unfortunately discovered, and finally spelled Life has brought the secret of 'Xiao' back."

"Oh, the death of the self is also a big loss for Konoha, and Konoha may not be able to cultivate such a ninja in the next few decades!"

The name of Muye’s name is a painful look. For him, the interest is everything, and the death of the house is only related to the decline of the strength of Konoha.

The words of the sky made the other high-levels frown, but it is hard to say anything. Everyone knows that the sky is a human being. Once he has smashed his face, he is likely to wear small shoes in his future work.

Because of the sky, the conference room was in a short silence, and all of them were expressionless and seemed to be waiting for someone to speak.

The designer looked around and said: "This incident is indeed a pity. After all, it is an old friend. His sadness also makes me sad. However, the most important thing now is to handle the aftermath of the work, not because On the other hand, according to the news that comes back from the past, we have roughly grasped the situation of 'xiao'. As previously guessed, their purpose is indeed to capture the tail beast, and Preparing a stunning plan that would jeopardize the entire ninja world."


Xiaochun said: "Can you talk about it specifically?"

"According to the information we have on hand, 'Xiao' has been busy with the plan called 'Eye of the Moon' over the years, and the tail animal is also served for the 'Eye of the Moon' plan. The news that has been left to us is also That's it, but what is certain is that once the 'Eye of the Moon' plan is implemented, the entire endurance world will be in deep water."

"It seems to have to pay attention to it." Menyan took a sip of shisha, and said with a dignified look: "The 'Xiao' organization is a big cancer of the world, and its existence threatens the stability of the entire ninja world, by nine s-class The rebellious organization will do something good. Hey, the guy who participated in the organization also went to the I just didn’t know why I quit. The death of the house has sounded a wake-up call for us. The existence of 'Xiao' must not be ignored. We must unite our strength and try our best to eradicate it!"

"If you have a long way to go, this thing will be so easy."

A senior consul sighed and said: "Since the death of four generations, the strength of Konoha has not been reduced. If it is only Konoha, it is difficult to eradicate it."

"It is true, this is a problem."

"too difficult."

"Even if I have been defeated, who else can take this responsibility in the village?"


The rest of the consuls talked a lot, and there was a riot between the seats.

"Everyone is quiet!"

At this time, the hand talked, although the voice is not big, but there is a majesty, and immediately, everyone is quiet.

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