One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 382: Festival

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Although I thought about it, but the hand still did not show any abnormality, just smiled and said: "Sasuke is really good for this child. As a aunt, I hope he can be happy. The great master of water and shadow loves me first. However, Sasuke’s child had a marriage contract with the big lady of our family."


Zhaomei was slightly surprised, she never mentioned this incident.

Seeing the fascinating color of the beauty on the surface, the hand’s mouth is lightly swayed and said: “As early as the leaves of Sakai, Sasuke and the children of the Japanese family have been engaged, Uchiha and the Japanese alliance, this is the leaf of the wood. A big event, isn’t the water shadow adult knowing?”

"I am ignorant."

Zhao Mei seems to be somewhat lost. The arm of the hand is loose. "The Japanese family is also a famous family. Sasuke and the child are also the right ones."

The performance of Zhaomei’s performance falls in the eyes of the master. The latter’s inexplicable ecstasy is a kind of quick revenge.

The director said in a timely manner: "The water shadow is so tempting, even I am envious, I believe that the water shadow will definitely find a wishful Lang."

After all, it was a water shadow. According to Mei Ming, I quickly packed up my mood, grinned and licked my red lips. It was very charming and said: "I just borrowed the words of Huo Ying. However, if the other party is not as good as Sasuke, I am not. Will be satisfied."

"Sao Fox, this time is still playing Sasuke's abacus."

The key hand snorted, and the look calmly said: "Isn't the water shadow to go to enjoy the sights of Wujiu Village? The time is not early, let's go."

"Oh, I forgot my time. It’s really interesting to talk to Naruto."

According to the beauty of the master holding the hand, the two are very close to go out, the surface is so, but who knows what kind of abacus they are playing in their hearts, may be a bit of a sword under the calm, ridicule each other.


A place of residence, although there are no palaces and pavilions, but also the style of the magnificent style, here is the residence of the Eagles and the base.

Very ordinary inside was regarded as a conference room. At this time, Sasuke and the Eagle team members have arrived, and there is still gold sitting.

Sasuke looked around at everyone, the asters and the fragrant phosphorus look like a hostile, but the water moon is a kind of optimistic look.

"I came to introduce, this is Kim, I have been in the village of Yin Ren, and both Aster and Phosphorus know her. From today, she officially joined our Eagle team and became a member of our small group."

Sasuke briefly described it. Fortunately, asters and fragrant phosphorus were also generally recognized. After a slight dissatisfaction, they welcomed the addition of gold.

Aside, the water month is a little unbelievable, so pass it soon!

The fool can see that the relationship between Jin and Sasuke is not normal. Is the Xiang Pho and Asters as female owners so generous? This is too bloody.

The dog's blood is returned to the dog's blood. Shuiyue also expressed his welcome. The female host agreed. Can he still object to this run? At this point, no matter what, you can't take advantage of Sasuke's face.

After introducing the gold, Sasuke talked about the purpose of today.

"Everyone can feel it, the world has been chaotic, the original calm was broken by some people who are ill-conceived. Now, it is the time when the storm is coming, the pace of our eagle squad must be accelerated. So, the eight-tailed capture is officially the next week. Start."

"Eight?!">, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!


Shuiyue was shocked and said: "Sasuke, is it so fast to capture eight tails? What about other tail beasts?"

"Yes, our next goal is eight tails. As far as I know, the eight tails have fallen into the sight of Xiao, and the next target of Xiao is also eight tails. Therefore, we must catch the eight tails in front of Xiao. ”

Everyone knows that the situation is urgent, although they have to start running outside, but there is no complaint. After all, it is a member of the Eagles team. Obeying the leader is the most important thing for a qualified teammate.

However, what Sasuke said next time was to let everyone in the room burst into gloom.

"Because time is tight, I want to go alone."

"What! You have to go alone!"

"No! This is too dangerous!"

"Sasuke! Don't be impulsive."

The Eagles team can't take care of others, and they often dissuaded them, especially with them.

"Don't worry, I don't do things that I don't know. The eight tails are coming to me, don't you even believe me?"

"I don't believe you, Sasuke, you alone really don't let me rest assured."

The scent of scented phosphorus is worrying. She does not want to see the way Sasuke is injured, so she still spares no effort to discourage.

The things that Sasuke decided will not change. Even if the Hawks are dissuaded, they can't dispel his thoughts.

After all, everyone was fruitless and could only let Sasuke go alone.

In order not to worry everyone, Sasuke finally promised, he will come back as soon as possible.

The wooden man died, the two tails were stripped, the thunder and shadow were furious, and the force of Yun Ren Village was launched to investigate the initiators. Finally, their target was locked on the 'Xiao' organization, but it was not clear what the 'xiao' organization was. In the direction, Lei Ying had to temporarily dispel the thought of the war on 'Xiao'.

However, after this incident, the defense work of Yun Ren Village has been strengthened a lot. The gold and silver horn team patrolled all day, and Lei Ying did not avoid the relatives, so that his brother, eight-tailed Chirabi, shouldered the patrol command.

Although Chirabi is old and disrespectful, some of the old urchins are often mindful. However, under the repeated demise of Lei Ying, Chirabi still took back the unrestrained mind and held his post in this extraordinary period.

The smog of the sky is flowing and floating The sound of thunder echoes in the clouds.

It is rumored that the country of Lei is the kingdom of heaven and belongs to the jurisdiction of Raytheon. In a battle between Indra and Ashura, the country of Lei was implicated and became the main battlefield of the two great gods. The battle was fierce, the Indra was degraded, Ashura was seriously injured, and because of the breaking of the space seal, the original heavenly country was destroyed, and the country of Lei began to form.

Cang Yunshe, the daily practice of Chirabi.

In a dojo, a middle-aged man dressed in a slightly hip-hop is sitting on a tatami mat. The rough appearance is not trimmed, the body is strong, and the muscles are full of strength. It is not an exaggeration to use the term _ fierce male.

This is Chirabi. Since the real waterfall came back, he completely cut off the human evil, and truly connected with the eight-tailed mind. It can be said that Chirabi is the most perfect human force in the history of the world. Humanoid tail animal.

I saw the red chakra as the bubble emerged from Chirabi's body. When it was not enough, it covered his body. In an instant, the space began to tremble, and powerful power came into being.


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