One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 383: Festival

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

With a scream like a wild cow, Kiraby's momentum exploded like an explosion. The red Chakra was quickly figurative, forming eight long tails floating in the air. Each swing caused a sharp explosion in the battle. The air molecules in the space were bursting, and almost condensed into a substantial horror Chakra filled the entire dojo.


Chirabi gave a soft breath and opened his closed eyes. The dark goggles flashed through the light. Now, his spirit is completely integrated into one, like the green hills.

"Hey, it's already very easy to do the tail animalization, hey, even my brother's can't be underestimated, nice! Cheek!"

Chirabi got up and twisted his neck, making a squeaky squeak.

Yun Ren is a popular villager. This Chira is no exception. He is tall and has a strong personality. Although he and Lei Ying are not brothers, he still has a belligerent blood in his bones. His dream in this life is not only his own. Outside the concert, the concert is to defeat all kinds of opponents, and let them sing to sing the 'sign * service' with great strength.

Out of the shrine of cultivation, Chirabi started the patrol work today, and he was in charge of the first detachment. Omoi and Darui shoulder the responsibility of the deputy commander.

Omoi and Darui were also respectful to Chirabi, and took the initiative to shoulder the inspection work of the periphery, taking responsibility for Chilaby.

Time passed quickly. By the end of the afternoon, the patrol team led by Chirabi was in a strange rocky area. The green plants were covered with shrubs and bushy weeds. Here, they are already in Yunren Village. The edge is gone.

Just as a group of people rested, a shadow in the distance quickly moved to the side of the crowd.


A burst of sound, the shadow has reached the opposite.

The sudden appearance of the figure made the patrol alert. Darui looked at the opposite person, the light color and the clothes, some similar to the rogue costumes, the temperament is extraordinary, people will have a very deep impression when they see it at a glance.

"who are you!"

Darui set off a big knife and secretly promoted Chakra.

The man did not speak, saw the figure of Chirabi in the crowd, and the handsome eyebrows contained a craving for color.

"It really didn't take much time, Chirabi, so I met."

When I found the target, the man in the suit and the man began to start. I saw him with a purple chakra. The original black and white pupils changed instantly, but they formed the six-pointed star.

Seeing the change of the man, the vigilant Omoi exclaimed, "Kaleidoscope writes the eye! Uchiha! Do you say that you are Sasuke!"

After being recognized by Omoi, Sasuke was slightly surprised. "I didn't expect you to know about the kaleidoscope."

"You are Sasuke! The rebellion of Muye Village!"

Darui's eyes were slightly condensed, and the big knife in his hand began to flash black lightning. It was his famous stunt, black thunder.

In the patrol, Chirabi is like to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger, just listen to him and say: "Hey, the guy opposite is the wood leaf rebellious, hey, the sneaky guy must have any attempt, Darui and Omoi, he will give it to you, hey, let me test how much you have grown recently, Cheek!"


Omoi and Darui responded at the same time, stepping on their feet and waving their hands to the help of the gap.

"So you can't hold your breath."

Sasuke sneered, pulling out the grass and the sword, and the sword blossomed with the purple thunder.


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Sp; violent metal bombardment sounded, under the support of lightning, Sasuke's grasshopper sword held the big knife of Omoi and Darui, and at the same time, some lightning snakes entered the body along the blade.

After all, Omoi and Darui were in charge of the Thunder, and they were very resistant to lightning. The thunder of Sasuke did not affect the two.


Nadarui sighed low, and the big knife in his hand suddenly exerted his strength. In an instant, he vigorously rushed to the sea, and the sparkling Mars exploded at the intersection of the swords.


Under the powerful force, Sasuke was forced to retreat a few steps, and immediately deceived himself. With the skillful sword technique, he and Omoyi were both short-handed.

Within a minute, the three figures were staggered, and the swords and swords stunned, and the smashing metal slammed into the rain.


Darui blocked the blade of Sasuke and immediately pulled away, and at the same time, the hand was printed, 岚遁.

With a bang, the blue energy bursts out like a laser. The power contained in it can be used as a powder. Even the body of gold and iron can be turned into powder.

In the face of the combination of Minamata and Thunder, Sasuke is not sloppy, his body is retreating, and his hands are quickly printed.


Space tremors, purple guardian enchantments formed.


Resilience locks the shackles and rushes through the entire enchantment.

The purple light shone, and the power of the demon that was smashing quickly suppressed the embarrassment. The original imposing stunned locks were vaporized like water vapor.

Seeing his fame stunt is blocked, Darui's eyes flashed in a stunned color, the heart is dark, the enchantment is going on, my cockroach can't hurt it!

At the moment when Daruyi hesitated, Sasuke broke the defense line of Omoi, and the grasshopper sword in his hand exudes the chill of the forest, but it is full of thunder.

In the face of the Xingqiang sword, Omoyi screamed badly, and immediately held up the big knife in his hand.


The sound of metal collisions became low. Under the great force, Omoyi bent on his knees. The cracks in his feet were everywhere, spreading like a spider web.

"Get out of my way!"

Sasuke did not suppress it again, and his strength increased.

Omoi stepped back several steps in succession. In the last strength struggle, he was kicked out by Sasuke.


The body of Omoi slammed like a broken噗, and the mouth spurted bright red blood.


Darui exclaimed and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to attack, and immediately went over to see the situation of Omoy.

At this time, a group of members of the Golden and Silver Corner team attacked, and the sharp edges of their hands were condensed with blue lightning. The weapon made of gold and iron was covered with a layer of lightning gauze, like a thunderbolt.

The other person has a lot of people, Sasuke does not want to waste time, then the hands of the seal, the magic of the dragon!

Ground tremors, natural chakras constantly influx, but see Sasuke's palms appear dragon scales, double palms together, strong white light with the harsh space tremor sounds.

It is the magic of the law.

The high-frequency sound waves and the oscillating light particles are pervasive, and the weapons of the incoming members of the team have fallen to the ground, covering their ears, full of painful colors.

Even Darui and Chirabi are the same, and they are still weak in the face of the special attack.

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